Aaron Mehl wrote:
Ok I am now getting both unconfused and confused.

But both paper and layout deal with layout.

Up to version 2.2, page layout and score layout was all
lumped together into \paper{...}. Now, there's more
structure to it. The intuitive notion is that \paper{...}
only deals with the page sizes, margins, and other page
layout issues that apply to the full book, whereas
\layout{...} deals with the layout within each \score{...}.

I see that structure  in lilypond is not a
documentation structure. ie a programmers structure.

If I were to build a document I would have formatting
for the page or the entire document and formatting for
the section.
My  confusion is that lilypond leave the creation of
sections etc to the user in a way.

The logic is not one of nesting I gather but how
things are processed, as in python where each part is
processed going down the page and inner brackets are
done in a certain order.

I could then have I gather

layout anywhere in a document.
I would hate to hazard a guess that paper could also
appear anywhere?

What happens is that the terms become unclear and the
usage blurry.

I agree completely that this is unclear and have requested
clarifications a number of times.


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