Erik, Han-Wen, All,

I have been experimenting with the part combiner.  I know very little
about scheme, being mainly a C/C++/assembler guy.  Therefore, it is
with due humility that I suggest changes, because I really have no idea
what I'm doing.

Erik's change did not achieve the desired effect.  The part combiner, by
itself, does much of what I want.  However, notes in unison in both
parts and notes a second apart should be engraved in parts rather than
as a single note or chord.

I changed part-combiner.scm as follows:

 <                             (> 0 (ly:pitch-steps (ly:pitch-diff (car
 >                             (>= 1 (ly:pitch-steps (ly:pitch-diff (car

That achieves the desired result.  Since  I am using a common hymnal
formatting convention, you may wish to consider making the part
combiner adjustable this way without resorting to a change to the

Special thanks to Erik for pointing me in the right direction.

Kindest regards,

Steve Dunlop
Nerstrand, MN

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [SPAM] Re: Stemming for hymnal
> From: Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, May 25, 2005 5:57 am
> To:
> On Friday 20 May 2005 18.40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Still having some unresolved trouble with stems for my public domain
> > hymnal project.
> >
> > I've attached an excerpt to show you what I'm doing.
> I think it would be enough to use the part combiner, but replace the line
>          (chord-threshold 8)
> with
>          (chord-threshold 0)
> in scm/part-combiner.scm, and use \partcombine.
> Unfortunately, I can't find out how to do the change easily without messing 
> with your lilypond installation.
> Han-Wen, would it be a good idea to make the threshold tweakable?
> Erik

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