
> > I don't think Cygwin creates a context menu item - it really just
> > installs the binary package, which is then usable from a shell.
> Yes it does.

Touché - I just checked, reinstalling the Cygwin package, and you're
right. Unfortunately, neither that nor another reinstall of the new
native package on top of that nor the removal of the Cygwin package
prior to (re)installing the native package made a difference.
BTW, is there a native package for .26 available yet? The announcement
sent out yesterday seemed to indicate there was one, but last time I
checked (last night), the referenced file was still for .25. (For that
matter, it would be nice if the installers were labelled with the
version number, too - something like "lilypond_setup_2.5.26.exe" makes
it much easier to keep everything organized than just "setup.exe",
even without the need to rename the file manually. :))


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