hi, I have an nearly complete implementation of a \displayLilyMusic command.
\displayLilyMusic \new Voice { \clef alto \time 3/4 \key g \minor c'2. | \once \override TextScript #'padding = #2 d'2 e'4^\markup { \bold { hello \italic world ! } } } ==> \new Voice { \clef "alto" \time 3/4 \key g \minor c'2. | \once \override TextScript #'padding = #2 d'2 e'4^\markup \line { \bold "hello" \bold \italic "world" \bold "!"} } \displayLilyMusic \transpose c' a { <c e> <d f> } ==> { < a, cis > < b, d > } Should there be such a command inside the LilyPond distribution? nicolas _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel