I think this is already a known issue, but I thought I would post what I found just in case.

with MacOS 10.3.9 and the latest fink installation

The file below will make a midi file with lilypond 2.4.5 but has no output with 2.5.23 (no errors, but an empty output file). Also, while I can change instruments, I cannot change the tempo.

If there are workarounds, please let me know. Thanks much, Robert

==== enclosed lilypond file

%% Thanks to the makers of LilyPond we are able to bring this to you!

#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

\version "2.4.5"

\header {
  title = "Diamond Bill"
  subtitle = "(melody only -- for midi output)"
  composer = "Bob Stillinger"
  enteredby="Robert Thomas Wyatt"
  maintainer="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  style = "Bluegrass"
  copyright = "All rights reserved. 2005"
  lastupdated = "2005/May/15"
  filename  = "DiamondBill.ly"

\score {

\relative d'' {

\time 4/4 \key d \minor \tempo 8 = 40
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"

d8. a16~ a8 f16 d16~ d16 d16 f16 a16 d16 c16 bes16 a16 |
bes8. f16~ f8 d16 bes16~ bes16 bes16 d16 f16 bes16 a16 g16 f16 |
g8. e16~ e8 cis16 a16~ a16 a16 cis16 e16 a16 g16 f16 e16|
d16 cis16 d16 e16 f16 e16 f16 g16 a16 g16 a16 b16 cis16 a16 b16 cis16 |

d8. a16~ a8 f16 d16~ d16 d16 f16 a16 d16 c16 bes16 a16 |
bes8. f16~ f8 d16 bes16~ bes16 bes16 d16 f16 bes16 a16 g16 f16 |
g8. e16~ e8 cis16 a16~ a16 a16 cis16 e16 a16 g16 f16 e16|
<a, d>2. des4 |
\bar "||"

c8. e16~ e8 g16 c16~ c16 e16 d16 c16 bes16 a16 g16 a16 |
f8. a16~ a8 c16 f16~ f16 a16 g16 f16 e16 d16 c16 bes16 |
cis,8. e16~ e8 g16 bes16~ bes16 e16 d16 c16 bes16 a16 g16 a16 |
f8 a16 e16~ e16 a16 d,8~ d16 a16 bes16 c16 d16 e16 f16 a16 |

bes16 f16 d16 f16 bes16 f16 d16 f16 bes16 f16 d16 f16 bes16 f16 d16 f16 |
a16 f16 d16 f16 a16 f16 d16 f16 a16 f16 d16 f16 a16 f16 d16 f16 |
gis16 f16 b,16 f'16 gis16 f16 b,16 f'16 gis16 f16 b,16 f'16 gis16 f16 b,16 f'16 |
g16 a16 g16 f16~ f16 a16 f16 <cis e>16~ <cis e>8. <cis e>16~ <cis e>4 |
\bar "||"

d'8. a16~ a8 f16 d16~ d8 d'8 d16 c16 bes16 a16 |
bes8. f16~ f8 d16 bes16~ bes8 bes'8 bes16 a16 g16 f16 |
g8. e16~ e8 cis16 a16~ a16 a16 gis16 a16 bes16 b16 c16 cis16 |
<a d>8. <a d>16~ <a d>8 <a d>16 <a d>16~ <a d>2 |
\bar "|."

\midi { \tempo 8 = 40 }
% \layout { }

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