You are lucky if you haven't been hit by this kind of spam until now,
it has been very frequent for several years by now.
The lilypond mailing lists are archived in a few different archives.
Those I know of are, and

The HTML code for the archived emails on the two first of these servers
contain code like

<form method="post" action="/mp/" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="gc">
<input type="hidden" name="b" value="Re: Lilypond Server">
<input type="hidden" name="d" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
<input type="hidden" name="c" value="">
<center>reply via email to<br><input type="submit" value=" Giancarlo Niccolai "></center>

to let users send a reply. As you can see, it's fairly easy for a human
to decipher your email address from the information in these lines, but
I doubt that any spam server implementor will take the effort to handle
it. The gmane server includes the email address written in the form

From: Giancarlo Niccolai <gc <at>>

I don't know if spam servers today are clever enough to decipher
this simple reformulation. My guess is that as long as there are so
many email addresses in clear text on the web, the spam server
implementors don't find it worth the effort to handle more than,
possibly, the most common tricks to hide the email address, but
you can never know what will happen in a year or two.


Giancarlo Niccolai wrote:
Hello people,

I am sorry I have to change my e-mail address again due to a new form of nasty spam. This new kind of spam uses your e-mail address (and when possible, also your web service domain name) to send virus around the world. Then, you get 1) belived as the original sender of the virus and 2) bombed with server notices of inexistent mails being blocked by the anti-virus service.

For this reason, I am going to drop my last mail and never use mailing lists which get published on the internet anymore.

Now, is this list publishing e-mails in web-based services? If so, I am forced to quit participating it.

Best regards,
Giancarlo Niccolai.

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