Op za, 16-04-2005 te 10:09 +0100, schreef Bernard Hurley:

> Lilypond makes a good job of deciding breaks between systems, once this
> is done page breaks are easy again I might want them to follow the
> general format of the rest of my document, which does not only contain
> music, but contains fingering charts, various tables, graphs indicating
> the volume of instruments at different pitches. At some point in this
> document I have a quotation from  Mozart symphony. Maybe lilypond splits
> this into three eps files. However these files take up about three
> quarters of an A4 page. Suppose I want these to be at the top of three
> consecutive pages and the text of my document to flow round them.
> Suppose I also want them to have captions under them, for instance:
> Figure X, Mozart Symphony no 40 movement 3 bars y-z
> The number X depends _both_ on what other figures I have in my document
> and how lilypond has split the score into systems. It may well be
> possible for me to get LilyPond to render this in that same format as
> the captions for my other figures, but how then do I include it in my
> list of figures? How do I cross reference from my text as in: "see
> Figure 8, page 4, bar 12"?
I'm sorry, I was under the impression that you were producing full
scores (essentially pages filled with music), with elaborate front
matter. In your case, lp-book of course is the way to go.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LilyPond Software Design - http://www.lilypond-design.com

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