Bertalan Fodor writes:

> Sorry, I think I've made some confusion here, setting HOME different
> than the default in cygwin.bat
> So I found now that the .texmf directory was created with d--------- 
> rights. After setting the drwx rights, updmap works. I don't know what
> was ~/.texmf created by.

Hmm, ok.

> Only the PK-fonts-are-in-wrong-place error. However, I'll make a clear
> cygwin-tetex-3.0-lilypond install on an other machine to see what's
> up.

I suspect that when /usr is not writable by the user, all will be ok.
It would be nice to find out if this is a bug, this does not really
affect lilypond.

> You mean grab the 2.4 CVS with the patches and build that with
> tetex-2.0.2-15 installed?

Yes, does that sound as a good plan?  The idea was that all tetex-3.0
patches are only for compatibility; lily should still work with tetex
2.0.x.  Other distributions may not upgrade to tetex so soon.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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