Basically, I've increased the vector size (I guess that's what I'd call an array?). It seems to be necessary, but I don't understand why. Do vectors start at 0? I've also tried to increase the check on i, but I've realised that's probably a mistake! But *might* that cause a crash when we get to Z?
And I've commented out the line that increments i if it's the equivalent of "I" or bigger. The result is I'm now getting the letter I as a rehearsal mark.
============== (original from 2.4.2 define-markup-commands ll 629-
;(define number->mark-letter-vector (make-vector 25 #\A)) (define number->mark-letter-vector (make-vector 26 #\A))
(do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (j 0 (1+ j))) ; swapping these two gets it to work ... ((>= i 26)) ; ((>= i 27)) ; (if (= i (- (char->integer #\I) (char->integer #\A))) ; (set! i (1+ i))) (vector-set! number->mark-letter-vector j (integer->char (+ i (char->integer #\A)))))
All I now need do is make it permanent. I want to create a "format-mark-alphabet" markFormatter. It seems so obvious - look in translation-functions.scm, and go from there. Except it seems I need to modify a copy of make-markletter-markup, and I can't find it to modify! (And I want to create a "format-mark-barnumber" markFormatter too.)
Both these formatters are needed for Band (both Brass and Wind) music. Since I noticed (and moaned about) format-mark-letter omitting the letter I a few months ago, I've been looking for examples. And I have yet to find ONE. Of the thirty or so pieces I've played since then, if they had an H, it was followed either by an I or the end of the piece. And while I haven't looked especially, I think the use of bar numbers outnumbers the use of numbers as a rehearsal mark. So that's why the other one's necessary.
Cheers, Wol -- Anthony W. Youngman - wol at thewolery dot demon dot co dot uk HEX wondered how much he should tell the Wizards. He felt it would not be a good idea to burden them with too much input. Hex always thought of his reports as Lies-to-People. The Science of Discworld : (c) Terry Pratchett 1999
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