Thanks for the hints, Han-Wen.  I'll see what I can do with 'em.

On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 01:08 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> (please translate : boondoggle , confab? :-)

confab:  abbreviated form of confabulation, which means unceremonious
conversation, chat.  There's also an overtone of imaginative
fabrication, i.e., telling tall tales, stretching the truth, but in a
friendly way.

boondoggle:  to engage in useless occupation, perhaps under the pretense
of doing "real work", i.e., passing off a jaunt to Amsterdam as business

(I haven't yet learned another natural language well enough to make
conversation in it, so I do my best to use and abuse this one.)

If the timing's right, I may see y'all at the Linux Audio Conf.


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