Unfortunately our team made the decision that we'll use Sibelius anyway
for the printed book. The reason is that our first book was made with
Sibelius, and we want to continue with the same visual look. I've
understood that it's not possible to easily use other music fonts with
LilyPond, so I'm afraid this is the only possible choice for us now.

However, as I'm personally very fond of LilyPond, I'll write the rest of
the pieces also with it, and will continue to use it in my other
notation projects. And I'll send you the whole bunch of .ly files one of
these days.

on 2004-12-13 at 00:21 +0100, Erik Sandberg wrote:
> If it's about bugs, then I'd be happy to get a copy.

Yes, there are some bugs which I've had to work around. In addition,
there are a bunch of cases where LilyPond just could be even smarter.

> If the music is non-free, 
> I will gladly obfuscate any music example before adding it to the bug 
> repository.

Yes, it's non-free.


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