> I mentioned one in my original email. I haven't investigated deeply,
> but spent a few minutes to find missing example files that are linked
> from within the manual, and came up with the following list:
> In input/test/:
> chords-without-melody.ly
> lyric-hyphen-retain.ly
> lyrics-melisma-faster.ly
> lyrics-melisma-variants.ly
> page-breaks.ly
> to-xml.ly
> unfold-all-repeats.ly


        byrd:~/usr/src/lilypond/Documentation/user$ grep to-xml *
        byrd:~/usr/src/lilypond/Documentation/user$ grep lyric-hyphen-retain *
        byrd:~/usr/src/lilypond/Documentation/user$ grep lyrics-melisma-faster *
        byrd:~/usr/src/lilypond/Documentation/user$ grep unfold-all-repeats *

to-xml.ly has moved to input/no-notation/

I guess that what you are really saying is that the 2.4 manual is
outdated wrt to the 2.5 manual.

> In input/regression/:
> volta-chord-names.ly

FWIW, the manual contains the code for "chords-without-melody.ly",
which also demonstrates how to get a repeat.  

> Maybe this proves my point that the clean up of the example files
> was done a bit too quickly. I think it is necessary to go through
> the full list of removed files and reevaluate if they really deserved
> to be removed.

I rather suggest that (some) changes to the 2.5 manual are backported
to 2.4


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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