> Hi,
> As a maintainer of the Mutopia site I volunteered to convert old lilypond
> files to later versions (currently I am converting to version 2.2.5 on
> cygwin). Lately I ran into aproblem that you can perhaps help me with.
> Mutopia's TownerDB's 'Trust and Obey' contains chordnames as well as notes.
> The chordname C7 is shown as C  7 (so with a lot of whitespace between the C
> and the 7). Is this a bug or is this a parameter to be set somewhere. If you
> need a png file with the result I can send you one privately, it's a bit big
> to attach it to this request.
> Help is greatly appreciated.

Remove the setting for word-space.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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