> Hi,
> If will start tagging bugs in cvs as 'critical' to indicate that I think they 
> should be fixed before 3.0. This happens if they either make something worse 
> than 2.2, or simply are Bad Enough in some subjective sense.

Hi Erik,

I had a look at


There is something fishy with the TeX code that I don't understand.
Personally, I don't care much for this TeX bug. It will only affect
lilypond-book users putting boxed marks above their scores, so I want
ask you if you can consider this bug "non-showstopper".

For Werner, I managed to reduce this to the following TeX
snippet. Note the lines


which don't have any effect at all.

\font\lilypondmagfontKPKQomXVo=feta20 scaled 1000
\font\lilypondmagfontECYVomWBHo=ecbx12 scaled 8399
\font\lilypondmagfontWPFUomXVo=parmesan20 scaled 1000
\def\scaletounit{ 2.83464566929134 mul }%
  \input lilyponddefs
\outputscale = \lilypondpaperoutputscale\lilypondpaperunit


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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