> Some notation elements have a little "bugs" section, like this one for 
> micro tones:
> ---
> There are no generally accepted standards for denoting three quarter 
> flats, so LilyPond's symbol does not conform to any standard.
> ---
> IMO this isn't really a bug.  A bug is something like "our current slur 
> code sometimes produces ugly results.  This will be fixed at some 
> point, but not in the near future" (paraphrased from the 1.x manuals).  
> Since there aren't any standards for three quarter flats, I'd say that 
> this warning is a... well, a warning.  Not a bug.  :)
> Actually, I like that word.  (when I began writing this email, I didn't 
> know what to call a non-bug thing that we needed to mention in the 
> manual)
> Could we add a @refwarning tag (like @refbug and @seealso) ?  There are 
> some things that we _should_ draw attention to (such as this case, or 
> the MIDI note about using sidestick instead of rim shot), but which 
> aren't actually bugs.

Maybe the Bugs header can be changed into something broader, eg.
"Notes" or "Problems"

 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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