I stumbled across a chicken-and-egg problem with \addquote which must
be resolved to make it usable in real-life situations.

Assume that I have music for two voices, \A and \B.  \A has cue notes
from \B, and \B has cue notes from \A:

  A = { ... \quote "qB" 1 ... }
  B = { ... \quote "qA" 1 ... }

  \addquote "qA" \A
  \addquote "qB" \B

This doesn't work.  lilypond reports

  warning: Can't find music: ...

and omits the \quote.  I fear that lilypond has to do two passes on
music which contains forward references to \quote to resolve this
mutual dependency.  There should probably be a rule that quoted music
must not contain quotes itself to assure that two passes are really


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