On Sunday 22 August 2004 13.28, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> the bug collection has gotten rather large, and difficult for me to
> get an overview of. To help things, I'm adding a .ly -> .tely -> .texi
> -> conversion and a GNUmakefile, so I can get a neat .HTML with
> images, containing the status of all bugs.

Would it be possible to add a script that would warn if a .ly file exists that 
isn't in the makefile? (& could that script be run by make?)

Also, please keep some things in mind:
- You shouldn't create output for all .ly files. For instance not those with 
the 'crash' flag. For some others, graphical output may be irrelevant 
(AFAICFO, these should be exactly those which do not have a 
corresponding .png in the repository). It would however be relevant to 
include non-output .ly:s in the output html as well.
- for those files that do have a corresponding .png, it would be nice if this 
png, plus possibly a newly compiled picture, would be displayed in the output 
(this would make it easier to quickly conclude whether the bug has been 


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