On Aug 1, 2004, at 6:08 PM, Matthias Neeracher wrote:

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Benjamin Esham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> | paper output to `newworld.ps'...
> | warning: lily-guile: Can't find PFA font "ecbx10"
> | warning: lily-guile: Can't find PFA font "ecbx12"
> | warning: lily-guile: Can't find PFA font "eccc10"
> | warning: lily-guile: Can't find PFA font "ecrm10"
> | warning: lily-guile: Can't find PFA font "ecti7"

Hmm. All of these are in ec-fonts-mftraced. Can you make sure that your
version of this is up-to-date and installed?

Fink says I have the latest version of ec-fonts-mftraced installed. This may
not matter, however; now I'm using a newer version of LilyPond (that has
its own batch of font problems :-)). See below.

> I then tried to install lilypond-unstable-2.3.9-2, and when I tried to
> process a file I got this:
> | parts.ly:1:23: error: parse error, expecting `DOUBLE_ANGLE_OPEN' or
> | `SEQUENTIAL' or `SIMULTANEOUS' or `'{'':
> | brass = \notes \relativ
> | e c' {
> I assumed that this was just a change in syntax causing problems,

Yes, you'll need to run convert-ly

Okay, removing every instance of "\notes" seemed to do the trick here. Thanks.

> | Interpreting music... error: can't find `feta20.afm'
> | Music font has not been installed properly.  Aborting

That file should be in:


but combined with your first problem above, it looks to me like some TeX
related environment variables may have been scrambled. Could it be that
your shell is not running /sw/bin/init.{sh,csh} properly?

The file is there, and the permissions seem to be fine (I can read it). AFAICT
/sw/bin/init.csh is being run; my $PATH includes /sw/bin, and $TEXMF is set
to /sw/share/texmf. Any ideas on this one?

Benjamin D. Esham      {      http://bdesham.net
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      }      AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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