Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> you have a point there.  The first part I checked this in (old B&H)
> does have the letter I, but lacks the letter J. Can anyone provide
> useful statistics? We're looking for the layout of classical
> orchestral material.

Here are some I have handy (mostly chamber music, the orchestral music
I have here use numbers (argh!)):

Mozart, Sinfonia Concertante, ed. Peters: has I and no J
Ravae, String Quartet, ed. International: has I and J
Smetana, String Quartet, ed. Kalmus: has I and no J
Schubert, String Quartets, ed. Peters: has I and no J
Beethoven, String Quartet op.18, ed. Peters: has I and no J


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