On Thu, 08 Jul 2004 18:05:03 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have taken your suggestions, and am sending you a patch which adds
> the what-beat command (renamed to LilyPond-what-beat) to LilyPond-mode
> in Emacs. I have made sure it handles the examples in the tutorial,
> and have documented the few cases it fails (see the comments at the
> top of lilypond-what-beat.el).

It worked nicely. As I anticipated, one may use an introductory '|' to start with:

  { | c1 | c4 c4 ... }

> Oh...and I am leaving the keybinding at C-c b, adding only an
> electric-bar function so that | calls what-beat as well as inserting
> itself.

That's better.

> Let me know if you have any problems with it.

What about recognizing also \bar "|" commands and its variants \bar "||" etc. as
a starting point of calculating (or simply \bar) ?

And please include ChangeLog entry, next iteration may be already fine.

  Heikki Junes

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