Han-Wen Nienhuys writes:

>> However, if you want me to try to go on and polish lily-as-a-lib, I'll
>> do that.
> On 2nd thought, I think it's a worthwhile thing to pursue.

Ok, so let's have a look how to go about this.  Nicolas, any thoughts?

> There are 3 things:
> * Turning  lily into a library. This means that the C++ containing
>   main() should  go in a separate subdirectory.

We now already may want a third C/C++ separation: the (pango) code for
the GUI part.

> * Compiling lily as a shared library, probably easiest with libtool.
>   The support should be switched on from configure --enable-shared,
>   and if switched on, any library (compiled with
>   stepmake/library-*.make) also should become a shared library.

Yes.  libtool: probably maybe.

> * Working with GUILE, to make sure that the LilyPond library can
>   loaded dynamically, and gets neatly packaged into a module. I'm not
>   sure how to go about that.

We can simply see how GUILE does this, I guess.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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