> As a result of this work, I have almost eliminated arbitrary constants
> from the code.  There is still one set.  I could eliminate them if I
> could make a centered stencil from text -- i.e. one that has extents
> equal to (-a . a) for both X and Y.  There used to be a c++ function
> ly:stencil-get-extent that could be used to create a centered stencil,

try ly:stencil-align-to!

> One of the things I'd like to make available for other users is a list
> of possible \overrides available for fret-diagram markups.  I know what
> they are, and I could make a list, but where would such a list go?

typically: in define-grob-properties.scm; there should also be a
fret-diagram-interface (see define-grob-interfaces.scm)

> I've gone into the ChangeLog file and created an entry. I'm not sure
> what the web page means when it says "Send an email with the ChangeLog
> at the top". The text I added to ChangeLog is here:
> 2004-05-30  Carl Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>       * scm/fret-diagrams.scm: add fret-diagram-verbose markup;
>       modified fret-parse-string so it prepares for calls to
> fret-diagram-verbose
>       Changed display constants to props so they are available for
> \override.

Like this is fine

(nitpick: there's an empty line after the email address) 


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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