> Hi,
> OK, if you think so.
> As it stands, I have implemented notes (inc. chords) and rests.
> Currently, the note engraver spits out Braille each timestep, and collects all note 
> events within that timestep. If there is more than one note event in the timestep, 
> it constructs a chord out of them.
> This actually covers a large proportion of what I need to set up a framework for 
> Braille rendering. I have encapsulated the main Braille code in a covering class 
> called Braille and derived my engraver classes from that and Engraver. So far, I 
> have been able to map all the braille to their respective note events. 
> However, in doing multi-voice music, the voices are split up, and the notes are 
> rendered in a way that makes this impossible to continue.
> The reason I asked the question was that it grieved me to depart from a framework 
> that has worked fine so far. I've looked ahead in the Braille standard and it seems 
> to me that multi-voice rendering is the only "fly in the ointment" so-to-speak, so 
> it would be good to get this tackled now rather than later.


I would make a special PolyphonicBraille grob, with an
Polyphonic_braille_engraver which catches BrailleNotes. The
Polyphonic_braille_engraver will catch chords, and if it finds more
than one, it creates a PolyphonicBrailleNotes grob collecting the
strings of each BrailleNote and suiciding them after reading them.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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