> I have started working on a rewriting of the way performance works, 
> using the way Paper_score works as a guide.  In the same way as
> Paper_score::process returns a set of systems, I want to make
> Performance output a set of SCM "threads" (or "tracks",  or "channels",
> or whatever you want to call them).  Scheme code will convert these
> to MIDI (or something else) as needs be.

That sounds like a good idea.

> I'll let you know when I have something a little more concrete.  I
> have started by creating a new type of Music_output -- a copy of
> Performace.  I have also made copies of Score_performer and
> Midi_def.  Basically I have created just enough duplication such that
> I can have a \midi block and a \newmidi block side-by-side.

I was a little reluctant of suggesting this route, because it would
involve some hard-core hacking, but you've taken it yourself. That's great!

> Hopefully in a month or so (I don't have huge amounts of time to
> devote to this) I will have a midi-output.scm library and enough glue
> code to produce something similar to what the current code does.

looking forward to it.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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