Hi, I'm reading again the manual and it has really improved! Congrats! This is a list of small corrections and suggestions:
introduction.itely cvs 1.97 ============================= l. 494: "Score context" has no definition. would be nice to have, since "Staff Context" and "Voice Context" have l. 794: define "tips and tricks document" tutorial.itely cvs 1.206 ========================== l. 206: I would or add "violin" to the list of clefs or change the example at line 479 to use "treble" l. 1311: shows a nice feature with a not very nice example :-( I'd change the bass part to avoid the colliding notes, for example: << \new Staff << { a4 g2 f4~ f4 } \\ { s4 g4 f2 f4 } >> \new Staff << \clef bass { f,4 d e2 ~ e4} \\ { <c, g>1 ~ <c g>4 } >> >> l. 1601: it should print the options in brackets (i.e. \begin[quote,staffsize=26,verbatim]{lilypond}) l. 1608: it should print: \lilypondfile[quote,noindent]{screech-boink.ly} notation.itely cvs 1.37 ======================== l. 87: I don't know if it's me but I found " The pitch @code{c} is an octave below middle C and the letters span the octave above that C" not clear. l. 209: would be nice to have the lily code printed l. 231: maybe would be a good idea to say the rest will be placed at note's place (it's obvious, but I took a few seconds to figure it out) l. 262: explains what happens in this example l. 301: maybe replace "For notes longer than a whole you must use the variables \longa and \breve" for "For notes longer than a whole you must use variables" l. 611: link to transpose section? l. 704: show the lily code? l. 820: I'd replace tonality for scale in "The key signature indicates the scale" l. 1217: (missing "in" and period) has: called "layers" other notation should be: called "layers" in other notation. l. 2078: has: "iIn" should be: "In" l. 2451: would be nice to have an example of "unfold" _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel