Erik Sandberg writes:

> Finally it's uploaded.

> I wrote a draft to a readme of how its organised now:

That's grand!

> Properties include:
> crash: The bug causes lilypond to abort with exit code nonzero.
> future: The bug is known and will not be fixed in a near future.
> critical: The bug should be fixed before the next release.
> fixed: Someone beleives that the bug has been fixed.

May I suggest to adopt a bit more bugzilla like naming (eg,, possibly with adaptation,
it does not need to be as full blown, ie something like:

  priority (high to low): crash/critical, regression, normal, wishlist
  resolution: fixed, notabug, wontfix, needinput, notlily ...

only crash/critical and regression are RC bugs (the release meister
wants to know).

Just an idea, you're the meister.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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