> Now there's the question on how to organise the bug collection.
> I have now organised a directory on my computer, with different cathegories of 
> bugs (such as unimportant bugs, release-critical bugs, bugs which are 
> demonstrated only with non-free music, and known major bugs that will not be 
> fixed in the close future).
> The collection should be accessible by I am not sure how this collection 
> should be made accessible to those who will fix them.
> I have roughly 4 different ideas:
> 1. I keep the collection locally on my computer & pester developers manually 
> by email.
> 2. Same as (1), but now and then I upload the directory to somewhere at 
> ftp.lilypond.org
> 3. The directory of (1) becomes a part of the CVS tree.
> 4. Use a huge bug managing system such as bugzilla, or wiki.
> I would guess that (2) or (3) would be most sensible. (3) has the anvantage 
> that it's more automatised, open and clean ('make bugs'?), plus it would be 
> easy for others than me to maintain bugreports. A disadvantage could be that 
> cvs might not be good when frequently adding/removing files (i have memories 
> that files can stay locally after being removed from cvs).

I think that (3) is a good option, as a separate repository. Then, we
could have rules to build a .html, similar to the tips & tricks
document. It would be even cooler if you could work together with the
build meister, to have each new bug tested against -say- the 10 last
weekly releases, so we can easily find out when a bug was introduced.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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