> When I saw Han-Wen's post on info-lilypond about "serious problems with
> randomly misplaced symbols" being fixed I was optimistic.  I compiled
> and tried it out.  While some of the issues were fixed (no more
> "phantom" beams floating around, for example...) I'm now getting some
> really bizarre spacing problems.  I've got bar lines slicing through
> whole measure rests. (!!!)

Can you send a demonstration .ly  ?

> Also, if I recall correctly, there was a short thread recently about key
> changes and bar lines.  I remember that this same topic came up some
> months back because I brought it up.  I had to use break-align-order (or
> somesuch) to change it to suit me.  Then, soon thereafter, the default
> behavior of Lily was altered to do exactly what I wanted.  Now it seems
> to have been changed again.

No, it was  a silly bug, I confused the correct ordering of the
begin/end of line options in define-grobs.scm. Fixed now.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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