> About a year ago, I decided to learn Scheme in order to understand
> more about Lilypond.    SICP was widely recommended and I shelled out
> almost $100US for it and a lab manual.

I can imagine that.

Also, I must admit I learned as much Scheme as I needed to implement
parts of Lily; I still have only a dim understanding of more esoteric
Scheme topics like call/cc and hygienic macros.

If you have properly learned Scheme, you are already in a position to
rewrite parts of Lily, as my idiom is most likely rather
strange. Luckily, Nicolas has been helping us out by sanitizing parts
of the code.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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