Sat, 28 Feb 2004 11:53:15 +0100, Han-Wen a dit : > I'm ambivalent. The danger is that the number of functions to create > and manipulate data structures explodes, and becomes harder to > learn. We have to find a balance between having a small "interface" > and an interface that is ultra-ergonomic to use. For the above case, I > think make-music-by-name-and-props and is useful, althouh I oppose of > the name. Why not have
> make-music-by-name > take an optional alist or list of init values? Of course, once there is a music maker that can have properties as arguments, former make-music-by-name has no use. By the way, why not `make-music'? I cannot find another make-music-by-something in the sources. It would look like (make-instance 'class-name ...options...) ==> instance of class-name. [that's the way an object is created in CLOS] (define-public (make-music name . music-properties) "Create a music object of given name, and set its properties according to `music-properties', a list of alterning property symbols and values. E.g: (make-music 'OverrideProperty 'symbol 'Stem 'grob-property 'thickness 'grob-value (* 2 1.5))" (if (not (symbol? name)) (error (format "Not a symbol: ~a" name))) (let ((props (hashq-ref music-name-to-property-table name '()))) (if (not (pair? props)) (error "Can not find music object" name)) (let ((m (ly:make-bare-music (cdr (assoc 'internal-class-name props)) props))) (define (set-props mus-props) (if (and (not (null? mus-props)) (not (null? (cdr mus-props)))) (begin (set! (ly:music-property m (car mus-props)) (cadr mus-props)) (set-props (cddr mus-props))))) (set-props music-properties) m))) (make-music 'OverrideProperty 'symbol 'Stem 'grob-property 'thickness 'grob-value (* 2 1.5) 'pop-first #t)) ==> <OverrideProperty :pop-first #t :grob-value 3.0 :grob-property thickness :symbol Stem> If that's OK, I may build some patches. nicolas _______________________________________________ Lilypond-devel mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]