On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 10:13:07 +0100
Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Graham Percival writes:
> > Using Lilypond \header{} in lilypond-book is great, thanks a lot for
> > that functionality!
> I don't think that I understand you, what are you trying to do, what
> version of lilypond?

Using Lily 2.1.17 on MacOSX.

I have eight viola duets, written in seperate score files.  Each one has
its own \header{} section, and produces nice music on its own.

I'd like to put them all together in one lilypond-book, but I don't want
to define all the headers in LaTeX.  In older versions of LilyPond, I'd
need to do so, but I noticed that you can set up the lilypond-book to
use the Lilypond \header{} stuff (with the following two commands):

\input titledefs.tex

These "imported" headers look great for the most part, but if the
Lilypond \header{} section includes \header{ meter="foo"} , latex gives
a warning.  (lilypond-book doesn't give any warnings, but when I run latex
on the resulting file, it gives the warning)  Running lilypond-book and latex
on the example files should demonstrate this.

Other \header{} stuff (such as title, composer, etc) doesn't produce a
warning.  I'm not certain how serious this warning is -- I'm having
difficulty compiling my collection of eight duets, but that might be
caused by something else -- but it's wierd that \header{meter="foo"}
produces a warning when \header{title="foo"} doesn't.

- Graham

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