( from collated-files.html) on the website appears to show the same doubleflat accidental across all styles (which appears to be the same as the default doubleflat). Is this correct? Are there any accidental choices to make a doublesharp with the dots to its left and right, or one with dots on all four sides? Is this the proper place to mention bugs for cvs lilypond versions, or is bug-lilypond preferred for that too? In morgenlied.pdf on the end of the first line in the lyrical staff, the extender line coming off of du appears to be smaller than a period. Is there currently, or should there be a limit to valid extender line lengths? In the same piece, within the vocal line, there are a lot of stem down notes despite when near the bottom of the staff. Was this a slip caused by double voicing in measure 3, an attempt to clone the original, or desired for other reasons? If still desired (or cloning), why should they go down? I'm still attempting to get my hands on another score to compare to myself. Thanks again, Edward Sanford Sutton, III
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