


% This file shows a problem with beams in lilypond
% CVS 2004-01-16 07:44 MET.
% . I get a lot of
%     programming error: No beam posns (Continuing; cross thumbs)
%   warnings.  I wasn't able to make the example shorter; if I remove a
%   bar, lilypond formats it within a single line (BTW, this yields an
%   *extremely ugly* result because the spacing is squeezed to a
%   minimum), and the error doesn't occur.

\score {
  \context Staff \notes \relative c' {
    \clef treble \time 3/4 r4 g' r |
    \time 5/4 g,4 r g r r |
    \time 4/4 g'4 g, r2 |
    \time 3/4 r4 g'( g') |
    \time 4/4 fis4.( f8) e[( es d des]) |
    \time 3/4 c8 r g4( g') |
    \time 4/4 fis4-_ d8[ f]( ~ f[ e) es( d]) |
    \time 3/4 c8 r es4 g |
    \time 4/4 bes4 c8[ a]( ~ a[ d,) dis( e]) |

  \paper {
    textheight = 260.0\mm
    linewidth = 180.0\mm
    indent = 0.0\mm
    pagenumber = 1


<<inline: beamproblem.png>>

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