> [stuff snipped]

(are we going to see a patch?)

> An easy way to implement invisible accidentals would be to add a 
> "invisible"-style to the cautionary accidentals - so that one could turn 
> accidentals invisible by setting cautionary-style to "invisible" and 
> marking the to be invisible accidentals as cautionaries. The drawback on 
> this, ofcourse, would be that one could not have cautionary accidentals 
> and invisible accidentals at the same time.

Invisible accidentals? What are those for? 

> Editorial accidentals... Hmm.. I have no experience with such things. Is 
> it neccesary to have both normal accidentals and editorial accidentals 
> on the same note - i.e. as in
>      #
>       |
>       |
>    b O|
> ?
> In this case the best would probably be to make the editorial 
> accidentals completely independent of the note, so that one would do 
> something like ges^gis to achieve the above.

probably something like ges-\editorialSharp.  One could use a scheme
function or a special Performer to select which accidentals to use.

> one would not be able to parenthesize editorial accidentals either.


> Alternatively - if we don't wish to support different accidentals on 
> editorial and main accidentals - we could reserve a third symbol
> (yikes)

yikes indeed. Let's not do that. 


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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