
Here's another patch (next time I will try to directly access CVS).
Unfortunately, the docu does not build anymore:

/usr/bin/python ../../scripts/lilypond-book.py <...snip...> lilypond.tely
lilypond-book (GNU LilyPond) 1.7.15
Reading `/home/reuter/project/lilypond-1.7/mf/out/feta16list.ly'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../../scripts/lilypond-book.py", line 1543, in ?
    do_file (input_filename)
  File "../../scripts/lilypond-book.py", line 1403, in do_file
    chunks = chop_chunks (chunks, 'lilypond-block', make_lilypond_block, 1)
  File "../../scripts/lilypond-book.py", line 955, in chop_chunks
    m = get_re (re_name).search (str)
RuntimeError: maximum recursion limit exceeded

This is probably the same problem that we already had with the parmesan
font: the font character list file just got too big due to the increasing
number of characters in the font.  Any idea what to do?  Maybe splitting
feta once more into pieces?


2003-03-21  Juergen Reuter  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * lily/breathing-sign.cc, lily/include/breathing-sign.hh,
        scm/grob-description.scm: moved Michael's original breathing sign
        code in brew_molecule() to divisio_minima(); provided new
        brew_molecule() that effectively replaces the
        Text_item::brew_molecule callback (with additional fallback to
        Michael's original code); added callbacks for brewing divisio
        maior/maxima and finalis

        * gregorian-init.ly: added breathing sign shortcuts for virgula,
        caesura, divisiominima, divisiomaior, divisiomaxima, and finalis

        * script-init.ly: added shortfermata, longfermata,
        verylongfermata, varcoda

        * scm/script.scm, mf/feta-schrift.mf: added shortfermata,
        longfermata, verylongfermata, varcomma, varcoda

Index: lily/breathing-sign.cc
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/lily/breathing-sign.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -r1.35 breathing-sign.cc
--- lily/breathing-sign.cc      4 Mar 2003 23:11:57 -0000       1.35
+++ lily/breathing-sign.cc      21 Mar 2003 19:15:12 -0000
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
   TODO: --> see breathing-sign-engraver.cc
+  Extensions for ancient notation (C) 2003 by Juergen Reuter
 #include "staff-symbol-referencer.hh"
@@ -19,19 +20,34 @@
 #include "dimensions.hh"
 #include "direction.hh"
+#include "text-item.hh"
+#include "font-interface.hh"
+ * TODO: thickness should be a grob property (unit:
+ * stafflinethickness) rather than hardwired to (staff_space / 6).
+ */
 MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Breathing_sign,brew_molecule,1);
 Breathing_sign::brew_molecule (SCM smob)
-  Grob * me = unsmob_grob (smob);
-  Real space = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
-  // todo: cfg'able.
-  Interval i1 (0, space / 6), i2 (-space / 2, space / 2);
-  Box b (i1, i2);
-  return Lookup::filledbox (b).smobbed_copy ();
+  Grob *me = unsmob_grob (smob);
+  SCM text = me->get_grob_property ("text");
+  if (text == SCM_EOL)
+    return divisio_minima (smob);
+  SCM properties = Font_interface::font_alist_chain (me);
+  Molecule out;
+  out = Text_item::text2molecule (me, text, properties);
+  SCM space_scm = me->get_grob_property ("word-space");
+  if (gh_number_p (space_scm))
+    {
+      Molecule mol;
+      mol.set_empty (false);
+      out.add_at_edge (X_AXIS, RIGHT, mol, gh_scm2double (space_scm) *
+                      Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me), 0);
+    }
+  return out.smobbed_copy ();
@@ -57,6 +73,147 @@
   return l1.smobbed_copy();
+  Gregorian chant divisio minima.  (Actually, this was the original
+  breathing sign by Michael. -- jr)
+ */
+MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Breathing_sign,divisio_minima,1);
+Breathing_sign::divisio_minima (SCM smob)
+  Grob *me = unsmob_grob (smob);
+  Real staff_space = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
+  Real staff_size;
+  Real thickness = me->get_paper ()->get_var ("linethickness");
+  SCM lt =  me->get_grob_property ("thickness");
+  if (gh_number_p (lt))
+    thickness *= gh_scm2double (lt);
+  if (Staff_symbol_referencer::get_staff_symbol (me))
+    {
+      staff_size = (Staff_symbol_referencer::line_count (me) - 1) * staff_space;
+    }
+  else
+    staff_size = 0.0;
+  Real blotdiameter = me->get_paper ()->get_var ("blotdiameter");
+  /*
+   * Draw a small vertical line through the uppermost (or, depending
+   * on direction, lowermost) staff line.
+   */
+  Interval xdim (0, thickness);
+  Interval ydim (-0.5 * staff_space, +0.5 * staff_space);
+  Box b (xdim, ydim);
+  Molecule out = Lookup::roundfilledbox (b, blotdiameter);
+  return out.smobbed_copy ();
+  Gregorian chant divisio maior.
+ */
+MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Breathing_sign,divisio_maior,1);
+Breathing_sign::divisio_maior (SCM smob)
+  Grob *me = unsmob_grob (smob);
+  Real staff_space = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
+  Real staff_size;
+  Real thickness = me->get_paper ()->get_var ("linethickness");
+  SCM lt =  me->get_grob_property ("thickness");
+  if (gh_number_p (lt))
+    thickness *= gh_scm2double (lt);
+  if (Staff_symbol_referencer::get_staff_symbol (me))
+    {
+      staff_size = (Staff_symbol_referencer::line_count (me) - 1) * staff_space;
+    }
+  else
+    staff_size = 0.0;
+  Real blotdiameter = me->get_paper ()->get_var ("blotdiameter");
+  /*
+   * Draw a vertical line that is vertically centered in the staff
+   * (just like a bar).  The height of this line should be a little
+   * more than half the size of the staff, such that the endings of
+   * the line are in the middle of a staff space.
+   */
+  int lines = Staff_symbol_referencer::line_count (me);
+  int height = lines / 2; // little more than half of staff size
+  if ((lines & 1) != (height & 1))
+    height++; // ensure endings are centered in staff space
+  Interval xdim (0, thickness);
+  Interval ydim (-0.5 * height, +0.5 * height);
+  Box b (xdim, ydim);
+  Molecule out = Lookup::roundfilledbox (b, blotdiameter);
+  return out.smobbed_copy ();
+  Gregorian chant divisio maxima.
+ */
+MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Breathing_sign,divisio_maxima,1);
+Breathing_sign::divisio_maxima (SCM smob)
+  Grob *me = unsmob_grob (smob);
+  Real staff_space = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
+  Real staff_size;
+  Real thickness = me->get_paper ()->get_var ("linethickness");
+  SCM lt =  me->get_grob_property ("thickness");
+  if (gh_number_p (lt))
+    thickness *= gh_scm2double (lt);
+  if (Staff_symbol_referencer::get_staff_symbol (me))
+    {
+      staff_size = (Staff_symbol_referencer::line_count (me) - 1) * staff_space;
+    }
+  else
+    staff_size = 0.0;
+  Real blotdiameter = me->get_paper ()->get_var ("blotdiameter");
+  // like a "|" type bar
+  Interval xdim (0, thickness);
+  Interval ydim (-0.5 * staff_size, +0.5 * staff_size);
+  Box b (xdim, ydim);
+  Molecule out = Lookup::roundfilledbox (b, blotdiameter);
+  return out.smobbed_copy ();
+  Gregorian chant finalis.
+ */
+MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Breathing_sign,finalis,1);
+Breathing_sign::finalis (SCM smob)
+  Grob *me = unsmob_grob (smob);
+  Real staff_space = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
+  Real staff_size;
+  Real thickness = me->get_paper ()->get_var ("linethickness");
+  SCM lt =  me->get_grob_property ("thickness");
+  if (gh_number_p (lt))
+    thickness *= gh_scm2double (lt);
+  if (Staff_symbol_referencer::get_staff_symbol (me))
+    {
+      staff_size = (Staff_symbol_referencer::line_count (me) - 1) * staff_space;
+    }
+  else
+    staff_size = 0.0;
+  Real blotdiameter = me->get_paper ()->get_var ("blotdiameter");
+  // like a "||" type bar
+  Interval xdim (0, thickness);
+  Interval ydim (-0.5 * staff_size, +0.5 * staff_size);
+  Box b (xdim, ydim);
+  Molecule line1 = Lookup::roundfilledbox (b, blotdiameter);
+  Molecule line2 (line1);
+  line2.translate_axis (0.5 * staff_space, X_AXIS);
+  line1.add_molecule (line2);
+  return line2.smobbed_copy ();
 MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Breathing_sign,offset_callback,2);
@@ -75,7 +232,6 @@
   int sz = Staff_symbol_referencer::line_count (me)-1;
   return gh_double2scm (inter_f * sz * d);
 ADD_INTERFACE(Breathing_sign, "breathing-sign-interface",
              "A breathing sign.",
Index: lily/include/breathing-sign.hh
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/lily/include/breathing-sign.hh,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 breathing-sign.hh
--- lily/include/breathing-sign.hh      4 Mar 2003 23:11:57 -0000       1.21
+++ lily/include/breathing-sign.hh      21 Mar 2003 19:15:12 -0000
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
   DECLARE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (brew_molecule, (SCM ));
   DECLARE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (railtracks, (SCM ));
+  DECLARE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (divisio_minima, (SCM ));
+  DECLARE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (divisio_maior, (SCM ));
+  DECLARE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (divisio_maxima, (SCM ));
   DECLARE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (offset_callback, (SCM element, SCM axis));
   static bool has_interface (Grob*);
Index: ly/gregorian-init.ly
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ly/gregorian-init.ly,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 gregorian-init.ly
--- ly/gregorian-init.ly        7 Jan 2003 20:07:26 -0000       1.1
+++ ly/gregorian-init.ly        21 Mar 2003 19:15:13 -0000
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
 \version "1.7.10"
+%%%%%%%% shortcuts common for all styles of gregorian chant notation
-% declare shortcuts for gregorian chant notation
+% declare head prefix shortcuts
 virga =
   \once \property Voice.LigatureHead \override #'virga = ##t
 stropha =
@@ -30,3 +33,40 @@
   \once \property Voice.LigatureHead \override #'quilisma = ##t
 deminutum =
   \once \property Voice.LigatureHead \override #'deminutum = ##t
+% declare divisiones shortcuts
+virgula = {
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'text = #"scripts-rcomma"
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'font-relative-size = #-1
+  \breathe
+caesura = {
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'text = #"scripts-rvarcomma"
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'font-relative-size = #-1
+  \breathe
+divisiominima = {
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'type = #'minima
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'molecule-callback = 
+  \breathe
+divisiomaior = {
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'type = #'maior
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'molecule-callback = 
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'Y-offset-callbacks = #'()
+  \breathe
+divisiomaxima = {
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'type = #'maxima
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'molecule-callback = 
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'Y-offset-callbacks = #'()
+  \breathe
+finalis = {
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'type = #'finalis
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'molecule-callback = 
+  \once \property Voice.BreathingSign \override #'Y-offset-callbacks = #'()
+  \breathe
Index: ly/script-init.ly
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ly/script-init.ly,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 script-init.ly
--- ly/script-init.ly   21 Oct 2002 12:04:47 -0000      1.11
+++ ly/script-init.ly   21 Mar 2003 19:15:13 -0000
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
 staccatissimo = #(make-articulation "staccatissimo")
 portato = #(make-articulation "portato")
 fermata = #(make-articulation "fermata")
+shortfermata = #(make-articulation "shortfermata")
+longfermata = #(make-articulation "longfermata")
+verylongfermata = #(make-articulation "verylongfermata")
 stopped = #(make-articulation "stopped")
 staccato = #(make-articulation "staccato")
 tenuto = #(make-articulation "tenuto")
@@ -42,3 +45,4 @@
 downprall = #(make-articulation "downprall")
 segno = #(make-articulation "segno")
 coda = #(make-articulation "coda")
+varcoda = #(make-articulation "varcoda")
Index: mf/feta-schrift.mf
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/mf/feta-schrift.mf,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -r1.41 feta-schrift.mf
--- mf/feta-schrift.mf  4 Mar 2003 23:11:57 -0000       1.41
+++ mf/feta-schrift.mf  21 Mar 2003 19:15:13 -0000
@@ -57,6 +57,110 @@
+def draw_short_fermata =
+       save fat_factor, thinness, dot_radius;
+       set_char_box(staff_space#, staff_space#, 0, 2.2 staff_space#);
+       dot_radius# = 8/3*stafflinethickness#;
+       define_pixels(dot_radius)
+       fat_factor = .11;
+       thinness = 1.5 stafflinethickness;
+       pickup pencircle scaled thinness;
+       rt x2 = w;
+       lft x5 = -b;
+       bot y5 = 0;
+       top y3 = h;
+       y1 = y2 = y5;
+       x3 = 0;
+       z1 - z4 = whatever * (charwd, -charht);
+       z4 = fat_factor [z3, z5];
+       filldraw z1 -- z2 -- z3 -- z4 -- cycle;
+       draw z3 .. z5;
+       pickup pencircle scaled 2dot_radius;
+       x1 - 2x6 = x2;
+       bot y6 = -d;
+       drawdot z6;
+fet_beginchar("short fermata up", "ushortfermata", "ushortfermata")
+       draw_short_fermata;     
+fet_beginchar("short fermata down", "dshortfermata", "dshortfermata")
+       draw_short_fermata;
+       xy_mirror_char;
+def draw_long_fermata =
+       save stemthick, beamheight, dot_radius, wd;
+       define_pixels(wd, dot_radius)
+       wd# = 2.5 staff_space#;
+       stemthick = 1.5 stafflinethickness;
+       beamheight = 4 stafflinethickness;
+       dot_radius# = 8/3*stafflinethickness#;
+       set_char_box(wd#/2, wd#/2, 0, 3/2 staff_space#);
+       draw_rounded_block((-b, h-beamheight), (w, h), blot_diameter);
+       draw_rounded_block((-b, -d),(-b+stemthick, h-stemthick), stemthick);
+       addto currentpicture also currentpicture xscaled -1;
+       pickup pencircle scaled 2dot_radius;
+       x4 = 0;
+       bot y4 = -d;
+       drawdot z4;
+fet_beginchar("long fermata up", "ulongfermata", "ulongfermata")
+       draw_long_fermata;      
+fet_beginchar("long fermata down", "dlongfermata", "dlongfermata")
+       draw_long_fermata;
+       y_mirror_char;
+def draw_very_long_fermata =
+       save ibeamheight, obeamheight;
+       save ihwd, ohwd, iht, oht; % inner/outer half_width/height
+       save stemthick, dot_radius;
+       define_pixels(ihwd, ohwd, iht, oht, dot_radius)
+       ihwd# = 1.0 staff_space#;
+       ohwd# = 1.5 staff_space#;
+       iht# = 0.9 staff_space#;
+       oht# = 1.6 staff_space#;
+       stemthick = 1.5 stafflinethickness;
+       ibeamheight = 3 stafflinethickness;
+       obeamheight = 5 stafflinethickness;
+       dot_radius# = 8/3*stafflinethickness#;
+       set_char_box(ohwd#, ohwd#, 0, oht#);
+       draw_rounded_block((-ohwd, oht-obeamheight), (ohwd, oht), blot_diameter);
+       draw_rounded_block((-ohwd, 0),(-ohwd+stemthick, ohwd-stemthick), stemthick);
+       draw_rounded_block((-ihwd, iht-ibeamheight), (ihwd, iht), blot_diameter);
+       draw_rounded_block((-ihwd, 0),(-ihwd+stemthick, ihwd-stemthick), stemthick);
+       addto currentpicture also currentpicture xscaled -1;
+       pickup pencircle scaled 2dot_radius;
+       x4 = 0;
+       bot y4 = -d;
+       drawdot z4;
+fet_beginchar("very long fermata up", "uverylongfermata", "uverylongfermata")
+       draw_very_long_fermata; 
+fet_beginchar("very long fermata down", "dverylongfermata", "dverylongfermata")
+       draw_very_long_fermata;
+       y_mirror_char;
 % Thumbs are used in cello music.
 % TODO : thumbs should look like the finger-font and should be placed in
@@ -708,6 +812,36 @@
+fet_beginchar("Varied Coda", "varcoda", "varcoda")
+       save thin, thick, codawidth, codaheight;
+       thin# = 1.2 stafflinethickness#;
+       thick# = 3.5 stafflinethickness#;
+       codawidth# = 2/3 staff_space#;
+       codaheight# = 1 staff_space#;
+       define_pixels(thin, thick, codawidth, codaheight);
+       set_char_box(codawidth#+thick#, codawidth#+thick#,
+               codaheight#+thick#, codaheight#+thick#);
+       x1 = -codawidth;
+       y1 = y2 - thin;
+       x2 = 0;
+       y2 = codaheight;
+       draw_rounded_block(z1, z2, thick);
+       x3 = x1;
+       y3 = -blot_diameter;
+       x4 = x1 + thick;
+       y4 = y2;
+       draw_rounded_block(z3, z4, thick);
+       addto currentpicture also currentpicture xscaled -1;
+       addto currentpicture also currentpicture yscaled -1;
+       draw_gridline((0,-h),(0,h),thin);
+       draw_gridline((-w,0),(w,0),thin);
 def draw_comma = 
        save alpha, thick, thin, ht;
@@ -738,6 +872,29 @@
 fet_beginchar("Left Comma","lcomma","lcomma");
+       xy_mirror_char;
+def draw_varcomma = 
+       save thick, thin, ht, wd, alpha;
+       alpha:=35;
+       thin# = 1.2 stafflinethickness#;
+       thick# = 3 stafflinethickness#;
+       ht# = .6 staff_space#;
+       wd# = .25 staff_space#;
+       define_pixels(thin, thick, ht, alpha);
+       set_char_box(wd#, wd#, ht#, ht#);
+       z1 = (-b, -d);
+       z2 = (w, h);
+       draw_brush(z1, thin, z2, thick);
+fet_beginchar("Right Varied Comma","rvarcomma","rvarcomma");
+       draw_varcomma;
+fet_beginchar("Left Varied Comma","lvarcomma","lvarcomma");
+       draw_varcomma;
Index: scm/grob-description.scm
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/scm/grob-description.scm,v
retrieving revision 1.161
diff -u -r1.161 grob-description.scm
--- scm/grob-description.scm    8 Mar 2003 01:55:55 -0000       1.161
+++ scm/grob-description.scm    21 Mar 2003 19:15:13 -0000
@@ -200,8 +200,9 @@
                        (staff-bar . (minimum-space . 1.5))
                        (clef . (minimum-space . 2.0))
                        (first-note . (minimum-space . 1.0))
+                       (right-edge . (extra-space . 0.1))
-       (molecule-callback . ,Text_item::brew_molecule)
+       (molecule-callback . ,Breathing_sign::brew_molecule)
        (lookup . name)
        (font-family . music)
        (text . "scripts-rcomma")
Index: scm/script.scm
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/scm/script.scm,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -r1.14 script.scm
--- scm/script.scm      2 Nov 2002 02:14:32 -0000       1.14
+++ scm/script.scm      21 Mar 2003 19:15:13 -0000
@@ -26,6 +26,15 @@
         ("fermata" .
          ((script-molecule . (feta . ("dfermata" . "ufermata")))
           (direction .  1)))
+        ("shortfermata" .
+         ((script-molecule . (feta . ("dshortfermata" . "ushortfermata")))
+          (direction .  1)))
+        ("longfermata" .
+         ((script-molecule . (feta . ("dlongfermata" . "ulongfermata")))
+          (direction .  1)))
+        ("verylongfermata" .
+         ((script-molecule . (feta . ("dverylongfermata" . "uverylongfermata")))
+          (direction .  1)))
         ("stopped" .
          ((script-molecule . (feta . ("stopped" . "stopped")))
           (direction  . 1) ))
@@ -42,6 +51,10 @@
          ((script-molecule . (feta . ("lcomma" . "rcomma")))
           (follow-into-staff . #t)
           (direction . 1)))
+        ("varcomma" .
+         ((script-molecule . (feta . ("lvarcomma" . "rvarcomma")))
+          (follow-into-staff . #t)
+          (direction . 1)))
         ("upbow" .
          ((script-molecule . (feta . ("upbow" . "upbow")))
           (direction  . 1) ))
@@ -115,6 +128,9 @@
           (direction  . 1) ))
         ("coda" .
          ((script-molecule . (feta . ("coda" . "coda")))
+          (direction  . 1) ))
+        ("varcoda" .
+         ((script-molecule . (feta . ("varcoda" . "varcoda")))
           (direction  . 1) )))
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