Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
The DVI has mismatched fonts, so my guess is that it is not a recent
version of lily. Which version of lily did you use, and can you send
the corresponding .ly file?
I used version 1.6.0 The source.ly is attached
regards Klaus
\header { title = "Praise be to God" composer = "Clarence Eggleton" piece = "Slow" tagline = "typeset with lilypond -- www.lilypond.org" } global = { \time 3/4 } soprano = \notes \relative c'' \context Voice = soprano { \voiceOne \repeat volta 2 { \mark "A" g2. g2 g4 g2. ~ g2 r4 a2. a2 ~ a8 g f2. g2 \times 2/3 { g8 a b } c4 c r c c r8 b b4 a g f g aes c c r r2 b8 c c2. ~ c2 b4 } \alternative { { c2. r2. r2. r2.} { c2. r2 c4 } } \repeat volta 2 { \mark "B" c2. ~ c2 c4 c2 b4 c2. ~ c2. d2. ~ d2 c8 d e4 e r r2 b8 c c2. ~ c2 b4 c2. ~ c2 c4 } } alto = \notes \relative c' \context Voice = alto { \voiceTwo \repeat volta 2 { e2. f2 d4 e2.( )d2 r4 e2. e4 d e e d c c d \times 2/3 { d8 e f } g4 g r gis gis r8 g g4 f e d e f g g r r2 g8 a a2. ~ a2 g4 } \alternative { { g2. r2. r2. r2.} { g2. r2 g4 } } \repeat volta 2 { g2. ~ g2 g4 as2 b4 b a2 g2. a2.( )as2 g8 a c4 c r r2 g8 a a2. ~ a2 g4 g2. ~ g2 g4 } } tenor = \notes \relative c' \context Voice = tenor { \clef bass \voiceOne \repeat volta 2 { c2. c2 b4 d c2 b r4 d2. cis4 b cis a2. a4 b \times 2/3 { b8 c d } e4 e r e e r8 d d4 c c as c d e e r r2 d8 e f2. ~ f2 d4 } \alternative { { f8. e32 d e2 r2. r2. r2.} { f8. e32 d e2 r2 e4 } } \repeat volta 2 { d2. ~ d2 d4 es2 d4 e2. ~ e2. fis2.( )f2 e8 f g4 g r r2 d8 e f2. ~ f2 d4 f8. e32 d e2 ~ e2 e4 } } bass = \notes \context Voice = bass { \clef bass \voiceTwo \repeat volta 2 { c2. c2 c4 c2. b,2 r4 e2. a,4 b, cis d2. g2 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } c4 c r c c r8 e f2 g4 as g f g g r r2 g8 g d2.( )g2 g4 } \alternative { { c2. r2. r2. r2.} { c2. r2 c4 } } \repeat volta 2 { es2. ~ es2 es4 as2 as4 a2. ~ a2. c2. ~ c2 e8 f g4 g r r2 g8 g d2.( )g2 g4 c2. ~ c2 c4 } } text = \lyrics { Praise be to God. Praise be to God, God. For He is wor- thy, wor- thy of a- all the praise give Him ho- nor. Give Him all the praise. praise. The Praise, the Praise, the praise. Praise. Give Him ho- nor. Give Him all the praise. The } accompaniment = \chords { c2. c2:sus g4 c2.:4+ g a:sus a4 g a d2.:min g2:sus9 g4 c2. c2. g4 f2 fes2.:min c2. a:min d:min7 f2 g4 c2:sus c4 es d:min7 as g2.:sus9 g c2:sus c4 c2. g2.:sus g2.:sus as2 e4:7 a2.:min a:min d:7 fes:min c a:min d:min7 f2 g4 c2:sus c4 c2. } %{ #(define (make-molecule-boxer callback) (define (molecule-boxer grob) (let* ( (mol (callback grob)) (box-padding 0.1) (x-ext (widen-interval (ly-get-molecule-extent mol 0) box-padding)) (y-ext (widen-interval (ly-get-molecule-extent mol 1) box-padding)) (rule-thick 0.1) (x-rule (box-molecule (widen-interval x-ext rule-thick) (cons 0 rule-thick))) (y-rule (box-molecule (cons 0 rule-thick) y-ext)) ) (set! mol (ly-combine-molecule-at-edge mol 0 1 y-rule (* 0.5 box-padding))) (set! mol (ly-combine-molecule-at-edge mol 0 -1 y-rule (* 0.5 box-padding))) (set! mol (ly-combine-molecule-at-edge mol 1 1 x-rule 0.0)) (set! mol (ly-combine-molecule-at-edge mol 1 -1 x-rule 0.0)) mol )) molecule-boxer ) %} \score { \context ChoirStaff < \simultaneous { \context ChordNames \accompaniment \context Staff = women < \global \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"trumpet" \property Staff.instrument = "Sopran/Alt" \property Staff.instr = "S/A" \addlyrics \soprano \context Lyrics \text \alto > \context Staff = men < \global \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"trombone" \property Staff.instrument = "Tenor/Bass" \property Staff.instr = "T/B" \tenor \bass > } > \paper { papersize = "a4" \translator { \StaffContext RestCollision \set #'maximum-rest-count = #1 } \translator { \ScoreContext RehearsalMark \set #'padding = #2 % RehearsalMark \set #'molecule-callback = % #(make-molecule-boxer Text_item::brew_molecule) RehearsalMark \set #'extra-offset = #'(1.5 . 0) BarNumber \set #'padding = #2 } \translator { \ChordNamesContext ChordName \set #'style = #'american } } \midi { } }