> >   . How can I do the following easily?  The accent is on *easily*,
> >     of course -- I could solve it with splitted voice and turning
> >     off the note heads, but this is uuuuugly.
> > 
> >        |  |  |
> >        O  O  O
> >          8_|
> > 
> >     Having an ottava line for just a single bass note occurs quite
> >     frequently in piano music.
> I think the easiest approach is to use a markup text, and (not
> spanrequest.)

Example, please.  I *really* don't know how to create `8___|' as a
markup text.

In general I think it's problematic to have special cases for spanners
which can't be handled by default.  What about this: In case a single
note gets both a `\spanrequest \start ...' and a `\spanrequest \stop
...', lilypond automatically creates a dummy grob positioned at the
same place as the note (and having the same properties) which serves
as the second item for the spanner.  There are a *lot* of useful
applications for this:

  . Ottava lines as described above

  . Pedal markers `Ped. *' for a single note.

  . l.v. ties, i.e. short ties which start at a given note but don't
    have an end note -- have a look into Debussy's piano preludes for

and so on.


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