> > Here another problem which sometimes happens.  Consider a 5/4 bar
> > which contains a lot of 16ths and which must be broken across
> > staves (into 2 and 3 beats).  Usually, I insert an invisible bar
> > and I'm done.  But what happens with rests?  If I say `R4*5', I
> > currently get a full rest before and after the break.  I think
> > this is not correct.  What I want is something like this:
> >
> >   \ifbreak { r2 r2. }
> >   \else { R4*5 }
> >
> > This is probably already available in Scheme -- can you give an
> > example?
> Not quite. The multi-measure rest is a spanner, and getting the
> rests in the right spot horizontally will be difficult, not to
> mention the fact that they won't participate in rest collisions. I
> think the easiest approach is to force a few line breaks in a few
> strategic places and use { r2 r2. } at those spots, and disallow
> other breaks halfway the 5/4.

My idea is that both branches of the ifelse construction are computed
by lilypond simultaneously:

   < { r2 r2. } \\
     { R4*5   }  >

and that at the time of deciding the line breaks the improper branch
is simply dropped.  I think this approach would work for all staffs
with a single voice.


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