Carter Brey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
[cc: devel list]

> Yes, it would be great if texts could avoid any staff grobs by
> default. I experimented with two kinds of padding, as you can see.

Han-Wen and I discussed this a bit; what would needed to be done is to
make a staff-text-engraver, that makes sure that texts don't collide
with other grobs.

In addition, things such as 'allegro' should be entered as some sort
of 'tempo-change-request', that also creates a sane default staff-text
request.  This is most probably post 1.6 stuff, but I think it's
pretty important and not too difficult to implement.

>>I think this has been fixed in lilypond 1.5.66, what version of
>>LilyPond are you using?

[ I spoke too soon ].  As Han-Wen already explained on lilypond-user,
this hadn't been fixed.  However, today I've implemented this

   3) When there is only the first part playing, the stems are still up,
   taking up way too much space above the staff, and the rests for the
   second part are unnecessarily printed, even though soloAdue is on and
   the "I" is indicated next to the active part.

as my only reference agrees with your observation:

   I think the standard-- and what I prefer-- is that when only one part
   is playing, there's no necessity for rests in the other, idle part,
   particularly if "I" or "solo" is indicated. That would save lots of

I had another look at these two:

   1) Dynamic indications, both hairpins and dynamic texts, are
   duplicated in both parts even when they occur at identical times,
   thereby taking up unnecessary space above the staff;

   2) The above phenomenon is not consistent; look at the (missing)
   diminuendo hairpin below the staff in variation 5, bars 239-240.

but didn't implement anything for it yet, as they don't seem to be a
problem with your test score, afaics, and I'm lazy today.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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