> Hi !
> This patch (for the CVS) includes a few documentation (in refman.itely) and
> fixes some bug:
>  - stringTunings now has a doc string
>  - default tuning is (should be ? ;-) now right
>  - tablature with even number of strings works.
> Jiba

ok, added to CVS.

+First you can change the number of string, e.g.
+@code{StaffSymbol \override #'line-count  = #5} to have only 5 strings.
+Because of a kind of bug in Lilypond, you MUST create a new type of


+context if you want different tablatures with diiferent number of

this is not correct. I include a snippet of the manual here.

        Some grobs are created at the moment that their context is created. An
        example of such a grob is the staff itself (i.e. the horizontal lines).
        You can not change the appearance of the staff symbol by manipulating
        @code{\property Staff.StaffSymbol}.  At the moment that @code{\property
        Staff} is interpreted, a Staff context is made, and the StaffSymbol is
        created before any @code{\override} is effective. You can deal with this
        either overriding properties in a @code{\translator} definition, or by
        using @code{\outputproperty}.

I added some index keyword to make this info easier to find. An
example should probably be included as well.


Han-Wen Nienhuys | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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