CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    lilypond
Branch:         lilypond_2_6
Changes by:     Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    05/10/09 21:57:12

Modified files:
        .              : ChangeLog 
        lily           : 
        ly             : 
        scm            : ps-to-png.scm 

Log message:
        (make-ps-images): backport: make PS images
        without globbing.


Index: lilypond/ChangeLog
diff -u lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3836.2.37 lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3836.2.38
--- lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3836.2.37      Sun Oct  9 08:02:16 2005
+++ lilypond/ChangeLog  Sun Oct  9 21:57:11 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2005-10-09  Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * scm/ps-to-png.scm (make-ps-images): backport: make PS images
+       without globbing. 
 2005-10-09  Jan Nieuwenhuizen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * flower/ (dos_to_posix)[__CYGWIN__]: Return
Index: lilypond/lily/
diff -u /dev/null lilypond/lily/
--- /dev/null   Sun Oct  9 21:57:13 2005
+++ lilypond/lily/     Sun Oct  9 21:57:12 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+ -- implement assorted Guile bindings
+  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
+  (c) 1998--2005 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+  Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+#include "config.hh"
+#include <math.h>  /* isinf */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>  /* memset */
+#include "international.hh"
+#include "libc-extension.hh"
+#include "lily-guile.hh"
+#include "string.hh"
+#include "misc.hh"
+#include "warn.hh"
+#include "version.hh"
+#include "dimensions.hh"
+#include "main.hh"
+#include "file-path.hh"
+/* MacOS S fix:
+   source-file.hh includes cmath which undefines isinf and isnan
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+inline int my_isinf (Real r) { return isinf (r); }
+inline int my_isnan (Real r) { return isnan (r); }
+LY_DEFINE (ly_find_file, "ly:find-file",
+          1, 0, 0, (SCM name),
+          "Return the absolute file name of @var{name}, "
+          "or @code{#f} if not found.")
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_string (name), name, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, 
+  String nm = ly_scm2string (name);
+  String file_name = global_path.find (nm);
+  if (file_name.is_empty ())
+    return SCM_BOOL_F;
+  return scm_makfrom0str (file_name.to_str0 ());
+  Ugh. Gulped file is copied twice. (maybe thrice if you count stdio
+  buffering.)
+LY_DEFINE (ly_gulp_file, "ly:gulp-file",
+          1, 0, 0, (SCM name),
+          "Read the file @var{name}, and return its contents in a string.  "
+          "The file is looked up using the search path.")
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_string (name), name,
+                  SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "string");
+  String contents = gulp_file_to_string (ly_scm2string (name), true);
+  return scm_from_locale_stringn (contents.get_str0 (), contents.length ());
+LY_DEFINE (ly_error, "ly:error",
+          1, 0, 1, (SCM str, SCM rest),
+          "Scheme callable function to issue the error @code{msg}. "
+          "The error is formatted with @code{format} and @code{rest}.")
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_string (str), str, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "string");
+  str = scm_simple_format (SCM_BOOL_F, str, rest);
+  error (ly_scm2string (str));
+LY_DEFINE (ly_message, "ly:message",
+          1, 0, 1, (SCM str, SCM rest),
+          "Scheme callable function to issue the message @code{msg}. "
+          "The message is formatted with @code{format} and @code{rest}.")
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_string (str), str, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "string");
+  str = scm_simple_format (SCM_BOOL_F, str, rest);
+  message (ly_scm2string (str));
+LY_DEFINE (ly_progress, "ly:progress",
+          1, 0, 1, (SCM str, SCM rest),
+          "Scheme callable function to print progress @code{str}. "
+          "The message is formatted with @code{format} and @code{rest}.")
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_string (str), str, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "string");
+  str = scm_simple_format (SCM_BOOL_F, str, rest);
+  progress_indication (ly_scm2string (str));
+LY_DEFINE (ly_programming_error, "ly:programming-error",
+          1, 0, 1, (SCM str, SCM rest),
+          "Scheme callable function to issue the warning @code{msg}. "
+          "The message is formatted with @code{format} and @code{rest}.")
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_string (str), str, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "string");
+  str = scm_simple_format (SCM_BOOL_F, str, rest);
+  programming_error (ly_scm2string (str));
+LY_DEFINE (ly_warning, "ly:warning",
+          1, 0, 1, (SCM str, SCM rest),
+          "Scheme callable function to issue the warning @code{str}. "
+          "The message is formatted with @code{format} and @code{rest}.")
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_string (str), str, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "string");
+  str = scm_simple_format (SCM_BOOL_F, str, rest);
+  warning (ly_scm2string (str));
+LY_DEFINE (ly_dir_p, "ly:dir?",
+          1, 0, 0, (SCM s),
+          "type predicate. A direction is @code{-1}, @code{0} or "
+          "@code{1}, where @code{-1} represents "
+          "left or down and @code{1} represents right or up.")
+  if (scm_is_number (s))
+    {
+      int i = scm_to_int (s);
+      return (i >= -1 && i <= 1) ? SCM_BOOL_T : SCM_BOOL_F;
+    }
+  return SCM_BOOL_F;
+LY_DEFINE (ly_assoc_get, "ly:assoc-get",
+          2, 1, 0,
+          (SCM key, SCM alist, SCM default_value),
+          "Return value if KEY in ALIST, else DEFAULT-VALUE "
+          "(or #f if not specified).")
+  SCM handle = scm_assoc (key, alist);
+  if (default_value == SCM_UNDEFINED)
+    default_value = SCM_BOOL_F;
+  if (scm_is_pair (handle))
+    return scm_cdr (handle);
+  return default_value;
+LY_DEFINE (ly_number2string, "ly:number->string",
+          1, 0, 0, (SCM s),
+          "Convert @var{num} to a string without generating many decimals.")
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_number (s), s, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "number");
+  char str[400];                       // ugh.
+  if (scm_exact_p (s) == SCM_BOOL_F)
+    {
+      Real r (scm_to_double (s));
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+      if (my_isinf (r) || my_isnan (r))
+       if (isinf (r) || isnan (r))
+         {
+           programming_error (_ ("infinity or NaN encountered while converting 
Real number"));
+           programming_error (_ ("setting to zero"));
+           r = 0.0;
+         }
+      snprintf (str, sizeof (str), "%08.4f", r);
+    }
+  else
+    snprintf (str, sizeof (str), "%d", scm_to_int (s));
+  return scm_makfrom0str (str);
+LY_DEFINE (ly_version, "ly:version", 0, 0, 0, (),
+          "Return the current lilypond version as a list, e.g. @code{(1 3 127 
uu1)}. ")
+  char const *vs = "\'(" MAJOR_VERSION " " MINOR_VERSION " " PATCH_LEVEL " " 
+  return scm_c_eval_string ((char *)vs);
+LY_DEFINE (ly_unit, "ly:unit", 0, 0, 0, (),
+          "Return the unit used for lengths as a string.")
+  return scm_makfrom0str (INTERNAL_UNIT);
+LY_DEFINE (ly_dimension_p, "ly:dimension?", 1, 0, 0, (SCM d),
+          "Return @var{d} is a number. Used to distinguish length "
+          "variables from normal numbers.")
+  return scm_number_p (d);
+  Debugging mem leaks:
+LY_DEFINE (ly_protects, "ly:protects",
+          0, 0, 0, (),
+          "Return hash of protected objects.")
+  return scm_protects;
+LY_DEFINE (ly_gettext, "ly:gettext",
+          1, 0, 0, (SCM string),
+          "Gettext wrapper.")
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_string (string), string, SCM_ARG1,
+                  __FUNCTION__, "string");
+  return scm_makfrom0str (_ (scm_i_string_chars (string)).to_str0 ());
+LY_DEFINE (ly_output_backend, "ly:output-backend",
+          0, 0, 0, (),
+          "Return name of output backend.")
+  return scm_makfrom0str (output_backend_global.to_str0 ());
+LY_DEFINE (ly_output_formats, "ly:output-formats",
+          0, 0, 0, (),
+          "Formats passed to --format as a list of strings, "
+          "used for the output.")
+  Array<String> output_formats = split_string (output_format_global, ',');
+  SCM lst = SCM_EOL;
+  int output_formats_count = output_formats.size ();
+  for (int i = 0; i < output_formats_count; i ++)
+    lst = scm_cons (scm_makfrom0str (output_formats[i].to_str0 ()), lst);
+  return lst;
+LY_DEFINE (ly_wchar_to_utf_8, "ly:wide-char->utf-8",
+          1, 0, 0, (SCM wc),
+          "Encode the Unicode codepoint @var{wc} as UTF-8")
+  char buf[5];
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_integer (wc), wc, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "integer");
+  unsigned wide_char = (unsigned) scm_to_int (wc);
+  char *p = buf;
+  if (wide_char < 0x0080)
+    {
+      *p++ = (char)wide_char;
+    }
+  else if (wide_char < 0x0800)
+    {
+      *p++ = (char) (((wide_char >> 6)) | 0xC0);
+      *p++ = (char) (((wide_char) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
+    }
+  else if (wide_char < 0x10000)
+    {
+      *p++ = (char) (((wide_char >> 12)) | 0xE0);
+      *p++ = (char) (((wide_char >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
+      *p++ = (char) (((wide_char) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      *p++ = (char) (((wide_char >> 18)) | 0xF0);
+      *p++ = (char) (((wide_char >> 12) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
+      *p++ = (char) (((wide_char >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
+      *p++ = (char) (((wide_char) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
+    }
+  *p = 0;
+  return scm_makfrom0str (buf);
+LY_DEFINE (ly_effective_prefix, "ly:effective-prefix",
+          0, 0, 0, (),
+          "Return effective prefix.")
+  return scm_makfrom0str (prefix_directory.to_str0 ());
+LY_DEFINE (ly_chain_assoc_get, "ly:chain-assoc-get",
+          2, 1, 0, (SCM key, SCM achain, SCM dfault),
+          "Return value for @var{key} from a list of alists @var{achain}.  "
+          "If no if no entry is found, return DFAULT, "
+          "or #f if no DFAULT not specified.")
+  if (scm_is_pair (achain))
+    {
+      SCM handle = scm_assoc (key, scm_car (achain));
+      if (scm_is_pair (handle))
+       return scm_cdr (handle);
+      else
+       return ly_chain_assoc_get (key, scm_cdr (achain), dfault);
+    }
+  return dfault == SCM_UNDEFINED ? SCM_BOOL_F : dfault;
+LY_DEFINE (ly_stderr_redirect, "ly:stderr-redirect",
+          1, 1, 0, (SCM file_name, SCM mode),
+          "Redirect stderr to FILE-NAME, opened with MODE.")
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_string_p (file_name), file_name, SCM_ARG1,
+                  __FUNCTION__, "file_name");
+  char const* m = "w";
+  if (mode != SCM_UNDEFINED && scm_string_p (mode))
+    m = ly_scm2newstr (mode, 0);
+  /* dup2 and (fileno (current-error-port)) do not work with mingw'c
+     gcc -mwindows.  */
+  freopen (ly_scm2newstr (file_name, 0), m, stderr);
Index: lilypond/ly/
diff -u lilypond/ly/ 
--- lilypond/ly/      Fri Sep 23 21:22:27 2005
+++ lilypond/ly/        Sun Oct  9 21:57:12 2005
@@ -606,6 +606,7 @@
 \context {
   \name "TabVoice"
+  \alias "Voice"
   \consists "Tab_note_heads_engraver"
   \remove "Note_heads_engraver"
   \remove "Fingering_engraver"
Index: lilypond/scm/ps-to-png.scm
diff -u /dev/null lilypond/scm/ps-to-png.scm:
--- /dev/null   Sun Oct  9 21:57:13 2005
+++ lilypond/scm/ps-to-png.scm  Sun Oct  9 21:57:12 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+;;;; ps-to-png.scm --
+;;;;  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
+;;;; (c) 2005 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+(define-module (scm ps-to-png))
+ (ice-9 optargs)
+ (ice-9 regex)
+ (ice-9 rw)
+ (srfi srfi-1)
+ (srfi srfi-13)
+ (srfi srfi-14))
+;; gettext wrapper for guile < 1.7.2
+(if (defined? 'gettext)
+    (define-public _ gettext)
+    (define-public (_ x) x))
+(define PLATFORM
+  (string->symbol
+   (string-downcase
+    (car (string-tokenize (vector-ref (uname) 0) char-set:letter)))))
+(define (re-sub re sub string)
+  (regexp-substitute/global #f re string 'pre sub 'post))
+(define (search-executable names)
+  (define (helper path lst)
+    (if (null? (cdr lst))
+       (car lst)
+       (if (search-path path (car lst)) (car lst)
+           (helper path (cdr lst)))))
+  (let ((path (parse-path (getenv "PATH"))))
+    (helper path names)))
+(define (search-gs)
+  (search-executable '("gs-nox" "gs-8.15" "gs")))
+(define (gulp-port port max-length)
+  (let ((str (make-string max-length)))
+    (read-string!/partial str port)
+    str))
+(define (dir-listing dir-name)
+  (define (dir-helper dir lst)
+    (let ((e (readdir dir)))
+      (if (eof-object? e) lst (dir-helper dir (cons e lst)))))
+  (reverse (dir-helper (opendir dir-name) '())))
+(define (dir-re dir re)
+  (filter (lambda (x) (string-match re x)) (dir-listing dir)))
+  "^%%BoundingBox: (-?[0-9]+) (-?[0-9]+) (-?[0-9]+) (-?[0-9]+)")
+(define (get-bbox file-name)
+  (let* ((bbox (string-append file-name ".bbox"))
+        ;; -sOutputFile does not work with bbox?
+        (cmd (format #t "gs\
+ -sDEVICE=bbox\
+ -q\
+ ~S\
+ -c showpage\
+ -c quit 2>~S"
+                         file-name bbox))
+        (status (system cmd))
+        (s (gulp-port (open-file bbox "r") 10240))
+        (m (string-match BOUNDING_BOX_RE s)))
+    (display m)
+    (newline)
+    (if m
+       (list->vector
+        (map (lambda (x) (string->number (car x))) (vector->list m)))
+       #f)))
+;; copy of ly:system. ly:* not available via lilypond-ps2png.scm
+(define (my-system be-verbose exit-on-error cmd)
+  (define status 0)
+  (if be-verbose
+      (begin
+       (format (current-error-port) (_ "Invoking `~a'...") cmd)
+       (newline (current-error-port))))
+  (set! status (system cmd))
+  (if (not (= status 0))
+      (begin
+       (format (current-error-port)
+               (format #f (_ "~a exited with status: ~S") "GS" status))
+       (if exit-on-error
+           (exit 1))))
+  status)
+(define (scale-down-image be-verbose factor file)
+  (let* ((status 0)
+        (percentage (* 100 (/ 1.0 factor)))
+        (old (string-append file ".old")))
+  (rename-file file old)
+  (my-system be-verbose
+            #t
+            (format #f "convert -scale \"~a%\" ~a ~a" percentage old file))
+  (delete-file old)
+  ))
+(define-public (ps-page-count ps-name)
+  (let*
+      ((header (gulp-port (open-file ps-name "r") 10240))
+       (match (string-match "%%Pages: ([0-9]+)" header))
+       (count (if match
+                 (string->number (match:substring match 1))
+                 0)))
+    count))
+(define-public (make-ps-images ps-name . rest)
+  (let-optional
+   rest ((resolution 90)
+        (paper-size "a4")
+        (rename-page-1? #f)
+        (verbose? #f)
+        (aa-factor 1) 
+        )
+   (let* ((base (basename (re-sub "[.]e?ps" "" ps-name)))
+         (header (gulp-port (open-file ps-name "r")  10240))
+         (png1 (string-append base ".png"))
+         (pngn (string-append base "-page%d.png"))
+         (page-count (ps-page-count ps-name))
+         (multi-page? (> page-count 1))
+         (output-file (if multi-page? pngn png1))
+         ;; png16m is because Lily produces color nowadays.
+         ;; can't use pngalpha device, since IE is broken.
+         ;;
+         (gs-variable-options
+           (if multi-page?
+               (format #f "-sPAPERSIZE=~a" paper-size)
+               "-dEPSCrop"))
+         (cmd (format #f "~a\
+ ~a\
+ ~a\
+ -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4\
+ -dTextAlphaBits=4\
+ -sDEVICE=png16m\
+ -sOutputFile=~S\
+ -r~S\
+ ~S\
+ -c quit"
+                          (search-gs)
+                          (if verbose? "" "-q")
+                          gs-variable-options
+                          output-file 
+                          (* aa-factor resolution) ps-name))
+         (status 0)
+         (files '()))
+     ;; The wrapper on windows cannot handle `=' signs,
+     ;; gs has a workaround with #.
+     (if (eq? PLATFORM 'windows)
+        (begin
+          (set! cmd (re-sub "=" "#" cmd))
+          (set! cmd (re-sub "-dSAFER " "" cmd))))
+     (set! status (my-system verbose? #f cmd))
+     (set! files
+          (if multi-page?
+              (map
+               (lambda (n)
+                 (format "~a-page~a.png" base (1+ n)))
+               (iota page-count))
+              (list (format "~a.png" base))))
+     (if (not (= 0 status))
+        (begin
+          (map delete-file files)
+          (exit 1)))
+     (if (and rename-page-1? multi-page?)
+        (begin
+          (rename-file (re-sub "%d" "1" pngn) png1)
+          (set! files
+                (cons png1
+                      (cdr files)))
+          ))
+     (if (not (= 1 aa-factor))
+        (for-each  (lambda (f) (scale-down-image verbose? aa-factor f))
+                   files))
+     files)))

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