CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    lilypond
Changes by:     Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     05/08/30 23:05:28

Modified files:
        .              : ChangeLog 
        Documentation/user: basic-notation.itely global.itely 

Log message:
        Misc small changes.


Index: lilypond/ChangeLog
diff -u lilypond/ChangeLog:1.4099 lilypond/ChangeLog:1.4100
--- lilypond/ChangeLog:1.4099   Tue Aug 30 19:25:37 2005
+++ lilypond/ChangeLog  Tue Aug 30 23:05:27 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2005-08030  Graham Percival  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * Documentation/user/basic-notation.itely, global.itely,
+       tutorial.itely: misc small changes.
 2005-08-30  Jan Nieuwenhuizen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * stepmake/aclocal.m4: Include MY_PATCH_LEVEL in config.make's
Index: lilypond/Documentation/user/basic-notation.itely
diff -u lilypond/Documentation/user/basic-notation.itely:1.42 
--- lilypond/Documentation/user/basic-notation.itely:1.42       Fri Aug 26 
19:24:35 2005
+++ lilypond/Documentation/user/basic-notation.itely    Tue Aug 30 23:05:28 2005
@@ -1783,6 +1783,8 @@
    \new Staff { c4 \grace { g8[ b] } c4 } >>
 @end lilypond
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{\afterGrace}
 If you want to end a note with a grace, use the @code{\afterGrace}
 command.  It takes two arguments: the main note, and the grace notes
 following the main note. 
Index: lilypond/Documentation/user/global.itely
diff -u lilypond/Documentation/user/global.itely:1.32 
--- lilypond/Documentation/user/global.itely:1.32       Sun Aug 14 05:58:35 2005
+++ lilypond/Documentation/user/global.itely    Tue Aug 30 23:05:28 2005
@@ -253,52 +253,66 @@
 @table @code
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{firstpagenumber}
 @item firstpagenumber
 The value of the page number of the first page.  Default [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{printfirstpagenumber}
 @item printfirstpagenumber
 If set to true, will print the page number in the first page.  Default is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{printpagenumber}
 @item printpagenumber
 If set to false, page numbers will not be printed.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{hsize}
 @item hsize
 The width of the page.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{vsize}
 @item vsize
 The height of the page.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{topmargin}
 @item topmargin
 Margin between header and top of the page.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{bottommargin}
 @item bottommargin
 Margin between footer and bottom of the page.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{leftmargin}
 @item leftmargin
 Margin between the left side of the page and the beginning of the music.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{linewidth}
 @item linewidth
 The length of the systems.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{headsep}
 @item headsep
 Distance between the top-most music system and the page header.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{footsep}
 @item footsep
 Distance between the bottom-most music system and the page footer.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{raggedbottom}
 @item raggedbottom
 If set to true, systems will not be spread across the page.
 This should be set false for pieces that have only two or three
 systems per page, for example orchestral scores.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{raggedlastbottom}
 @item raggedlastbottom
 If set to false, systems will be spread to fill the last page.
 Pieces that amply fill two pages or more should have this set to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{betweensystemspace}
 @item betweensystemspace
 This dimensions determines the distance between systems.  It is the
 ideal distance between the center of the bottom staff of one system
@@ -307,6 +321,7 @@
 Increasing this will provide a more even appearance of the page at the
 cost of using more vertical space.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{betweensystempadding}
 @item betweensystempadding
 This dimension is the minimum amount of white space that will always
 be present between the bottom-most symbol of one system, and the
@@ -315,29 +330,33 @@
 Increasing this will put systems whose bounding boxes almost touch
 farther apart.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{horizontalshift}
 @item horizontalshift
 All systems (including titles and system separators) are shifted by
 this amount to the right. Page markup, such as headers and footers are
 not affected by this. The purpose of this variable is to make space
 for instrument names at the left.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{aftertitlespace}
 @item aftertitlespace
 Amount of space between the title and the first system.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{aftertitlespace}
 @item beforetitlespace 
 Amount of space between the last system of the previous piece and the
 title of the next.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{betweentitlespace}
 @item betweentitlespace
 Amount of space between consecutive titles (e.g., the title of the
 book and the title of a piece).
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{printallheaders}
 @item printallheaders
 Setting this to #t will print all headers for each \score in a
 \book.  Normally only the piece and opus \headers are printed.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{systemSeparatorMarkup}
 @item systemSeparatorMarkup
 This contains a markup object, which will be inserted between
 systems.  This is often used for orchestral scores.
@@ -665,6 +684,7 @@
 No work-around exists for decreasing the amount of space.
 @node Line length
 @subsection Line length
@@ -673,6 +693,7 @@
 @cindex @code{indent}
 @cindex @code{linewidth}
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{raggedright}
 @c Although linewidth can be set in \layout, it should be set in paper
 @c block, to get page layout right.
@@ -700,6 +721,7 @@
 @c stretch as the previous line.  eTeX uses \lastlinefit to
 @c interpolate between both these solutions.
 @node Line breaking
 @subsection Line breaking
@@ -931,8 +953,7 @@
     composer =  \markup \center-align { "composer" \small "(1847-1973)" }
     texttranslator = "Text Translator"
     meter = \markup { \teeny "m" \tiny "e" \normalsize "t" \large "e" \huge 
"r" }
-    arranger = "Arranger"
-    opus = \markup { \fontsize #8.5 "o" \fontsize #2.5 "p" \fontsize #-2.5 "u" 
\fontsize #-5.3 "s" \fontsize #7.5 "       " }
+    arranger = \markup { \fontsize #8.5 "a" \fontsize #2.5 "r" \fontsize #-2.5 
"r" \fontsize #-5.3 "a" \fontsize #7.5 "nger" }
     instrument = \markup \bold \italic "instrument"
     piece = "Piece"
@@ -961,7 +982,7 @@
 When same fields appear in different blocks, the latter is used.  
 Here is a short example.
 \header @{
   composer = "Composer"
@@ -990,6 +1011,7 @@
 @end lilypond
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{printallheaders}
 You may change this behavior (and print all the headers when defining
 @code{\header} inside @code{\score}) by using
@@ -1008,28 +1030,34 @@
 @file{ly/} lists the default layout.
 @table @code
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{bookTitleMarkup}
 @item bookTitleMarkup
   This is the title put over an entire @code{\book} block.  Typically,
   it has the composer and the title of the piece
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{scoreTitleMarkup}
 @item scoreTitleMarkup
   This is the title put over a @code{\score} block within a
 @code{\book}.  Typically, it has the name of the movement (@code{piece}
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{oddHeaderMarkup}
 @item oddHeaderMarkup
   This is the page header for odd-numbered pages. 
-  @item evenHeaderMarkup
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{evenHeaderMarkup}
[EMAIL PROTECTED] evenHeaderMarkup
   This is the page header for even-numbered pages.  If unspecified,
   the odd header is used instead.
   By default, headers are defined such that the page number is on the
   outside edge, and the instrument is centered.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{oddFooterMarkup}
 @item oddFooterMarkup
   This is the page footer for odd-numbered pages. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{evenFotterMarkup}
 @item evenFooterMarkup
   This is the page footer for even-numbered pages.  If unspecified,
   the odd header is used instead.
Index: lilypond/Documentation/user/tutorial.itely
diff -u lilypond/Documentation/user/tutorial.itely:1.262 
--- lilypond/Documentation/user/tutorial.itely:1.262    Fri Aug 26 19:24:35 2005
+++ lilypond/Documentation/user/tutorial.itely  Tue Aug 30 23:05:28 2005
@@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@
 substitutes the contents of @file{} at this position in
 the file, so @code{hornNotes} is defined afterwards.  The command
 @code{\transpose [EMAIL PROTECTED]'} indicates that the argument, being
[EMAIL PROTECTED], should be transposed by a fifth downwards.  Sounding
[EMAIL PROTECTED], should be transposed by a fifth upwards.  Sounding
 @samp{f} is denoted by notated @code{c'}, which corresponds with the
 tuning of a normal French Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The transposition can be seen
 in the following output

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