CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    lilypond
Changes by:     Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     05/08/17 09:57:08

Modified files:
        .              : ChangeLog 
        Documentation/user: putting.itely 

Log message:
        Reinforce the idea that \override numbers are the result of personal


Index: lilypond/ChangeLog
diff -u lilypond/ChangeLog:1.4025 lilypond/ChangeLog:1.4026
--- lilypond/ChangeLog:1.4025   Wed Aug 17 08:13:28 2005
+++ lilypond/ChangeLog  Wed Aug 17 09:57:07 2005
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
        * Documentation/user/advanced-notation.itely: add info on
        getting an I rehearsal mark.
+       * Documentation/user/putting.itely: reinstate "I", re-enforce
+       the fact that \override numbers are the result of
+       experimentation and personal taste.
 2005-08-17  Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * input/regression/ (Module): remove file.
Index: lilypond/Documentation/user/putting.itely
diff -u lilypond/Documentation/user/putting.itely:1.6 
--- lilypond/Documentation/user/putting.itely:1.6       Tue Aug 16 00:33:28 2005
+++ lilypond/Documentation/user/putting.itely   Wed Aug 17 09:57:08 2005
@@ -272,9 +272,10 @@
 @end lilypond
 That looks better, but it isn't quite big enough.  After experimenting
-with a few values, we think 2.3 is the best number.  We leave this as an
-exercise for the reader to modify the above example and view the output
-for themselves.
+with a few values, I think 2.3 is the best number in this case.  However,
+this number is merely the result of experimentation and my personal
+taste in notation.  Try the above example with 2.3... but also try higher
+(and lower) numbers.  Which do you think looks the best?
 @cindex extra-offset
@@ -292,13 +293,18 @@
 With @code{extra-offset}, the first number controls the horizontal
 movement (left is negative); the second number controls the vertial
-movement (up is positive).  After a bit of experimenting, we decided
-that these values look good.
+movement (up is positive).  After a bit of experimenting, I decided
+that these values look good
 \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -1.6 . 1.0 )
 e4^\markup{ \italic ritenuto } g b e
 @end lilypond
+Again, these numbers are simply the result of a few experiments and
+looking at the output.  You might prefer the text to be slightly higher,
+or to the left, or whatever.  Try it and look at the result!

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