CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    lilypond
Branch:         lilypond_2_6
Changes by:     Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      05/08/10 08:18:48

Modified files:
        .              : ChangeLog 
        scm            : define-markup-commands.scm 

Log message:
        * scm/define-markup-commands.scm (normal-text): Added 2 new
        markup commands, \normal-text and \medium (the latter thanks to
        Bruce Fairchild).


Index: lilypond/ChangeLog
diff -u lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3836.2.22 lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3836.2.23
--- lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3836.2.22      Mon Aug  8 08:17:21 2005
+++ lilypond/ChangeLog  Wed Aug 10 08:18:48 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2005-08-10  Mats Bengtsson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * scm/define-markup-commands.scm (normal-text): Added 2 new
+       markup commands, \normal-text and \medium (the latter thanks to
+       Bruce Fairchild). 
 2005-08-08  Mats Bengtsson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * Documentation/user/programming-interface.itely (Markup
Index: lilypond/scm/define-markup-commands.scm
diff -u /dev/null lilypond/scm/define-markup-commands.scm:
--- /dev/null   Wed Aug 10 08:18:48 2005
+++ lilypond/scm/define-markup-commands.scm     Wed Aug 10 08:18:48 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,968 @@
+;;;; define-markup-commands.scm -- markup commands
+;;;;  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
+;;;; (c) 2000--2005  Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+;;;;                  Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+;;; markup commands
+;;;  * each markup function should have a doc string with
+;;     syntax, description and example. 
+(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
+(define-public empty-stencil (ly:make-stencil '() '(1 . -1) '(1 . -1)))
+(define-public point-stencil (ly:make-stencil "" '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0)))
+(def-markup-command (stencil layout props stil) (ly:stencil?)
+  "Stencil as markup"
+  stil)
+(def-markup-command (draw-circle layout props radius thickness fill)
+  (number? number? boolean?)
+  "A circle of radius @var{radius}, thickness @var{thickness} and
+optionally filled."
+  (make-circle-stencil radius thickness fill))
+(def-markup-command (triangle layout props filled) (boolean?)
+  "A triangle, filled or not"
+  (let*
+      ((th (chain-assoc-get 'thickness props  0.1))
+       (size (chain-assoc-get 'font-size props 0))
+       (ex (* (magstep size)
+             0.8
+             (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props 2))))
+    (ly:make-stencil
+     `(polygon '(0.0 0.0
+                    ,ex 0.0
+                    ,(* 0.5 ex)
+                    ,(* 0.86 ex))
+          ,th
+          ,filled)
+     (cons 0 ex)
+     (cons 0 (* .86 ex))
+     )))
+(def-markup-command (circle layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Draw a circle around @var{arg}.  Use @code{thickness},
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and @code{font-size} properties to determine line
+thickness and padding around the markup."
+  (let* ((th (chain-assoc-get 'thickness props  0.1))
+        (size (chain-assoc-get 'font-size props 0))
+        (pad
+         (* (magstep size)
+            (chain-assoc-get 'circle-padding props 0.2)))
+        (m (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (circle-stencil m th pad)))
+(def-markup-command (with-url layout props url arg) (string? markup?)
+  "Add a link to URL @var{url} around @var{arg}. This only works in
+the PDF backend."
+  (let* ((stil (interpret-markup layout props arg))
+        (xextent (ly:stencil-extent stil X))
+        (yextent (ly:stencil-extent stil Y))
+        (old-expr (ly:stencil-expr stil))
+        (url-expr (list 'url-link url `(quote ,xextent) `(quote ,yextent))))
+    (ly:stencil-add (ly:make-stencil url-expr xextent yextent) stil)))
+(define bbox-regexp
+  (make-regexp "%%BoundingBox: ([0-9-]+) ([0-9-]+) ([0-9-]+) ([0-9-]+)"))
+(define (get-postscript-bbox string)
+  "Extract the bbox from STRING, or return #f if not present."
+  (let*
+      ((match (regexp-exec bbox-regexp string)))
+    (if match
+       (map (lambda (x)
+              (string->number (match:substring match x)))
+            (cdr (iota 5)))
+       #f)))
+(def-markup-command (epsfile layout props file-name) (string?)
+  "Inline an EPS image. The image is scaled such that 10 PS units is
+one staff-space."
+  (if (ly:get-option 'safe)
+      (interpret-markup layout props "not allowed in safe") 
+      (let*
+         ((contents (ly:gulp-file file-name))
+          (bbox (get-postscript-bbox contents))
+          (scaled-bbox
+           (if bbox
+               (map (lambda (x) (/ x 10)) bbox)
+               (begin
+                 (ly:warn (_ "can't find bounding box of `~a'")
+                          file-name)
+                 '()))))
+       (if bbox
+           (ly:make-stencil
+            (list
+             'embedded-ps
+             (string-append
+              ; adobe 5002.
+              "BeginEPSF "
+              "0.1 0.1 scale "
+              (format "\n%%BeginDocument: ~a\n" file-name)
+              contents
+              "%%EndDocument\n"
+              "EndEPSF\n"
+              ))
+            (cons (list-ref scaled-bbox 0) (list-ref scaled-bbox 2))
+            (cons (list-ref scaled-bbox 1) (list-ref scaled-bbox 3)))
+           (ly:make-stencil "" '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0))))))  
+(def-markup-command (score layout props score) (ly:score?)
+  "Inline an image of music."
+  (let* ((output (ly:score-embedded-format score layout)))
+    (if (ly:music-output? output)
+       (ly:paper-system-stencil
+        (vector-ref (ly:paper-score-paper-systems output) 0))
+       (begin
+         (ly:warning (_"no systems found in \\score markup, does it have a 
\\layout block?"))
+         empty-stencil))))
+(def-markup-command (simple layout props str) (string?)
+  "A simple text string; @code{\\markup @{ foo @}} is equivalent with
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @{ \\simple #\"foo\" @}}."
+  (interpret-markup layout props str))
+(def-markup-command (encoded-simple layout props sym str) (symbol? string?)
+  "A text string, encoded with encoding @var{sym}. See
[EMAIL PROTECTED] encoding} for more information."
+  (Text_interface::interpret_string layout props sym str))
+;; TODO: use font recoding.
+;;                   (make-line-markup
+;;                    (map make-word-markup (string-tokenize str)))))
+(define-public empty-markup
+  (make-simple-markup ""))
+(def-markup-command (postscript layout props str) (string?)
+  "This inserts @var{str} directly into the output as a PostScript
+command string.  Due to technicalities of the output backends,
+different scales should be used for the @TeX{} and PostScript backend,
+selected with @code{-f}. 
+For the TeX backend, the following string prints a rotated text
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rotated text
+0 0 moveto /ecrm10 findfont 
+1.75 scalefont setfont 90 rotate (hello) show
+The magical constant 1.75 scales from LilyPond units (staff spaces) to
+TeX dimensions.
+For the postscript backend, use the following
+gsave /ecrm10 findfont 
+ 10.0 output-scale div 
+ scalefont setfont 90 rotate (hello) show grestore 
+  ;; FIXME
+  (ly:make-stencil
+   (list 'embedded-ps str)
+   '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0)))
+;;(def-markup-command (fill-line layout props line-width markups)
+;;  (number? markup-list?)
+;; no parser tag -- should make number? markuk-list? thingy
+(def-markup-command (fill-line layout props markups)
+  (markup-list?)
+  "Put @var{markups} in a horizontal line of width @var{line-width}.
+   The markups are spaced/flushed to fill the entire line.
+   If there are no arguments, return an empty stencil.
+  (define (get-fill-space word-count line-width text-widths)
+    "Calculate the necessary paddings between each two adjacent texts.
+       The lengths of all texts are stored in @var{text-widths}.
+       The normal formula for the padding between texts a and b is:
+       padding = line-width/(word-count - 1) - (length(a) + length(b))/2
+       The first and last padding have to be calculated specially using the
+       whole length of the first or last text.
+       Return a list of paddings.
+    (cond
+     ((null? text-widths) '())
+     ;; special case first padding
+     ((= (length text-widths) word-count)
+      (cons 
+       (- (- (/ line-width (1- word-count)) (car text-widths))
+         (/ (car (cdr text-widths)) 2))
+       (get-fill-space word-count line-width (cdr text-widths))))
+     ;; special case last padding
+     ((= (length text-widths) 2)
+      (list (- (/ line-width (1- word-count))
+              (+ (/ (car text-widths) 2) (car (cdr text-widths)))) 0))
+     (else
+      (cons 
+       (- (/ line-width (1- word-count))
+         (/ (+ (car text-widths) (car (cdr text-widths))) 2))
+       (get-fill-space word-count line-width (cdr text-widths))))))
+  (let* ((orig-stencils
+         (map (lambda (x) (interpret-markup layout props x))
+              markups))
+        (stencils
+         (map (lambda (stc)
+                (if (ly:stencil-empty? stc)
+                    point-stencil
+                    stc)) orig-stencils))
+     (text-widths
+       (map (lambda (stc)
+               (if (ly:stencil-empty? stc)
+                       0.0
+                               (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent stc X))))
+                       stencils))
+     (text-width (apply + text-widths))
+        (word-count (length stencils))
+        (word-space (chain-assoc-get 'word-space props))
+        (line-width (chain-assoc-get 'linewidth props))
+        (fill-space
+               (cond
+                       ((= word-count 1) 
+                               (list
+                                       (/ (- line-width text-width) 2)
+                                       (/ (- line-width text-width) 2)))
+                       ((= word-count 2)
+                               (list
+                                       (- line-width text-width)))
+                       (else 
+                               (get-fill-space word-count line-width 
+     (fill-space-normal
+       (map (lambda (x)
+               (if (< x word-space)
+                       word-space
+                               x))
+                       fill-space))
+        (line-stencils (if (= word-count 1)
+                           (list
+                            point-stencil
+                            (car stencils)
+                            point-stencil)
+                           stencils)))
+    (if (null? (remove ly:stencil-empty? orig-stencils))
+       empty-stencil
+       (stack-stencils-padding-list X RIGHT fill-space-normal line-stencils))))
+(define (font-markup qualifier value)
+  (lambda (layout props arg)
+    (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain qualifier value props) arg)))
+(def-markup-command (line layout props args) (markup-list?)
+  "Put @var{args} in a horizontal line.  The property @code{word-space}
+determines the space between each markup in @var{args}."
+  (let*
+      ((stencils (map (lambda (m) (interpret-markup layout props m)) args))
+       (space    (chain-assoc-get 'word-space props)))
+  (stack-stencil-line
+   space
+   (remove ly:stencil-empty? stencils))))
+(def-markup-command (fromproperty layout props symbol) (symbol?)
+  "Read the @var{symbol} from property settings, and produce a stencil
+  from the markup contained within. If @var{symbol} is not defined, it
+  returns an empty markup"
+  (let* ((m (chain-assoc-get symbol props)))
+    (if (markup? m)
+       (interpret-markup layout props m)
+       (ly:make-stencil '()  '(1 . -1) '(1 . -1)))))
+(def-markup-command (on-the-fly layout props procedure arg) (symbol? markup?)
+  "Apply the @var{procedure} markup command to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @var{procedure} should take a single argument."
+  (let* ((anonymous-with-signature (lambda (layout props arg) (procedure 
layout props arg))))
+    (set-object-property! anonymous-with-signature
+                         'markup-signature
+                         (list markup?))
+    (interpret-markup layout props (list anonymous-with-signature arg))))
+(def-markup-command (combine layout props m1 m2) (markup? markup?)
+  "Print two markups on top of each other."
+  (let* ((s1 (interpret-markup layout props m1))
+        (s2 (interpret-markup layout props m2)))
+    (ly:stencil-add s1 s2)))
+(def-markup-command (finger layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set the argument as small numbers."
+  (interpret-markup layout
+                    (cons '((font-size . -5) (font-encoding . fetaNumber)) 
+                    arg))
+(def-markup-command (fontsize layout props mag arg) (number? markup?)
+  "Set the relative font size, e.g.
+A \\fontsize #2 @{ B C @} D
+This will enlarge the B and the C by two steps.
+  (interpret-markup
+   layout 
+   (prepend-alist-chain 'font-size mag props)
+   arg))
+;; FIXME -> should convert to font-size.
+(def-markup-command (magnify layout props sz arg) (number? markup?)
+  "Set the font magnification for the its argument. In the following
+example, the middle A will be 10% larger:
+A \\magnify #1.1 @{ A @} A
+Note: magnification only works if a font-name is explicitly selected.
+Use @code{\\fontsize} otherwise."
+  (interpret-markup
+   layout 
+   (prepend-alist-chain 'font-magnification sz props)
+   arg))
+(def-markup-command (bold layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Switch to bold font-series"
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-series 'bold props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (sans layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Switch to the sans serif family"
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-family 'sans props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (number layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set font family to @code{number}, which yields the font used for
+time signatures and fingerings.  This font only contains numbers and
+some punctuation. It doesn't have any letters.  "
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-encoding 'fetaNumber 
props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (roman layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set font family to @code{roman}."
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-family 'roman props) 
+(def-markup-command (huge layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set font size to +2."
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-size 2 props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (large layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set font size to +1."
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-size 1 props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (normalsize layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set font size to default."
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-size 0 props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (small layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set font size to -1."
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-size -1 props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (tiny layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set font size to -2."
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-size -2 props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (teeny layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set font size to -3."
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-size -3 props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (caps layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set @code{font-shape} to @code{caps}."
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-shape 'caps props) arg))
+;(def-markup-command (latin-i layout props arg) (markup?)
+;  "TEST latin1 encoding."
+;  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-shape 'latin1 props) 
+(def-markup-command (dynamic layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Use the dynamic font.  This font only contains @b{s}, @b{f}, @b{m},
[EMAIL PROTECTED], @b{p}, and @b{r}.  When producing phrases, like [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] @b{f}'', the
+normal words (like [EMAIL PROTECTED]'') should be done in a different font.  
+recommend font for this is bold and italic"
+  (interpret-markup
+   layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-encoding 'fetaDynamic props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (italic layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Use italic @code{font-shape} for @var{arg}. "
+  (interpret-markup layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-shape 'italic props) 
+(def-markup-command (typewriter layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Use @code{font-family} typewriter for @var{arg}."
+  (interpret-markup
+   layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-family 'typewriter props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (upright layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set font shape to @code{upright}."
+  (interpret-markup
+   layout (prepend-alist-chain 'font-shape 'upright props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (normal-text layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set all font related properties (except the size) to get the default normal 
text font, no matter what font was used earlier."
+  ;; ugh - latin1
+  (interpret-markup layout
+                    (cons '((font-family . roman) (font-shape . upright) 
(font-series . medium) (font-encoding . latin1)) props)
+                    arg)) 
+;; symbols.
+(def-markup-command (doublesharp layout props) ()
+  "Draw a double sharp symbol."
+  (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.4")))
+(def-markup-command (sesquisharp layout props) ()
+  "Draw a 3/2 sharp symbol."
+  (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.3")))
+(def-markup-command (sharp layout props) ()
+  "Draw a sharp symbol."
+  (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.2")))
+(def-markup-command (semisharp layout props) ()
+  "Draw a semi sharp symbol."
+  (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.1")))
+(def-markup-command (natural layout props) ()
+  "Draw a natural symbol."
+  (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.0")))
+(def-markup-command (semiflat layout props) ()
+  "Draw a semiflat."
+  (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.M1")))
+(def-markup-command (flat layout props) ()
+  "Draw a flat symbol."
+  (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.M2")))
+(def-markup-command (sesquiflat layout props) ()
+  "Draw a 3/2 flat symbol."
+  (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.M3")))
+(def-markup-command (doubleflat layout props) ()
+  "Draw a double flat symbol."
+  (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.M4")))
+(def-markup-command (with-color layout props color arg) (color? markup?)
+  "Draw @var{arg} in color specified by @var{color}"
+  (let* ((stil (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (ly:make-stencil (list 'color color (ly:stencil-expr stil))
+                    (ly:stencil-extent stil X)
+                    (ly:stencil-extent stil Y))))
+;; TODO: should extract baseline-skip from each argument somehow..
+(def-markup-command (column layout props args) (markup-list?)
+  "Stack the markups in @var{args} vertically.  The property
[EMAIL PROTECTED] determines the space between each markup in @var{args}."
+  (stack-lines
+   -1 0.0 (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props)
+   (remove ly:stencil-empty?
+          (map (lambda (m) (interpret-markup layout props m)) args))))
+(def-markup-command (dir-column layout props args) (markup-list?)
+  "Make a column of args, going up or down, depending on the setting
+of the @code{#'direction} layout property."
+  (let* ((dir (chain-assoc-get 'direction props)))
+    (stack-lines
+     (if (number? dir) dir -1)
+     0.0
+     (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props)
+     (map (lambda (x) (interpret-markup layout props x)) args))))
+(def-markup-command (center-align layout props args) (markup-list?)
+  "Put @code{args} in a centered column. "
+  (let* ((mols (map (lambda (x) (interpret-markup layout props x)) args))
+         (cmols (map (lambda (x) (ly:stencil-aligned-to x X CENTER)) mols)))
+    (stack-lines -1 0.0 (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props) cmols)))
+(def-markup-command (vcenter layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Align @code{arg} to its Y center. "
+  (let* ((mol (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (ly:stencil-aligned-to mol Y CENTER)))
+(def-markup-command (hcenter layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Align @code{arg} to its X center. "
+  (let* ((mol (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (ly:stencil-aligned-to mol X CENTER)))
+(def-markup-command (right-align layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Align @var{arg} on its right edge. "
+  (let* ((m (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (ly:stencil-aligned-to m X RIGHT)))
+(def-markup-command (left-align layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Align @var{arg} on its left edge. "
+  (let* ((m (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (ly:stencil-aligned-to m X LEFT)))
+(def-markup-command (general-align layout props axis dir arg)  (integer? 
number? markup?)
+  "Align @var{arg} in @var{axis} direction to the @var{dir} side."
+  (let* ((m (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (ly:stencil-aligned-to m axis dir)))
+(def-markup-command (halign layout props dir arg) (number? markup?)
+  "Set horizontal alignment. If @var{dir} is @code{-1}, then it is
+left-aligned, while @code{+1} is right. Values in between interpolate
+alignment accordingly."
+  (let* ((m (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (ly:stencil-aligned-to m X dir)))
+(def-markup-command (musicglyph layout props glyph-name) (string?)
+  "This is converted to a musical symbol, e.g. @code{\\musicglyph
+#\"accidentals.0\"} will select the natural sign from the music font.
+See @usermanref{The Feta font} for  a complete listing of the possible glyphs."
+  (ly:font-get-glyph
+   (ly:paper-get-font layout (cons '((font-encoding . fetaMusic))
+                                  props))
+   glyph-name))
+(def-markup-command (lookup layout props glyph-name) (string?)
+  "Lookup a glyph by name."
+  (ly:font-get-glyph (ly:paper-get-font layout props)
+                    glyph-name))
+(def-markup-command (char layout props num) (integer?)
+  "Produce a single character, e.g. @code{\\char #65} produces the 
+letter 'A'."
+  (ly:get-glyph (ly:paper-get-font layout props) num))
+(def-markup-command (lower layout props amount arg) (number? markup?)
+  "
+Lower @var{arg}, by the distance @var{amount}.
+A negative @var{amount} indicates raising, see also @code{\raise}.
+  (ly:stencil-translate-axis (interpret-markup layout props arg)
+                            (- amount) Y))
+(def-markup-command (raise layout props amount arg) (number? markup?)
+  "
+Raise @var{arg}, by the distance @var{amount}.
+A negative @var{amount} indicates lowering, see also @code{\\lower}.
[EMAIL PROTECTED],fragment,relative=1]
+ c1^\\markup { C \\small \\raise #1.0 \\bold { \"9/7+\" }}
+The argument to @code{\\raise} is the vertical displacement amount,
+measured in (global) staff spaces.  @code{\\raise} and @code{\\super}
+raise objects in relation to their surrounding markups.
+If the text object itself is positioned above or below the staff, then
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cannot be used to move it, since the mechanism that
+positions it next to the staff cancels any shift made with
[EMAIL PROTECTED] For vertical positioning, use the @code{padding}
+and/or @code{extra-offset} properties. "
+  (ly:stencil-translate-axis (interpret-markup layout props arg) amount Y))
+(def-markup-command (fraction layout props arg1 arg2) (markup? markup?)
+  "Make a fraction of two markups."
+  (let* ((m1 (interpret-markup layout props arg1))
+         (m2 (interpret-markup layout props arg2)))
+    (set! m1 (ly:stencil-aligned-to m1 X CENTER))
+    (set! m2 (ly:stencil-aligned-to m2 X CENTER))
+    (let* ((x1 (ly:stencil-extent m1 X))
+           (x2 (ly:stencil-extent m2 X))
+           (line (ly:round-filled-box (interval-union x1 x2) '(-0.05 . 0.05) 
+           ;; should stack mols separately, to maintain LINE on baseline
+           (stack (stack-lines -1 0.2 0.6 (list m1 line m2))))
+      (set! stack
+           (ly:stencil-aligned-to stack Y CENTER))
+      (set! stack
+           (ly:stencil-aligned-to stack X LEFT))
+      ;; should have EX dimension
+      ;; empirical anyway
+      (ly:stencil-translate-axis stack 0.75 Y))))
+(def-markup-command (filled-box layout props xext yext blot)
+  (number-pair? number-pair? number?)
+  "Draw a box with rounded corners of dimensions @var{xext} and @var{yext}."
+  (ly:round-filled-box
+   xext yext blot))
+(def-markup-command (whiteout layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Provide a white underground for @var{arg}"
+  (let* ((stil (interpret-markup layout props
+                                (make-with-color-markup black arg)))
+        (white
+         (interpret-markup layout props
+                           (make-with-color-markup
+                            white
+                            (make-filled-box-markup
+                             (ly:stencil-extent stil X)
+                             (ly:stencil-extent stil Y)
+                             0.0)))))
+    (ly:stencil-add white stil)))
+;; TODO: better syntax.
+(def-markup-command (note-by-number layout props log dot-count dir) (number? 
number? number?)
+  "Construct a note symbol, with stem.  By using fractional values for
[EMAIL PROTECTED], you can obtain longer or shorter stems."
+  (let* ((font (ly:paper-get-font layout (cons '((font-encoding . fetaMusic)) 
+        (size (chain-assoc-get 'font-size props 0))
+         (stem-length (* (magstep size) (max 3 (- log 1))))
+         (head-glyph (ly:font-get-glyph
+                     font
+                     (string-append "noteheads.s" (number->string (min log 
+         (stem-thickness 0.13)
+         (stemy (* dir stem-length))
+         (attachx (if (> dir 0)
+                      (- (cdr (ly:stencil-extent head-glyph X)) stem-thickness)
+                      0))
+         (attachy (* dir 0.28))
+         (stem-glyph (and (> log 0)
+                         (ly:round-filled-box
+                          (cons attachx (+ attachx  stem-thickness))
+                          (cons (min stemy attachy)
+                                (max stemy attachy))
+                          (/ stem-thickness 3))))
+         (dot (ly:font-get-glyph font ""))
+         (dotwid (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent dot X)))
+         (dots (and (> dot-count 0)
+                    (apply ly:stencil-add
+                           (map (lambda (x)
+                                  (ly:stencil-translate-axis
+                                   dot  (* (+ 1 (* 2 x)) dotwid) X))
+                                (iota dot-count 1)))))
+         (flaggl (and (> log 2)
+                      (ly:stencil-translate
+                       (ly:font-get-glyph font
+                                         (string-append "flags."
+                                                        (if (> dir 0) "u" "d")
+                                                        (number->string log)))
+                       (cons (+ attachx (/ stem-thickness 2)) stemy)))))
+    (if flaggl
+        (set! stem-glyph (ly:stencil-add flaggl stem-glyph)))
+    (if (ly:stencil? stem-glyph)
+        (set! stem-glyph (ly:stencil-add stem-glyph head-glyph))
+        (set! stem-glyph head-glyph))
+    (if (ly:stencil? dots)
+        (set! stem-glyph
+              (ly:stencil-add
+               (ly:stencil-translate-axis
+               dots
+               (+ (if (and (> dir 0) (> log 2))
+                      (* 1.5 dotwid)
+                      0)
+                  ;; huh ? why not necessary?
+                  ;;(cdr (ly:stencil-extent head-glyph X))
+                  dotwid)
+               X)
+               stem-glyph)))
+    stem-glyph))
+(define-public log2 
+  (let ((divisor (log 2)))
+    (lambda (z) (inexact->exact (/ (log z) divisor)))))
+(define (parse-simple-duration duration-string)
+  "Parse the `duration-string', e.g. ''4..'' or ''breve.'', and return a (log 
dots) list."
+  (let ((match (regexp-exec (make-regexp "(breve|longa|maxima|[0-9]+)(\\.*)") 
+    (if (and match (string=? duration-string (match:substring match 0)))
+        (let ((len  (match:substring match 1))
+              (dots (match:substring match 2)))
+          (list (cond ((string=? len "breve") -1)
+                      ((string=? len "longa") -2)
+                      ((string=? len "maxima") -3)
+                      (else (log2 (string->number len))))
+                (if dots (string-length dots) 0)))
+        (ly:error (_ "not a valid duration string: ~a") duration-string))))
+(def-markup-command (note layout props duration dir) (string? number?)
+  "This produces a note with a stem pointing in @var{dir} direction, with
+the @var{duration} for the note head type and augmentation dots. For
+example, @code{\\note #\"4.\" #-0.75} creates a dotted quarter note, with
+a shortened down stem."
+  (let ((parsed (parse-simple-duration duration)))
+    (note-by-number-markup layout props (car parsed) (cadr parsed) dir)))
+(def-markup-command (normal-size-super layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set @var{arg} in superscript with a normal font size."
+  (ly:stencil-translate-axis
+   (interpret-markup layout props arg)
+   (* 0.5 (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props)) Y))
+(def-markup-command (super layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "
[EMAIL PROTECTED] raising text
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lowering text
[EMAIL PROTECTED] moving text
[EMAIL PROTECTED] translating text
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{\\super}
+Raising and lowering texts can be done with @code{\\super} and
[EMAIL PROTECTED],fragment,relative=1]
+ c1^\\markup { E \"=\" mc \\super \"2\" }
+  (ly:stencil-translate-axis
+   (interpret-markup
+    layout
+    (cons `((font-size . ,(- (chain-assoc-get 'font-size props 0) 3))) props)
+    arg)
+   (* 0.5 (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props))
+   Y))
+(def-markup-command (translate layout props offset arg) (number-pair? markup?)
+  "This translates an object. Its first argument is a cons of numbers
+A \\translate #(cons 2 -3) @{ B C @} D
+This moves `B C' 2 spaces to the right, and 3 down, relative to its
+surroundings. This command cannot be used to move isolated scripts
+vertically, for the same reason that @code{\\raise} cannot be used for
+  (ly:stencil-translate (interpret-markup  layout props arg)
+                       offset))
+(def-markup-command (sub layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set @var{arg} in subscript."
+  (ly:stencil-translate-axis
+   (interpret-markup
+    layout
+    (cons `((font-size . ,(- (chain-assoc-get 'font-size props 0) 3))) props)
+    arg)
+   (* -0.5 (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props))
+   Y))
+(def-markup-command (beam layout props width slope thickness)
+  (number? number? number?)
+  "Create a beam with the specified parameters."
+  (let* ((y (* slope width))
+        (yext (cons (min 0 y) (max 0 y)))
+        (half (/ thickness 2)))
+    (ly:make-stencil
+     (list 'beam width
+          slope
+          thickness
+          (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'blotdiameter))
+     (cons 0 width)
+     (cons (+ (- half) (car yext))
+          (+ half (cdr yext))))))
+(def-markup-command (normal-size-sub layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Set @var{arg} in subscript, in a normal font size."
+  (ly:stencil-translate-axis
+   (interpret-markup layout props arg)
+   (* -0.5 (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props))
+   Y))
+(def-markup-command (hbracket layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Draw horizontal brackets around @var{arg}."  
+  (let ((th 0.1) ;; todo: take from GROB.
+        (m (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (bracketify-stencil m X th (* 2.5 th) th)))
+(def-markup-command (bracket layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Draw vertical brackets around @var{arg}."  
+  (let ((th 0.1) ;; todo: take from GROB.
+        (m (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (bracketify-stencil m Y th (* 2.5 th) th)))
+;; todo: fix negative space
+(def-markup-command (hspace layout props amount) (number?)
+  "This produces a invisible object taking horizontal space.
+\\markup @{ A \\hspace #2.0 B @} 
+will put extra space between A and B, on top of the space that is
+normally inserted before elements on a line.
+  (if (> amount 0)
+      (ly:make-stencil "" (cons 0 amount) '(-1 . 1))
+      (ly:make-stencil "" (cons amount amount) '(-1 . 1))))
+(def-markup-command (override layout props new-prop arg) (pair? markup?)
+  "Add the first argument in to the property list.  Properties may be
+any sort of property supported by @internalsref{font-interface} and
[EMAIL PROTECTED], for example
+\\override #'(font-family . married) \"bla\"
+  (interpret-markup layout (cons (list new-prop) props) arg))
+(def-markup-command (fontsize layout props increment arg) (number? markup?)
+  "Add @var{increment} to the font-size. Adjust baseline skip accordingly."
+  (let* ((fs (chain-assoc-get 'font-size props 0))
+        (bs (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props 2)) 
+         (entries (list
+                  (cons 'baseline-skip (* bs (magstep increment)))
+                  (cons 'font-size (+ fs increment )))))
+    (interpret-markup layout (cons entries props) arg)))
+(def-markup-command (bigger layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Increase the font size relative to current setting"
+  (interpret-markup layout props
+   `(,fontsize-markup 1 ,arg)))
+(def-markup-command (smaller layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Decrease the font size relative to current setting"
+  (interpret-markup layout props
+   `(,fontsize-markup -1 ,arg)))
+(def-markup-command larger (markup?) bigger-markup)
+(def-markup-command (box layout props arg) (markup?)
+  "Draw a box round @var{arg}.  Looks at @code{thickness},
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and @code{font-size} properties to determine line
+thickness and padding around the markup."
+  (let* ((th (chain-assoc-get 'thickness props  0.1))
+        (size (chain-assoc-get 'font-size props 0))
+        (pad (* (magstep size)
+                (chain-assoc-get 'box-padding props 0.2)))
+        (m (interpret-markup layout props arg)))
+    (box-stencil m th pad)))
+;;FIXME: is this working? 
+(def-markup-command (strut layout props) ()
+  "Create a box of the same height as the space in the current font."
+  (let ((m (Text_interface::interpret_markup layout props " ")))
+    (ly:make-stencil (ly:stencil-expr m)
+                    (ly:stencil-extent m X)
+                    '(1000 . -1000))))
+(define number->mark-letter-vector (make-vector 25 #\A))
+(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
+     (j 0 (1+ j)))
+    ((>= i 26))
+  (if (= i (- (char->integer #\I) (char->integer #\A)))
+      (set! i (1+ i)))
+  (vector-set! number->mark-letter-vector j
+               (integer->char (+ i (char->integer #\A)))))
+(define number->mark-alphabet-vector (list->vector
+  (map (lambda (i) (integer->char (+ i (char->integer #\A)))) (iota 26))))
+(define (number->markletter-string vec n)
+  "Double letters for big marks."
+  (let* ((lst (vector-length vec)))
+    (if (>= n lst)
+       (string-append (number->markletter-string vec (1- (quotient n lst)))
+                      (number->markletter-string vec (remainder n lst)))
+       (make-string 1 (vector-ref vec n)))))
+(def-markup-command (markletter layout props num) (integer?)
+  "Make a markup letter for @var{num}.  The letters start with A to Z
+ (skipping I), and continues with double letters."
+  (Text_interface::interpret_markup layout props
+    (number->markletter-string number->mark-letter-vector num)))
+(def-markup-command (markalphabet layout props num) (integer?)
+   "Make a markup letter for @var{num}.  The letters start with A to Z
+ and continues with double letters."
+   (Text_interface::interpret_markup layout props
+     (number->markletter-string number->mark-alphabet-vector num)))
+(def-markup-command (bracketed-y-column layout props indices args)
+  (list? markup-list?)
+  "Make a column of the markups in @var{args}, putting brackets around
+the elements marked in @var{indices}, which is a list of numbers."
+  (define (sublist lst start stop)
+    (take (drop lst start) (- (1+ stop) start)))
+  (define (stencil-list-extent ss axis)
+    (cons
+     (apply min (map (lambda (x) (car (ly:stencil-extent x axis))) ss))
+     (apply max (map (lambda (x) (cdr (ly:stencil-extent x axis))) ss))))
+  (define (stack-stencils stencils bskip last-stencil)
+    (cond
+     ((null? stencils) '())
+     ((not (ly:stencil? last-stencil))
+      (cons (car stencils)
+           (stack-stencils (cdr stencils) bskip (car stencils))))
+     (else
+      (let* ((orig (car stencils))
+            (dir (chain-assoc-get 'direction  props DOWN))
+            (new (ly:stencil-moved-to-edge last-stencil Y dir
+                                           orig
+                                           0.1 bskip)))
+       (cons new (stack-stencils (cdr stencils) bskip new))))))
+  (define (make-brackets stencils indices acc)
+    (if (and stencils
+            (pair? indices)
+            (pair? (cdr indices)))
+       (let* ((encl (sublist stencils (car indices) (cadr indices)))
+              (x-ext (stencil-list-extent encl X))
+              (y-ext (stencil-list-extent encl Y))
+              (thick 0.10)
+              (pad 0.35)
+              (protusion (* 2.5 thick))
+              (lb
+               (ly:stencil-translate-axis 
+                (ly:bracket Y y-ext thick protusion)
+                (- (car x-ext) pad) X))
+              (rb (ly:stencil-translate-axis
+                   (ly:bracket Y y-ext thick (- protusion))
+                   (+ (cdr x-ext) pad) X)))
+         (make-brackets
+          stencils (cddr indices)
+          (append
+           (list lb rb)
+           acc)))
+       acc))
+  (let* ((stencils
+         (map (lambda (x)
+                (interpret-markup
+                 layout
+                 props
+                 x)) args))
+        (leading
+         (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props))
+        (stacked (stack-stencils
+                  (remove ly:stencil-empty? stencils) 1.25 #f))
+        (brackets (make-brackets stacked indices '())))
+    (apply ly:stencil-add
+          (append stacked brackets))))

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