CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    lilypond
Changes by:     Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    05/08/04 01:01:14

Modified files:
        .              : ChangeLog 
        Documentation/misc: ChangeLog-1.5 
        lily           : 
        mf             : 
        scm            : define-grob-properties.scm framework-gnome.scm 
Added files:
        lily           : 
        lily/include   : spacing-spanner.hh 

Log message:
        o       * lily/ (stop_translation_timestep): directly
        copy proportionalNotationDuration into currentMusicalColumn if
        * lily/ (musical_column_spacing): if
        uniform-stretching set, fixed space is 0.0
        * input/regression/ show uniform-stretching 
        * lily/ (effective_shortest_duration): new function.
        * lily/include/spacing-spanner.hh (class Spacing_spanner): new file.
        (struct Spacing_options): new struct.
        * lily/ new file.
        * lily/ (note_spacing): remove outdated code:
        delta_t doesn't have to be smaller than shortest_playing_len


Index: lilypond/ChangeLog
diff -u lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3949 lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3950
--- lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3949   Wed Aug  3 20:51:34 2005
+++ lilypond/ChangeLog  Thu Aug  4 01:01:11 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
+2005-08-04  Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+o      * lily/ (stop_translation_timestep): directly
+       copy proportionalNotationDuration into currentMusicalColumn if
+       set.
+       * lily/ (musical_column_spacing): if
+       uniform-stretching set, fixed space is 0.0
+       * input/regression/ show uniform-stretching 
+       * lily/ (effective_shortest_duration): new function.
+       * lily/include/spacing-spanner.hh (class Spacing_spanner): new file.
+       (struct Spacing_options): new struct.
+       * lily/ new file.
+       * lily/ (note_spacing): remove outdated code:
+       delta_t doesn't have to be smaller than shortest_playing_len
 2005-08-03  Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * input/regression/  new file.
Index: lilypond/Documentation/misc/ChangeLog-1.5
diff -u lilypond/Documentation/misc/ChangeLog-1.5:1.6 
--- lilypond/Documentation/misc/ChangeLog-1.5:1.6       Fri May 13 10:31:01 2005
+++ lilypond/Documentation/misc/ChangeLog-1.5   Thu Aug  4 01:01:12 2005
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-          2002-08-19  Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+2002-08-19  Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * VERSION: release 1.6.0 
Index: lilypond/input/regression/
diff -u lilypond/input/regression/ 
--- lilypond/input/regression/     Sun Jun 26 22:39:13 2005
+++ lilypond/input/regression/  Thu Aug  4 01:01:12 2005
@@ -16,31 +16,26 @@
-\score { 
-  \context Voice \relative c' {
-       \time 4/4
-       \repeat "tremolo" 16 { d32 e }
-       \repeat "tremolo" 8 { d16 e }
-       \repeat "tremolo" 4 { d8 e }
+\context Voice \relative c' {
+  \time 4/4
+  \repeat "tremolo" 16 { d32 e }
+  \repeat "tremolo" 8 { d16 e }
+  \repeat "tremolo" 4 { d8 e }
-       \time 3/4
-       \repeat "tremolo" 12 { d32 e }
-       \repeat "tremolo" 6 { d16 e } 
-       \repeat "tremolo" 3 { d8 e } 
+  \time 3/4
+  \repeat "tremolo" 12 { d32 e }
+  \repeat "tremolo" 6 { d16 e } 
+  \repeat "tremolo" 3 { d8 e } 
-       \time 2/4
-       \repeat "tremolo" 8 { d32 e }
-       \repeat "tremolo" 4 { d16 e }
-       \repeat "tremolo" 2 { d8 e }
+  \time 2/4
+  \repeat "tremolo" 8 { d32 e }
+  \repeat "tremolo" 4 { d16 e }
+  \repeat "tremolo" 2 { d8 e }
-       \time 1/4
-       \repeat "tremolo" 4 { d32 e }
-       \repeat "tremolo" 2 { d16 e }
+  \time 1/4
+  \repeat "tremolo" 4 { d32 e }
+  \repeat "tremolo" 2 { d16 e }
-       c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 
-  }
-  \midi { }
-  \layout {} 
+  c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 
Index: lilypond/input/regression/
diff -u lilypond/input/regression/ 
--- lilypond/input/regression/      Wed Aug  3 18:23:46 2005
+++ lilypond/input/regression/  Thu Aug  4 01:01:12 2005
@@ -3,22 +3,26 @@
   texidoc = "The feta font has arrow heads"
 \lyrics {
   \markup {
-    filled
-    \arrow-head #0 #1 ##t
-    \arrow-head #0 #-1 ##t
-    \arrow-head #1 #1 ##t
-    \arrow-head #1 #-1 ##t
+    \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t
+    " "
+    \arrow-head #X #LEFT  ##t
+    " "
+    \arrow-head #Y #RIGHT ##t
+    " "
+    \arrow-head #Y #LEFT  ##t
+    " "
-    \arrow-head #0 #1 ##f
-    \arrow-head #0 #-1 ##f
-    \arrow-head #1 #1 ##f
-    \arrow-head #1 #-1 ##f
+    \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##f
+    " "
+    \arrow-head #X #LEFT  ##f
+    " "
+    \arrow-head #Y #RIGHT ##f
+    " "
+    \arrow-head #Y #LEFT  ##f
Index: lilypond/input/regression/
diff -u lilypond/input/regression/ 
--- lilypond/input/regression/      Sun Jun 26 
22:39:14 2005
+++ lilypond/input/regression/   Thu Aug  4 01:01:12 2005
@@ -1,34 +1,32 @@
-\version "2.6.0"
-texidoc = "Concurrent tuplets should be equidistant on all staffs.
-Note that this only spaces correctly (exactly) when @code{raggedright}
-is enabled. For a [EMAIL PROTECTED] case, it still shows a bug: 
-uneven spacing. 
-"  }
+\version "2.6.0" \header{
+  texidoc = "Concurrent tuplets should be equidistant on all staffs.
+Such equidistant spacing is it at odds with elegant engraver spacing;
+hence it must be switched on explicitly with the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] property of @code{SpacingSpanner}.
-multipart =  \relative c'{ 
-    \context StaffGroup << 
-                \new Staff  \context Voice { 
-                   \times 2/10 {  c8[ c c c c c c c c c] } 
-                   \times 2/10 {  c[  c c c c c c c c c] } 
-               }
-                \new Staff  \context Voice { 
-                   \times 2/11 {  c8[ c c c c c c c c c c] } 
-                   \times 2/11 {  c[  c c c c c c c c c c] } 
-                }
-            >>
-       }
-     { 
-       \multipart 
-    }
-%    \layout { raggedright = ##t }
+\relative c' { 
+  \new Score \with
+  {
+    \override SpacingSpanner #'uniform-stretching = ##t 
+  }
+  \context StaffGroup << 
+    \new Staff  \context Voice { 
+      \times 2/10 {  c8[ c c c c c c c c c] } 
+      \times 2/10 {  c[  c c c c c c c c c] } 
+    }
+    \new Staff  \context Voice { 
+      \times 2/11 {  c8[ c c c c c c c c c c] } 
+      \times 2/11 {  c[  c c c c c c c c c c] } 
+    }
+  >>
Index: lilypond/input/regression/
diff -u lilypond/input/regression/ 
--- lilypond/input/regression/      Wed Aug  3 18:23:46 2005
+++ lilypond/input/regression/  Thu Aug  4 01:01:12 2005
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
-  texidoc = "Broken tuplets are adorned with little arrows."
+  texidoc = "Broken tuplets are adorned with little arrows. The arrows
+  come from the @code{edge-text} property, and thus be replaced with
+  larger glyphs or other text. "
 \version "2.7.4"
 \paper {
@@ -16,8 +21,8 @@
   \override TupletBracket #'edge-text = #(cons
                                          (markup #:fontsize 6
-                                            #:arrow-head 0 -1 #f)
-                                         (markup #:arrow-head 0 1 #f))
+                                            #:arrow-head Y LEFT #f)
+                                         (markup #:arrow-head X RIGHT #f))
   \times 11/19 {
     c4 c4 c4 c4
     \bar "empty" \break
Index: lilypond/lily/
diff -u lilypond/lily/ 
--- lilypond/lily/        Thu Mar 10 14:36:15 2005
+++ lilypond/lily/     Thu Aug  4 01:01:12 2005
@@ -6,11 +6,6 @@
   (c) 2000--2005 Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-  this is culled from various other iterators, but sharing code by
-  subclassing proved to be too difficult.
 #include "chord-tremolo-iterator.hh"
 #include "input.hh"
Index: lilypond/lily/
diff -u lilypond/lily/ 
--- lilypond/lily/      Tue Jul 26 22:24:30 2005
+++ lilypond/lily/   Thu Aug  4 01:01:12 2005
@@ -45,10 +45,12 @@
   Spanner *spacing_;
   TRANSLATOR_DECLARATIONS (Spacing_engraver);
   DECLARE_ACKNOWLEDGER (staff_spacing);
   DECLARE_ACKNOWLEDGER (note_spacing);
   DECLARE_ACKNOWLEDGER (rhythmic_head);
   void start_translation_timestep ();
   void stop_translation_timestep ();
   void process_music ();
@@ -132,6 +134,18 @@
 Spacing_engraver::stop_translation_timestep ()
+  Paper_column *musical_column
+    = dynamic_cast<Paper_column *> (unsmob_grob (get_property 
+ SCM proportional = get_property ("proportionalNotationDuration");
+ if (unsmob_moment (proportional))
+   {
+     musical_column->set_property ("shortest-playing-duration", proportional);
+     musical_column->set_property ("shortest-starter-duration", proportional);
+     return; 
+   }
   Moment shortest_playing;
   shortest_playing.set_infinite (1);
   for (int i = 0; i < playing_durations_.size (); i++)
@@ -159,15 +173,13 @@
   shortest_playing = min (shortest_playing, starter);
-  Paper_column *sc
-    = dynamic_cast<Paper_column *> (unsmob_grob (get_property 
   assert (starter.to_bool ());
   SCM sh = shortest_playing.smobbed_copy ();
   SCM st = starter.smobbed_copy ();
-  sc->set_property ("shortest-playing-duration", sh);
-  sc->set_property ("shortest-starter-duration", st);
+  musical_column->set_property ("shortest-playing-duration", sh);
+  musical_column->set_property ("shortest-starter-duration", st);
@@ -191,5 +203,5 @@
                /* descr */ "make a SpacingSpanner and do bookkeeping of 
shortest starting and playing notes  ",
                /* creats*/ "SpacingSpanner",
                /* accepts */ "",
-               /* reads */ "",
+               /* reads */ "currentMusicalColumn currentCommandColumn 
                /* write */ "");
Index: lilypond/lily/
diff -u lilypond/lily/ 
--- lilypond/lily/  Wed Jul 20 14:23:41 2005
+++ lilypond/lily/      Thu Aug  4 01:01:12 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- --  implement loose column spacing.
+ -- implement loose column spacing.
   source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 #include "column-x-positions.hh"
 #include "staff-spacing.hh"
 #include "pointer-group-interface.hh"
+#include "spacing-spanner.hh"
+#include "note-spacing.hh"
+#include "break-align-interface.hh"
 /* Find the loose columns in POSNS, and drape them around the columns
    specified in BETWEEN-COLS.  */
@@ -102,3 +106,317 @@
+  Return whether COL is fixed to its neighbors by some kind of spacing
+  constraint.
+  If in doubt, then we're not loose; the spacing engine should space
+  for it, risking suboptimal spacing.
+  (Otherwise, we might risk core dumps, and other weird stuff.)
+static bool
+loose_column (Grob *l, Grob *c, Grob *r)
+  extract_grob_set (c, "right-neighbors", rns);
+  extract_grob_set (c, "left-neighbors", lns);
+  /*
+    If this column doesn't have a proper neighbor, we should really
+    make it loose, but spacing it correctly is more than we can
+    currently can handle.
+    (this happens in the following situation:
+    |
+    |    clef G
+    *
+    |               |      ||
+    |               |      ||
+    O               O       ||
+    the column containing the clef is really loose, and should be
+    attached right to the first column, but that is a lot of work for
+    such a borderline case.)
+  */
+  if (lns.is_empty () || rns.is_empty ())
+    return false;
+  Item *l_neighbor = dynamic_cast<Item *> (lns[0]);
+  Item *r_neighbor = dynamic_cast<Item *> (rns[0]);
+  if (!l_neighbor || !r_neighbor)
+    return false;
+  l_neighbor = l_neighbor->get_column ();
+  r_neighbor = dynamic_cast<Item *> (Note_spacing::right_column (r_neighbor));
+  if (l == l_neighbor && r == r_neighbor)
+    return false;
+  if (!l_neighbor || !r_neighbor)
+    return false;
+  /*
+    Only declare loose if the bounds make a little sense.  This means
+    some cases (two isolated, consecutive clef changes) won't be
+    nicely folded, but hey, then don't do that.
+  */
+  if (! ((Paper_column::is_musical (l_neighbor) || Item::is_breakable 
+        && (Paper_column::is_musical (r_neighbor) || Item::is_breakable 
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+  /*
+    A rather hairy check, but we really only want to move around
+    clefs. (anything else?)
+    in any case, we don't want to move bar lines.
+  */
+  extract_grob_set (c, "elements", elts);
+  for (int i = elts.size (); i--; )
+    {
+      Grob *g = elts[i];
+      if (g && Break_align_interface::has_interface (g))
+       {
+         extract_grob_set (g, "elements", gelts);
+         for (int j = gelts.size (); j--; )
+           {
+             Grob *h = gelts[j];
+             /*
+               ugh. -- fix staff-bar name?
+             */
+             if (h && h->get_property ("break-align-symbol") == ly_symbol2scm 
+               return false;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+  return true;
+  Remove columns that are not tightly fitting from COLS. In the
+  removed columns, set 'between-cols to the columns where it is in
+  between.
+Spacing_spanner::prune_loose_columns (Grob *me, Link_array<Grob> *cols,
+                                     Spacing_options const *options)
+  Link_array<Grob> newcols;
+  Real increment = robust_scm2double (me->get_property ("spacing-increment"), 
+  for (int i = 0; i < cols->size (); i++)
+    {
+      if (Item::is_breakable (cols->elem (i))
+         || Paper_column::is_musical (cols->elem (i)))
+       {
+         newcols.push (cols->elem (i));
+         continue;
+       }
+      Grob *c = cols->elem (i);
+      if (loose_column (cols->elem (i - 1), c, cols->elem (i + 1)))
+       {
+         extract_grob_set (c, "right-neighbors", rns_arr);
+         extract_grob_set (c, "left-neighbors", lns_arr);
+         SCM lns = lns_arr.size () ?>self_scm () : SCM_BOOL_F;
+         SCM rns = rns_arr.size () ?>self_scm () : SCM_BOOL_F;
+         /*
+           Either object can be non existent, if the score ends
+           prematurely.
+         */
+         extract_grob_set (unsmob_grob (rns), "right-items", right_items);
+         c->set_object ("between-cols", scm_cons (lns,
+                                                  right_items[0]->self_scm 
+         /*
+           Set distance constraints for loose columns
+         */
+         Drul_array<Grob *> next_door;
+         next_door[LEFT] = cols->elem (i - 1);
+         next_door[RIGHT] = cols->elem (i + 1);
+         Direction d = LEFT;
+         Drul_array<Real> dists (0, 0);
+         do
+           {
+             dists[d] = 0.0;
+             Item *lc = dynamic_cast<Item *> ((d == LEFT) ? next_door[LEFT] : 
+             Item *rc = dynamic_cast<Item *> (d == LEFT ? c : 
+             extract_grob_set (lc, "spacing-wishes", wishes);
+             for (int k = wishes.size(); k--;)
+               {
+                 Grob *sp = wishes[k];
+                 if (Note_spacing::left_column (sp) != lc
+                     || Note_spacing::right_column (sp) != rc)
+                   continue;
+                 Real space, fixed;
+                 fixed = 0.0;
+                 bool dummy;
+                 if (d == LEFT)
+                   {
+                     /*
+                       The note spacing should be taken from the musical
+                       columns.
+                     */
+                     Real base = note_spacing (me, lc, rc, options, &dummy);
+                     Note_spacing::get_spacing (sp, rc, base, increment, 
&space, &fixed);
+                     space -= increment;
+                     dists[d] = max (dists[d], space);
+                   }
+                 else
+                   {
+                     Real space, fixed_space;
+                     Staff_spacing::get_spacing_params (sp,
+                                                        &space, &fixed_space);
+                     dists[d] = max (dists[d], fixed_space);
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+         while (flip (&d) != LEFT);
+         Rod r;
+         r.distance_ = dists[LEFT] + dists[RIGHT];
+         r.item_drul_[LEFT] = dynamic_cast<Item *> (cols->elem (i - 1));
+         r.item_drul_[RIGHT] = dynamic_cast<Item *> (cols->elem (i + 1));
+         r.add_to_cols ();
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         newcols.push (c);
+       }
+    }
+  *cols = newcols;
+  Set neighboring columns determined by the spacing-wishes grob property.
+Spacing_spanner::set_explicit_neighbor_columns (Link_array<Grob> const &cols)
+  for (int i = 0; i < cols.size (); i++)
+    {
+      SCM right_neighbors = Grob_array::make_array ();
+      Grob_array *rn_arr = unsmob_grob_array (right_neighbors);
+      int min_rank = 100000;   // inf.
+      extract_grob_set (cols[i], "spacing-wishes", wishes);
+      for (int k = wishes.size(); k--;)
+       {
+         Item *wish = dynamic_cast<Item *> ( wishes[k]);
+         Item *lc = wish->get_column ();
+         Grob *right = Note_spacing::right_column (wish);
+         if (!right)
+           continue;
+         Item *rc = dynamic_cast<Item *> (right);
+         int right_rank = Paper_column::get_rank (rc);
+         int left_rank = Paper_column::get_rank (lc);
+         /*
+           update the left column.
+         */
+         if (right_rank <= min_rank)
+           {
+             if (right_rank < min_rank)
+               rn_arr->clear ();
+             min_rank = right_rank;
+             rn_arr->add (wish);
+           }
+         /*
+           update the right column of the wish.
+         */
+         int maxrank = 0;
+         extract_grob_set (rc, "left-neighbors", lns_arr);
+         if (lns_arr.size ())
+           {
+             Item *it = dynamic_cast<Item *> (;
+             maxrank = Paper_column::get_rank (it->get_column ());
+           }
+         if (left_rank >= maxrank)
+           {
+             if (left_rank > maxrank)
+               {
+                 Grob_array *ga = unsmob_grob_array (rc->get_object 
+                 if (ga)
+                   ga->clear ();
+               }
+             Pointer_group_interface::add_grob (rc, ly_symbol2scm 
("left-neighbors"), wish);
+           }
+       }
+      if (rn_arr->size ())
+       {
+         cols[i]->set_object ("right-neighbors", right_neighbors);
+       }
+    }
+  Set neighboring columns that have no left/right-neighbor set
+  yet. Only do breakable non-musical columns, and musical columns.
+Spacing_spanner::set_implicit_neighbor_columns (Link_array<Grob> const &cols)
+  for (int i = 0; i < cols.size (); i++)
+    {
+      Item *it = dynamic_cast<Item *> (cols[i]);
+      if (!Item::is_breakable (it) && !Paper_column::is_musical (it))
+       continue;
+      // it->breakable || it->musical
+      /*
+       sloppy with typing left/right-neighbors should take list, but 
paper-column found instead.
+      */
+      extract_grob_set (cols[i], "left-neighbors", lns);
+      if (lns.is_empty () && i )
+       {
+         SCM ga_scm = Grob_array::make_array();
+         Grob_array *ga = unsmob_grob_array (ga_scm);
+         ga->add (cols[i-1]);
+         cols[i]->set_object ("left-neighbors", ga_scm);
+       }
+      extract_grob_set (cols[i], "right-neighbors", rns);
+      if (rns.is_empty () && i < cols.size () - 1)
+       {
+         SCM ga_scm = Grob_array::make_array();
+         Grob_array *ga = unsmob_grob_array (ga_scm);
+         ga->add (cols[i+1]);
+         cols[i]->set_object ("right-neighbors", ga_scm);
+       }
+    }
Index: lilypond/lily/
diff -u lilypond/lily/ 
--- lilypond/lily/      Wed Aug  3 13:03:57 2005
+++ lilypond/lily/    Thu Aug  4 01:01:12 2005
@@ -9,362 +9,50 @@
 #include <math.h>
 #include <cstdio>
-#include "main.hh"
-#include "system.hh"
-#include "warn.hh"
+#include "spacing-spanner.hh"
+#include "paper-column.hh"
 #include "output-def.hh"
 #include "paper-score.hh"
-#include "paper-column.hh"
+#include "system.hh"
 #include "moment.hh"
 #include "note-spacing.hh"
-#include "misc.hh"
+#include "main.hh"
 #include "warn.hh"
-#include "staff-spacing.hh"
-#include "spring.hh"
-#include "paper-column.hh"
+#include "pointer-group-interface.hh"
 #include "spaceable-grob.hh"
-#include "break-align-interface.hh"
+#include "staff-spacing.hh"
 #include "spacing-interface.hh"
-#include "pointer-group-interface.hh"
-#include "grob-array.hh"
-  TODO: this file/class is too complex. Should figure out how to chop
-  this up even more.
-class Spacing_spanner
-  static void standard_breakable_column_spacing (Grob *me, Item *l, Item *r,
-                                                Real *fixed, Real *space, 
-  static Real default_bar_spacing (Grob *, Grob *, Grob *, Moment);
-  static Real note_spacing (Grob *, Grob *, Grob *, Moment, bool *);
-  static Real get_duration_space (Grob *, Moment dur, Rational shortest, bool 
-  static Rational find_shortest (Grob *, Link_array<Grob> const &);
-  static void breakable_column_spacing (Grob *, Item *l, Item *r, Moment);
-  static void prune_loose_columns (Grob *, Link_array<Grob> *cols, Rational);
-  static void set_explicit_neighbor_columns (Link_array<Grob> const &cols);
-  static void set_implicit_neighbor_columns (Link_array<Grob> const &cols);
-  static void do_measure (Rational, Grob *me, Link_array<Grob> *cols);
-  static void musical_column_spacing (Grob *, Item *, Item *, Real, Rational);
-  DECLARE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (set_springs, (SCM));
-  static bool has_interface (Grob *);
-  Return whether COL is fixed to its neighbors by some kind of spacing
-  constraint.
-  If in doubt, then we're not loose; the spacing engine should space
-  for it, risking suboptimal spacing.
-  (Otherwise, we might risk core dumps, and other weird stuff.)
-static bool
-loose_column (Grob *l, Grob *c, Grob *r)
-  extract_grob_set (c, "right-neighbors", rns);
-  extract_grob_set (c, "left-neighbors", lns);
-  /*
-    If this column doesn't have a proper neighbor, we should really
-    make it loose, but spacing it correctly is more than we can
-    currently can handle.
-    (this happens in the following situation:
-    |
-    |    clef G
-    *
-    |               |      ||
-    |               |      ||
-    O               O       ||
-    the column containing the clef is really loose, and should be
-    attached right to the first column, but that is a lot of work for
-    such a borderline case.)
-  */
-  if (lns.is_empty () || rns.is_empty ())
-    return false;
-  Item *l_neighbor = dynamic_cast<Item *> (lns[0]);
-  Item *r_neighbor = dynamic_cast<Item *> (rns[0]);
-  if (!l_neighbor || !r_neighbor)
-    return false;
-  l_neighbor = l_neighbor->get_column ();
-  r_neighbor = dynamic_cast<Item *> (Note_spacing::right_column (r_neighbor));
-  if (l == l_neighbor && r == r_neighbor)
-    return false;
-  if (!l_neighbor || !r_neighbor)
-    return false;
-  /*
-    Only declare loose if the bounds make a little sense.  This means
-    some cases (two isolated, consecutive clef changes) won't be
-    nicely folded, but hey, then don't do that.
-  */
-  if (! ((Paper_column::is_musical (l_neighbor) || Item::is_breakable 
-        && (Paper_column::is_musical (r_neighbor) || Item::is_breakable 
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-  /*
-    A rather hairy check, but we really only want to move around
-    clefs. (anything else?)
-    in any case, we don't want to move bar lines.
-  */
-  extract_grob_set (c, "elements", elts);
-  for (int i = elts.size (); i--; )
-    {
-      Grob *g = elts[i];
-      if (g && Break_align_interface::has_interface (g))
-       {
-         extract_grob_set (g, "elements", gelts);
-         for (int j = gelts.size (); j--; )
-           {
-             Grob *h = gelts[j];
-             /*
-               ugh. -- fix staff-bar name?
-             */
-             if (h && h->get_property ("break-align-symbol") == ly_symbol2scm 
-               return false;
-           }
-       }
-    }
-  return true;
-  Remove columns that are not tightly fitting from COLS. In the
-  removed columns, set 'between-cols to the columns where it is in
-  between.
-Spacing_spanner::prune_loose_columns (Grob *me, Link_array<Grob> *cols, 
Rational shortest)
+Spacing_options::init (Grob*me)
-  Link_array<Grob> newcols;
-  Real increment = robust_scm2double (me->get_property ("spacing-increment"), 
-  for (int i = 0; i < cols->size (); i++)
-    {
-      if (Item::is_breakable (cols->elem (i))
-         || Paper_column::is_musical (cols->elem (i)))
-       {
-         newcols.push (cols->elem (i));
-         continue;
-       }
-      Grob *c = cols->elem (i);
-      if (loose_column (cols->elem (i - 1), c, cols->elem (i + 1)))
-       {
-         extract_grob_set (c, "right-neighbors", rns_arr);
-         extract_grob_set (c, "left-neighbors", lns_arr);
-         SCM lns = lns_arr.size () ?>self_scm () : SCM_BOOL_F;
-         SCM rns = rns_arr.size () ?>self_scm () : SCM_BOOL_F;
-         /*
-           Either object can be non existent, if the score ends
-           prematurely.
-         */
-         extract_grob_set (unsmob_grob (rns), "right-items", right_items);
-         c->set_object ("between-cols", scm_cons (lns,
-                                                  right_items[0]->self_scm 
-         /*
-           Set distance constraints for loose columns
-         */
-         Drul_array<Grob *> next_door;
-         next_door[LEFT] = cols->elem (i - 1);
-         next_door[RIGHT] = cols->elem (i + 1);
-         Direction d = LEFT;
-         Drul_array<Real> dists (0, 0);
-         do
-           {
-             dists[d] = 0.0;
-             Item *lc = dynamic_cast<Item *> ((d == LEFT) ? next_door[LEFT] : 
-             Item *rc = dynamic_cast<Item *> (d == LEFT ? c : 
-             extract_grob_set (lc, "spacing-wishes", wishes);
-             for (int k = wishes.size(); k--;)
-               {
-                 Grob *sp = wishes[k];
-                 if (Note_spacing::left_column (sp) != lc
-                     || Note_spacing::right_column (sp) != rc)
-                   continue;
-                 Real space, fixed;
-                 fixed = 0.0;
-                 bool dummy;
-                 if (d == LEFT)
-                   {
-                     /*
-                       The note spacing should be taken from the musical
-                       columns.
-                     */
-                     Real base = note_spacing (me, lc, rc, shortest, &dummy);
-                     Note_spacing::get_spacing (sp, rc, base, increment, 
&space, &fixed);
-                     space -= increment;
-                     dists[d] = max (dists[d], space);
-                   }
-                 else
-                   {
-                     Real space, fixed_space;
-                     Staff_spacing::get_spacing_params (sp,
-                                                        &space, &fixed_space);
-                     dists[d] = max (dists[d], fixed_space);
-                   }
-               }
-           }
-         while (flip (&d) != LEFT);
-         Rod r;
-         r.distance_ = dists[LEFT] + dists[RIGHT];
-         r.item_drul_[LEFT] = dynamic_cast<Item *> (cols->elem (i - 1));
-         r.item_drul_[RIGHT] = dynamic_cast<Item *> (cols->elem (i + 1));
-         r.add_to_cols ();
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         newcols.push (c);
-       }
-    }
-  *cols = newcols;
+  packed_ = to_boolean (me->get_layout ()->c_variable ("packed"));
+  uniform_ = to_boolean (me->get_property ("uniform-stretching")); 
-  Set neighboring columns determined by the spacing-wishes grob property.
-Spacing_spanner::set_explicit_neighbor_columns (Link_array<Grob> const &cols)
+Spacing_spanner::effective_shortest_duration (Grob *me, Link_array<Grob> const 
-  for (int i = 0; i < cols.size (); i++)
+  SCM preset_shortest = me->get_property ("common-shortest-duration");
+  Rational global_shortest;
+  if (unsmob_moment (preset_shortest))
-      SCM right_neighbors = Grob_array::make_array ();
-      Grob_array *rn_arr = unsmob_grob_array (right_neighbors);
-      int min_rank = 100000;   // inf.
-      extract_grob_set (cols[i], "spacing-wishes", wishes);
-      for (int k = wishes.size(); k--;)
-       {
-         Item *wish = dynamic_cast<Item *> ( wishes[k]);
-         Item *lc = wish->get_column ();
-         Grob *right = Note_spacing::right_column (wish);
-         if (!right)
-           continue;
-         Item *rc = dynamic_cast<Item *> (right);
-         int right_rank = Paper_column::get_rank (rc);
-         int left_rank = Paper_column::get_rank (lc);
-         /*
-           update the left column.
-         */
-         if (right_rank <= min_rank)
-           {
-             if (right_rank < min_rank)
-               rn_arr->clear ();
-             min_rank = right_rank;
-             rn_arr->add (wish);
-           }
-         /*
-           update the right column of the wish.
-         */
-         int maxrank = 0;
-         extract_grob_set (rc, "left-neighbors", lns_arr);
-         if (lns_arr.size ())
-           {
-             Item *it = dynamic_cast<Item *> (;
-             maxrank = Paper_column::get_rank (it->get_column ());
-           }
-         if (left_rank >= maxrank)
-           {
-             if (left_rank > maxrank)
-               {
-                 Grob_array *ga = unsmob_grob_array (rc->get_object 
-                 if (ga)
-                   ga->clear ();
-               }
-             Pointer_group_interface::add_grob (rc, ly_symbol2scm 
("left-neighbors"), wish);
-           }
-       }
-      if (rn_arr->size ())
-       {
-         cols[i]->set_object ("right-neighbors", right_neighbors);
-       }
+      global_shortest = unsmob_moment (preset_shortest)->main_part_;
-  Set neighboring columns that have no left/right-neighbor set
-  yet. Only do breakable non-musical columns, and musical columns.
-Spacing_spanner::set_implicit_neighbor_columns (Link_array<Grob> const &cols)
-  for (int i = 0; i < cols.size (); i++)
+  else
-      Item *it = dynamic_cast<Item *> (cols[i]);
-      if (!Item::is_breakable (it) && !Paper_column::is_musical (it))
-       continue;
-      // it->breakable || it->musical
-      /*
-       sloppy with typing left/right-neighbors should take list, but 
paper-column found instead.
-      */
-      extract_grob_set (cols[i], "left-neighbors", lns);
-      if (lns.is_empty () && i )
-       {
-         SCM ga_scm = Grob_array::make_array();
-         Grob_array *ga = unsmob_grob_array (ga_scm);
-         ga->add (cols[i-1]);
-         cols[i]->set_object ("left-neighbors", ga_scm);
-       }
-      extract_grob_set (cols[i], "right-neighbors", rns);
-      if (rns.is_empty () && i < cols.size () - 1)
-       {
-         SCM ga_scm = Grob_array::make_array();
-         Grob_array *ga = unsmob_grob_array (ga_scm);
-         ga->add (cols[i+1]);
-         cols[i]->set_object ("right-neighbors", ga_scm);
-       }
+      global_shortest = Spacing_spanner::find_shortest (me, all);
+      if (be_verbose_global)
+       message (_f ("Global shortest duration is %s", 
global_shortest.to_string ()) + "\n");
+  return global_shortest;
 MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Spacing_spanner, set_springs, 1);
 Spacing_spanner::set_springs (SCM smob)
@@ -378,19 +66,11 @@
   set_explicit_neighbor_columns (all);
-  SCM preset_shortest = me->get_property ("common-shortest-duration");
-  Rational global_shortest;
-  if (unsmob_moment (preset_shortest))
-    {
-      global_shortest = unsmob_moment (preset_shortest)->main_part_;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      global_shortest = find_shortest (me, all);
-      if (be_verbose_global)
-       message (_f ("Global shortest duration is %s", 
global_shortest.to_string ()) + "\n");
-    }
-  prune_loose_columns (me, &all, global_shortest);
+  Spacing_options options;
+  options.init (me);
+  options.global_shortest_ = effective_shortest_duration (me, all);
+  prune_loose_columns (me, &all, &options);
   set_implicit_neighbor_columns (all);
   int j = 0;
@@ -400,7 +80,7 @@
       if (Item::is_breakable (sc))
          Link_array<Grob> measure (all.slice (j, i + 1));
-         do_measure (global_shortest, me, &measure);
+         do_measure (me, &measure, &options);
          j = i;
@@ -506,8 +186,10 @@
   (different time sigs) than others, and should be spaced differently.
-Spacing_spanner::do_measure (Rational global_shortest, Grob *me,
-                            Link_array<Grob> *cols)
+Spacing_spanner::do_measure (Grob *me,
+                            Link_array<Grob> *cols,
+                            Spacing_options const *options
+                            )
   Real headwid = robust_scm2double (me->get_property ("spacing-increment"), 1);
   for (int i = 0; i < cols->size () - 1; i++)
@@ -520,9 +202,9 @@
       if (Paper_column::is_musical (l))
-         musical_column_spacing (me, lc, rc, headwid, global_shortest);
+         musical_column_spacing (me, lc, rc, headwid, options);
          if (Item *rb = r->find_prebroken_piece (LEFT))
-           musical_column_spacing (me, lc, rb, headwid, global_shortest);
+           musical_column_spacing (me, lc, rb, headwid, options);
@@ -538,16 +220,16 @@
            l = 0;
          if (l && r)
-           breakable_column_spacing (me, l, r, global_shortest);
+           breakable_column_spacing (me, l, r, options);
          if (lb && r)
-           breakable_column_spacing (me, lb, r, global_shortest);
+           breakable_column_spacing (me, lb, r, options);
          if (l && rb)
-           breakable_column_spacing (me, l, rb, global_shortest);
+           breakable_column_spacing (me, l, rb, options);
          if (lb && rb)
-           breakable_column_spacing (me, lb, rb, global_shortest);
+           breakable_column_spacing (me, lb, rb, options);
@@ -557,84 +239,94 @@
   spacing parameters INCR and SHORTEST.
-Spacing_spanner::musical_column_spacing (Grob *me, Item *lc, Item *rc, Real 
increment, Rational global_shortest)
+Spacing_spanner::musical_column_spacing (Grob *me, Item *lc, Item *rc,
+                                        Real increment,
+                                        Spacing_options const *options)
   bool expand_only = false;
-  Real base_note_space = note_spacing (me, lc, rc, global_shortest, 
+  Real base_note_space = note_spacing (me, lc, rc, options, &expand_only);
   Real compound_note_space = 0.0;
   Real compound_fixed_note_space = 0.0;
-  int wish_count = 0;
-  extract_grob_set (lc, "right-neighbors", neighbors);
-  /*
-    We adjust the space following a note only if the next note
-    happens after the current note (this is set in the grob
-    property SPACING-SEQUENCE.
-  */
-  for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size (); i++)
+  if (options->uniform_)
-      Grob *wish = neighbors[i];
+      compound_note_space = base_note_space;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      int wish_count = 0;
-      Item *wish_rcol = Note_spacing::right_column (wish);
-      if (Note_spacing::left_column (wish) != lc
-         || (wish_rcol != rc && wish_rcol != rc->original_))
-       continue;
+      extract_grob_set (lc, "right-neighbors", neighbors);
-       This is probably a waste of time in the case of polyphonic
-       music.  */
-      if (Note_spacing::has_interface (wish))
+       We adjust the space following a note only if the next note
+       happens after the current note (this is set in the grob
+       property SPACING-SEQUENCE.
+      */
+      for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size (); i++)
-         Real space = 0.0;
-         Real fixed = 0.0;
+         Grob *wish = neighbors[i];
-         Note_spacing::get_spacing (wish, rc, base_note_space, increment, 
&space, &fixed);
+         Item *wish_rcol = Note_spacing::right_column (wish);
+         if (Note_spacing::left_column (wish) != lc
+             || (wish_rcol != rc && wish_rcol != rc->original_))
+           continue;
-         compound_note_space = compound_note_space + space;
-         compound_fixed_note_space = compound_fixed_note_space + fixed;
-         wish_count++;
-       }
-    }
+         /*
+           This is probably a waste of time in the case of polyphonic
+           music.  */
+         if (Note_spacing::has_interface (wish))
+           {
+             Real space = 0.0;
+             Real fixed = 0.0;
-  if (Paper_column::when_mom (rc).grace_part_
-      && !Paper_column::when_mom (lc).grace_part_)
-    {
-      /*
-       Ugh. 0.8 is arbitrary.
-      */
-      compound_note_space *= 0.8;
-    }
+             Note_spacing::get_spacing (wish, rc, base_note_space, increment, 
&space, &fixed);
-  if (compound_note_space < 0 || wish_count == 0)
-    {
-      compound_note_space = base_note_space;
-      compound_fixed_note_space = increment;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      compound_note_space /= wish_count;
-      compound_fixed_note_space /= wish_count;
-    }
+             compound_note_space = compound_note_space + space;
+             compound_fixed_note_space = compound_fixed_note_space + fixed;
+             wish_count++;
+           }
+       }
-  /*
-    Whatever we do, the fixed space is smaller than the real
-    space.
+      if (Paper_column::when_mom (rc).grace_part_
+         && !Paper_column::when_mom (lc).grace_part_)
+       {
+         /*
+           Ugh. 0.8 is arbitrary.
+         */
+         compound_note_space *= 0.8;
+       }
-    TODO: this criterion is discontinuous in the derivative.
-    Maybe it should be continuous?
-  */
-  compound_fixed_note_space = min (compound_fixed_note_space, 
+      if (compound_note_space < 0 || wish_count == 0)
+       {
+         compound_note_space = base_note_space;
+         compound_fixed_note_space = increment;
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         compound_note_space /= wish_count;
+         compound_fixed_note_space /= wish_count;
+       }
-  bool packed = to_boolean (me->get_layout ()->c_variable ("packed"));
+      /*
+       Whatever we do, the fixed space is smaller than the real
+       space.
+       TODO: this criterion is discontinuous in the derivative.
+       Maybe it should be continuous?
+      */
+      compound_fixed_note_space = min (compound_fixed_note_space,
+                                      compound_note_space);
+    }
   Real inverse_strength = 1.0;
   Real distance = 1.0;
     TODO: make sure that the space doesn't exceed the right margin.
-  if (packed)
+  if (options->packed_)
        In packed mode, pack notes as tight as possible.  This makes
@@ -658,69 +350,11 @@
-  The one-size-fits all spacing. It doesn't take into account
-  different spacing wishes from one to the next column.
-Spacing_spanner::standard_breakable_column_spacing (Grob *me, Item *l, Item *r,
-                                                   Real *fixed, Real *space,
-                                                   Moment shortest)
-  *fixed = 0.0;
-  Direction d = LEFT;
-  Drul_array<Item *> cols (l, r);
-  do
-    {
-      if (!Paper_column::is_musical (cols[d]))
-       {
-         /*
-           Tied accidentals over barlines cause problems, so lets see
-           what happens if we do this for non musical columns only.
-         */
-         Interval lext = cols[d]->extent (cols [d], X_AXIS);
-         if (!lext.is_empty ())
-           *fixed += -d * lext[-d];
-       }
-    }
-  while (flip (&d) != LEFT);
-  if (l->is_breakable (l) && r->is_breakable (r))
-    {
-      Moment *dt = unsmob_moment (l->get_property ("measure-length"));
-      Moment mlen (1);
-      if (dt)
-       mlen = *dt;
-      Real incr = robust_scm2double (me->get_property ("spacing-increment"), 
-      *space = *fixed + incr * double (mlen.main_part_ / shortest.main_part_) 
* 0.8;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      Moment dt = Paper_column::when_mom (r) - Paper_column::when_mom (l);
-      if (dt == Moment (0, 0))
-       {
-         /*
-           In this case, Staff_spacing should handle the job,
-           using dt when it is 0 is silly.
-         */
-         *space = *fixed + 0.5;
-       }
-      else
-       {
-         bool dummy;
-         *space = *fixed + get_duration_space (me, dt, shortest.main_part_, 
-       }
-    }
   Read hints from L and generate springs.
-Spacing_spanner::breakable_column_spacing (Grob *me, Item *l, Item *r, Moment 
+Spacing_spanner::breakable_column_spacing (Grob *me, Item *l, Item *r,
+                                          Spacing_options const *options)
   Real compound_fixed = 0.0;
   Real compound_space = 0.0;
@@ -771,7 +405,7 @@
   if (compound_space <= 0.0 || !wish_count)
       standard_breakable_column_spacing (me, l, r, &compound_fixed, 
-                                        shortest);
+                                        options);
       wish_count = 1;
@@ -795,125 +429,6 @@
   Spaceable_grob::add_spring (l, r, distance, inverse_strength);
-   Get the measure wide ant for arithmetic spacing.
-Spacing_spanner::get_duration_space (Grob *me, Moment d, Rational shortest, 
bool *expand_only)
-  Real k = robust_scm2double (me->get_property ("shortest-duration-space"), 1);
-  Real incr = robust_scm2double (me->get_property ("spacing-increment"), 1);
-  if (d < shortest)
-    {
-      /*
-       We don't space really short notes using the log of the
-       duration, since it would disproportionally stretches the long
-       notes in a piece. In stead, we use geometric spacing with constant 0.5
-       (i.e. linear.)
-       This should probably be tunable, to use other base numbers.
-       In Mozart hrn3 by EB., we have 8th note = 3.9 mm (total), 16th note =
-       3.6 mm (total).  head-width = 2.4, so we 1.2mm for 16th, 1.5
-       mm for 8th. (white space), suggesting that we use
-       (1.2 / 1.5)^{-log2(duration ratio)}
-      */
-      Rational ratio = d.main_part_ / shortest;
-      return ((k - 1) + double (ratio)) * incr;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /*
-       John S. Gourlay. ``Spacing a Line of Music, '' Technical
-       Report OSU-CISRC-10/87-TR35, Department of Computer and
-       Information Science, The Ohio State University, 1987.
-      */
-      Real log = log_2 (shortest);
-      k -= log;
-      Rational compdur = d.main_part_ + d.grace_part_ / Rational (3);
-      *expand_only = false;
-      return (log_2 (compdur) + k) * incr;
-    }
-Spacing_spanner::note_spacing (Grob *me, Grob *lc, Grob *rc,
-                              Moment shortest, bool *expand_only)
-  Moment shortest_playing_len = 0;
-  SCM s = lc->get_property ("shortest-playing-duration");
-  if (unsmob_moment (s))
-    shortest_playing_len = *unsmob_moment (s);
-  if (! shortest_playing_len.to_bool ())
-    {
-      programming_error ("can't find a ruling note at " + 
Paper_column::when_mom (lc).to_string ());
-      shortest_playing_len = 1;
-    }
-  Moment lwhen = Paper_column::when_mom (lc);
-  Moment rwhen = Paper_column::when_mom (rc);
-  Moment delta_t = rwhen - lwhen;
-  if (!Paper_column::is_musical (rc))
-    {
-      /*
-       when toying with mmrests, it is possible to have musical
-       column on the left and non-musical on the right, spanning
-       several measures.
-      */
-      Moment *dt = unsmob_moment (rc->get_property ("measure-length"));
-      if (dt)
-       {
-         delta_t = min (delta_t, *dt);
-         /*
-           The following is an extra safety measure, such that
-           the length of a mmrest event doesn't cause havoc.
-         */
-         shortest_playing_len = min (shortest_playing_len, *dt);
-       }
-    }
-  Real dist = 0.0;
-  /*
-    In normal situations, the next column is at most
-    SHORTEST_PLAYING_LEN away. However chord-tremolos do funky faking stuff
-    with durations, invalidating this assumption. Here we kludge
-    around to get chord tremolos to behave properly.
-  */
-  shortest_playing_len = max (shortest_playing_len, delta_t);
-  if (delta_t.main_part_ && !lwhen.grace_part_)
-    {
-      dist = get_duration_space (me, shortest_playing_len,
-                                shortest.main_part_, expand_only);
-      dist *= double (delta_t.main_part_ / shortest_playing_len.main_part_);
-    }
-  else if (delta_t.grace_part_)
-    {
-      /*
-       TODO: figure out how to space grace notes.
-      */
-      dist = get_duration_space (me, shortest, shortest.main_part_, 
-      Real grace_fact
-       = robust_scm2double (me->get_property ("grace-space-factor"), 1);
-      dist *= grace_fact;
-    }
-  return dist;
 ADD_INTERFACE (Spacing_spanner, "spacing-spanner-interface",
               "The space taken by a note is dependent on its duration. 
Doubling a\n"
               "duration adds spacing-increment to the space. The most common 
@@ -927,7 +442,7 @@
               "quarter note is followed by  3 NHW, the half by 4 NHW, etc.\n",
               "grace-space-factor spacing-increment base-shortest-duration "
-              "shortest-duration-space common-shortest-duration"
+              "shortest-duration-space common-shortest-duration 
Index: lilypond/mf/
diff -u lilypond/mf/ lilypond/mf/
--- lilypond/mf/       Wed Aug  3 18:23:47 2005
+++ lilypond/mf/   Thu Aug  4 01:01:13 2005
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
 fet_begingroup ("arrowheads");
+% To consider: we could put arrow heads at their real Unicode locations. 
 % Setup paths for upper half of arrow head pointing right. 
Index: lilypond/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
diff -u lilypond/scm/define-grob-properties.scm:1.107 
--- lilypond/scm/define-grob-properties.scm:1.107       Wed Aug  3 18:23:47 2005
+++ lilypond/scm/define-grob-properties.scm     Thu Aug  4 01:01:13 2005
@@ -114,6 +114,14 @@
 break-direction and returns the glyph at a line break.")
      (break-overshoot ,number-pair? "How much does a broken spanner
 stick out of its bounds?")
+     (bracket-visibility ,boolean-or-symbol? "This controls the
+visibility of the tuplet bracket.  Setting it to false will prevent
+printing of the bracket. Setting the property to @code{'if-no-beam}
+will make it print only if there is no beam associated with this
+tuplet bracket.")
+     (break-visibility ,vector? "A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line 
unbroken begin-of-line).
+#t means visible, #f means killed.")
      (breakable ,boolean? "Can this object appear at a line break,
 like clefs and bar lines?")
      (c0-position ,integer? "An integer indicating the position of
@@ -175,6 +183,10 @@
 edges '(@var{left-text} . @var{right-text}).")
      (eccentricity ,number? "How asymmetrical to make a slur. Positive means 
move the center to the right.")
+     (enclose-bounds ,number?
+                    "How much of the bound a spanner should enclose:
++1 = completely, 0 = center, -1 not at all.")
      (expand-limit ,integer? "maximum number of measures expanded in church 
      ;; remove me? 
@@ -191,11 +203,13 @@
      (finger-code ,symbol? "Code for the type of fingering indication in a
 fret diagram.  Options include @code{none}, @code{in-dot}, and 
+     (flag-count ,number? "The number of tremolo beams.")
      (flag-style ,symbol?
                 "a string determining what style of flag-glyph is
 typeset on a Stem. Valid options include @code{()} and
 @code{mensural}.  Additionally, @code{\"no-flag\"} switches off the
      (flag-width-function ,procedure? "Procedure that computes the width of a 
half-beam (a non-connecting beam.).")
      (font-family ,symbol? "The font family is the broadest category for 
selecting text fonts. Options include: @code{sans}, @code{roman} ")
      (font-encoding ,symbol? "The font encoding is the broadest
@@ -314,8 +328,6 @@
 @code{spacing-procedure} property.")
      (minimum-space ,ly:dimension? "Minimum distance that the victim
 should move (after padding).")
-     (print-function ,procedure? "Function taking grob as argument,
-returning a @code{Stencil} object.")
      (neutral-direction ,ly:dir? "Which direction to take in the
 center of the staff.")
      (neutral-position ,number? "Position (in half staff spaces) where
@@ -337,10 +349,6 @@
      (old-accidentals ,list? "List of @code{(@var{pitch} . @var{accidental})
-     (enclose-bounds ,number?
-                    "How much of the bound a spanner should enclose:
-+1 = completely, 0 = center, -1 not at all.")
      (padding ,ly:dimension? "Add this much extra space between
 objects that are next to each other.")
      (page-penalty ,number? "Penalty for page break at
@@ -356,7 +364,9 @@
                "Pair of staff coordinates @code{(@var{left}
 . @var{right})}, where both @var{left} and @var{right} are in the
 staff-space unit of the current staff.")
+     (print-function ,procedure? "Function taking grob as argument,
+returning a @code{Stencil} object.")
      (ratio ,number? "Parameter for slur shape. The higher this number, the
 quicker the slur attains it @code{height-limit}.")
      (remove-first ,boolean? "Remove the first staff of a orchestral score?")
@@ -414,6 +424,7 @@
 expressed in global staffspace.")
      (staff-position ,number? "Vertical position, measured in half
 staff spaces, counted from the middle line.")
      (staffline-clearance ,ly:dimension? "How far away ties keep from
 staff lines.")
      (stemlet-length ,number? "How long should a stem over a rest be?")
@@ -457,17 +468,12 @@
      (transparent ,boolean? "This is almost the same as setting
 @code{print-function} to @code{#f}, but this retains the dimensions of
 this grob, which means that grobs can be erased individually.")
-     (bracket-visibility ,boolean-or-symbol? "This controls the
-visibility of the tuplet bracket.  Setting it to false will prevent
-printing of the bracket. Setting the property to @code{'if-no-beam}
-will make it print only if there is no beam associated with this
-tuplet bracket.")
+     (uniform-stretching ,boolean? "If set, items stretch proportional
+to their durations. This looks better in complex polyphonic patterns")
      (number-visibility ,boolean-or-symbol? "Like
 @code{bracket-visibility}, but for the number.")
-     (break-visibility ,vector? "A vector of 3 booleans, #(end-of-line 
unbroken begin-of-line).
-#t means visible, #f means killed.")
-     (flag-count ,number? "The number of tremolo beams.")
      (when ,ly:moment? "Global time step associated with this column
Index: lilypond/scm/framework-gnome.scm
diff -u lilypond/scm/framework-gnome.scm:1.46 
--- lilypond/scm/framework-gnome.scm:1.46       Wed Jun  8 13:10:21 2005
+++ lilypond/scm/framework-gnome.scm    Thu Aug  4 01:01:13 2005
@@ -201,6 +201,10 @@
                (ly:input-location music-origin)
+;; todo: how to integrate nicely?
+;(define-public (tweak-grob-property grob sym val)
+;  (set! (ly:grob-property grob sym) val))
 (define-method (tweak (go <gnome-outputter>) item offset)
   (let* ((grob (hashq-ref (item-grobs go) item #f))
Index: lilypond/scm/lily.scm
diff -u lilypond/scm/lily.scm:1.373 lilypond/scm/lily.scm:1.374
--- lilypond/scm/lily.scm:1.373 Mon Jul 25 11:21:56 2005
+++ lilypond/scm/lily.scm       Thu Aug  4 01:01:13 2005
@@ -346,13 +346,15 @@
                 (lambda (x y)
                   (string<? (car x) (car y)))))))))
-(define-public (tweak-grob-property grob sym val)
-  (set! (ly:grob-property grob sym) val))
 (define-public (lilypond-main files)
   "Entry point for LilyPond."
+  (define (no-files-handler)
+    (ly:usage)
+    (exit 2))
   (if (null? files)
@@ -365,10 +367,6 @@
          ;; HACK: be sure to exit with single newline
          (ly:message "")
          (exit 0)))))
-(define (no-files-handler)
-  (ly:usage)
-  (exit 2))
 (define-public (lilypond-all files)
   (let* ((failed '())

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