CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    ikebana
Changes by:     Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    05/07/28 11:14:10

Modified files:
        .              : ChangeLog 
Added files:
        .              : 

Log message:
        * use Completion_heads_engraver
        * (Music.set_start): use Rationals for lengths.
        * (Rational.ceil): new class.
        * (add_start_skip):  new function


Index: ikebana/ChangeLog
diff -u ikebana/ChangeLog:1.3 ikebana/ChangeLog:1.4
--- ikebana/ChangeLog:1.3       Thu Jul 21 23:14:18 2005
+++ ikebana/ChangeLog   Thu Jul 28 11:14:10 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+2005-07-28  Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * use Completion_heads_engraver
+       * (Music.set_start): use Rationals for lengths.
+       * (Rational.ceil): new class.
+       * (add_start_skip):  new function
 2005-07-22  Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * (NotationApplication.create_window): add zoom.
Index: ikebana/
diff -u ikebana/ ikebana/
--- ikebana/      Thu Jul 21 23:14:18 2005
+++ ikebana/  Thu Jul 28 11:14:10 2005
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 def mainquit (*args):
     gtk.main_quit ()
 class NotationApplication:
     def __init__ (self): = music.Music_document ()
@@ -48,9 +47,6 @@
         win.add (vbox) ()
-        toolbar.add_button ('zoom out', 'minus', lambda: canvas.zoom (-1), 0)
-        toolbar.add_button ('zoom in', 'Shift+plus', lambda: canvas.zoom (1), 
         return win
Index: ikebana/
diff -u ikebana/ ikebana/
--- ikebana/        Thu Jul 21 13:50:36 2005
+++ ikebana/    Thu Jul 28 11:14:10 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import string
+from rational import Rational
 class Duration:
        def __init__ (self):
@@ -28,16 +28,17 @@
                return d
        def length (self):
-               dot_fact = ((1 << (1 + self.dots))-1.0)/ (1 << self.dots)
+               dot_fact = Rational( (1 << (1 + self.dots))-1,
+                                    1 << self.dots)
                log = abs (self.duration_log)
                dur = 1 << log
                if self.duration_log < 0:
-                       base = 1.0 * dur
+                       base = Rational (dur)
-                       base = 1.0 / dur
+                       base = Rational (1, dur)
-               return base * dot_fact * self.factor[0]/self.factor[1]
+               return base * dot_fact * Rational (self.factor[0], 
 class Pitch:
        def __init__ (self):
@@ -79,11 +80,11 @@
        def __init__ (self):
                self.tag = None
                self.parent = None
-               self.start = 0.0
+               self.start = Rational (0)
        def length(self):
-               return 0.0
+               return Rational (0)
        def set_tag (self, counter, tag_dict):
                self.tag = counter
@@ -105,7 +106,6 @@
                return "(make-music '%s %s %s)" % (name, tag,  props)
        def set_start (self, start):
-               start = round (start * 384) / 384.0
                self.start = start
        def find_first (self, predicate):
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
        def recompute (self):
                self.tag_dict = {}
       (0, self.tag_dict)
-      (0.0)
+      (Rational (0))
 class NestedMusic(Music):
        def __init__ (self):
@@ -200,7 +200,8 @@
        def ly_expression (self):
                return '{ %s }' % string.join (map (lambda x:x.ly_expression(),
-                                                   self.elements)) 
+                                                   self.elements))
        def lisp_sub_expression (self, pred):
                name =
                tag = ''
@@ -222,7 +223,7 @@
                return "EventChord"
        def length (self):
-               l = 0.0
+               l = Rational (0)
                for e in self.elements:
                        l = max(l, e.length())
                return l
@@ -242,6 +243,10 @@
        def name (self):
                return "Event"
+class ArpeggioEvent(Music):
+       def name (self):
+               return 'ArpeggioEvent'
 class RhythmicEvent(Event):
        def __init__ (self):
                Event.__init__ (self)
@@ -290,17 +295,18 @@
        evc.insert_around (None, n, 0)
        m.insert_around (None, evc, 0)
-       evc = EventChord()
+       evc = EventChord()
        n = NoteEvent()
-       n.duration.duration_log = l
-       n.pitch.step = 2 
+       n.duration.duration_log = 0
+       n.pitch.step = 3
        evc.insert_around (None, n, 0)
        m.insert_around (None, evc, 0)
-       evc = EventChord()
+       evc = EventChord()
        n = NoteEvent()
        n.duration.duration_log = l
-       n.pitch.step = 3
+       n.pitch.step = 2 
        evc.insert_around (None, n, 0)
        m.insert_around (None, evc, 0)
@@ -309,7 +315,7 @@
 if __name__ == '__main__':
        expr = test_expr()
-       expr.set_start (0.0)
+       expr.set_start (Rational (0))
        start = 0.25
        stop = 0.5
Index: ikebana/
diff -u ikebana/ ikebana/
--- ikebana/     Thu Jul 21 23:14:18 2005
+++ ikebana/ Thu Jul 28 11:14:10 2005
@@ -7,11 +7,21 @@
 import music
 import pango
 import math
+from rational import Rational
+display_dpi = 75
+def get_display_dpi():
+    str = os.popen ('xdpyinfo | grep "dots per inch"').read ()
+    m = re.match ('([0-9]+)x([0-9]+) dots')
+    if m:
+        display_dpi = (string.atoi ( (2)) + string.atoi ( (2)))/2
 copy_lilypond_input = 1
 time_sig = (4, 4)
-measure_length = (1.0 * time_sig[0]) / time_sig[1]
+measure_length = Rational (time_sig[0], time_sig[1])
 scale = "'((0 . 0) (1 . 0) (2 . -2) (3 . 0) (4 . 0) (5 . -2) (6 . -2))"
 clefsetting = """
@@ -22,8 +32,10 @@
        (make-property-set 'middleCPosition 0) 'Staff)
-server = 'maagd'
-# server = 'localhost'
+    server = os.environ['IKEBANASERVER']
+except KeyError:
+    server = 'localhost'
 lilypond_input_log_file = open ("input.log", 'w')
@@ -47,7 +59,7 @@
        cont = len (data) > 0
        retval += data
     return retval
 def set_measure_number (str, num):
@@ -69,7 +81,6 @@
     %s))""" % (time_sig[0], time_sig[1], time_sig[0],
                time_sig[1], time_sig[1], num, scale, str)
@@ -83,6 +94,15 @@
     open (filename, 'w').write (str)
     base = os.path.splitext (filename)[0] + '.ps'
     os.system ('(lilypond %s && gv %s)&  ' % (filename, base))
+def add_start_skip (str, start_skip):
+    return """(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements
+               (list
+                (make-music 'SkipMusic
+                            'duration (ly:make-duration 0 0 %d %d))
+                %s))
+""" % (start_skip.num, start_skip.den, str)
 class Lilypond_socket_parser:
@@ -130,13 +150,15 @@
         self.notation = Notation (self)
         self.parser = Lilypond_socket_parser (self.interpret_line)
-        self.start_moment = 0.0
-        self.stop_moment = 3.0
+        self.start_moment = Rational (0)
+        self.stop_moment = Rational (3)
     def interpret_line (self, offset, cause, bbox, name, fields):
        notation_item = self.notation.add_item (offset, cause, bbox, fields) = name
+    def touch_document (self):
+        self.document.touched = True
     def update_notation(self):
        doc = self.document
@@ -145,20 +167,34 @@
                def sub(x):
                ok = (x.start >= self.start_moment and
-                      x.start +x.length() <= self.stop_moment)
+                      x.start + x.length() <= self.stop_moment)
                return ok
+        def sub2 (x):
+            return in ('RestEvent','NoteEvent') and  sub(x)
+        start_note = expr.find_first (sub2)
+        start_skip = start_note.start - start_note.start.floor()
+        print 'start_skip = ' ,  start_skip
        str = expr.lisp_sub_expression (sub)
-        str = set_measure_number (str, int (self.start_moment) + 1)
+        str = add_start_skip (str, start_skip)
+        bar_count = (self.start_moment / measure_length).floor()
+        str = set_measure_number (str, bar_count.num)
        str = talk_to_lilypond (str)
         self.parse_socket_file (str)
     def ensure_visible (self, when):
-        new_start =  max (math.floor (when - measure_length), 0.0)
-        new_stop = new_start + 3 * measure_length
+        new_start =  max ((when - measure_length).floor(), Rational(0))
+        new_stop = new_start + Rational (3) * measure_length
         if new_start <> self.start_moment or new_stop <> self.stop_moment:
-            self.document.touched = True
+            print "render interval", new_start, new_stop
+            self.touch_document()
         self.start_moment = new_start
         self.stop_moment = new_stop
@@ -185,105 +221,7 @@
         self.args = []
        self.canvas_item = None
        self.music_expression = None
-    def create_round_box_canvas_item (self, canvas):
-       root = canvas.root()
-       type = gnomecanvas.CanvasRect
-       (b, w, d, h, blot) = tuple (self.args) 
-       w = root.add (type,
-                     fill_color = 'black',
-                     x1 = - b,
-                     y1 = - d,
-                     x2 = w,
-                     y2 = h)
-       return w
-    def create_line_canvas_item (self, canvas):
-        type = gnomecanvas.CanvasLine
-       (thick, x1, y1, x2, y2) = tuple (self.args)
-        w = canvas.root().add (type,
-                              fill_color = 'black',
-                              width_units = thick,
-                              points = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
-                              )
-        return w
-    def create_glyph_item (self, canvas):
-        type = gnomecanvas.CanvasText 
-       (index, font_name, magnification, name) = tuple (self.args)
-        (family, style) = string.split (font_name, '-')
-        w = canvas.root().add (type,
-                              fill_color = 'black',
-                              family = family,
-                              family_set = True,
-                              anchor = gtk.ANCHOR_WEST,
-                              y_offset = 0.15,
-                              size_points = canvas.pixel_scale * 0.75 * 
-                              x = 0, y = 0,
-                              text = unichr (index))
-       return w
-    def create_polygon_item (self, canvas):
-        type = gnomecanvas.CanvasPolygon
-        (blot, fill) = tuple (self.args[:2])
-        coords = self.args[2:]
-        w = canvas.root ().add (type,
-                                fill_color = 'black',
-                                outline_color = 'black',
-                                width_units = blot,
-                                points = coords)
-        return w
-    def create_text_item (self, canvas):
-        type = gnomecanvas.CanvasText
-        (descr, str) = tuple (self.args)
-        magnification = 0.5
-#ugh: how to get pango_descr_from_string() in pygtk?
-       if descr.find (',') == -1:
-            (fam,rest) = tuple (string.split (descr, ' '))
-        else:
-            (fam,rest) = tuple (string.split (descr, ','))
-        size = string.atof (rest)
-        w = canvas.root().add (type,
-                               fill_color = 'black',
-                               family_set = True,
-                               family = fam,
-                               anchor = gtk.ANCHOR_SOUTH_WEST,
-                               y_offset = 0.75,
-                               size_points = size  * canvas.pixel_scale * 0.87 
 * magnification,
-                               text = str)
-        return w
-    def create_canvas_item (self, canvas):
-       citem = None
-       try:
-           method = Notation_item.dispatch_table[self.tag]
-           citem = method (self, canvas)
-           citem.move (*self.offset)
-           citem.notation_item = self
-           canvas.register_notation_canvas_item (citem)
-       except KeyError:
-           print 'no such key', self.tag
-       return citem
-    dispatch_table = {'draw_round_box' : create_round_box_canvas_item,
-                       'drawline': create_line_canvas_item,
-                       'glyphshow':create_glyph_item,
-                       'polygon': create_polygon_item,
-                       'utf-8' : create_text_item,
-                       }
 class Notation:
     """A complete line/system/page of LilyPond output. Consists of a
     number of Notation_items"""
@@ -302,7 +240,7 @@
     def add_item (self, offset, cause, bbox, fields):
            item = Notation_item()
-           item.tag = fields[0]
+           item.tag = fields[0]
            item.args = map (eval, fields[1:])
            item.offset = offset
            item.origin_tag = cause
@@ -324,10 +262,11 @@
        for i in self.items:
-           c_item = i.create_canvas_item (canvas)
+           c_item = canvas.create_canvas_item (i)
         canvas.set_cursor_to_music (self.music_cursor)
+        self.touched = False
     def set_cursor (self, music_expr):
         self.music_cursor = music_expr
         self.cursor_touched = True
@@ -341,7 +280,27 @@
         mus = mus.parent.get_neighbor (mus, dir)
         mus = mus.find_first (lambda x: in ('NoteEvent', 'RestEvent'))
         self.set_cursor (mus)
+    def cursor_move_chord (self, dir):
+        mus = self.music_cursor
+        if ()=='NoteEvent':
+            current_steps  = mus.pitch.steps()
+            other_steps = [(note, note.pitch.steps()) for
+                           note in mus.parent.elements if'NoteEvent']
+            def cmp(a,b):
+                if a[1] > b[1]:
+                    return 1
+                if a[1] < b[1]:
+                    return -1
+                return 0
+            bound_set = [(note, dir * step) for (note, step) in other_steps
+                         if dir * (step - current_steps) > 0]
+            bound_set.sort (cmp)
+            if bound_set:
+                self.set_cursor (bound_set[0][0])
     def insert_at_cursor (self, music, dir):
         mus = self.music_cursor
         if == 'EventChord':
@@ -497,6 +456,22 @@
                 p.alteration = new_alt
             self.touch_document ()
+    def set_alteration (self, alter):
+        if == 'NoteEvent':
+            p = self.music_cursor.pitch
+            p.alteration = alter
+            self.touch_document ()
+    def toggle_arpeggio (self):
+        par = self.music_cursor.parent
+        if "EventChord":
+            arps = [e for e in par.elements if'ArpeggioEvent']
+            if arps:
+                par.delete_element (arps[0])
+            else:
+                arp = music.ArpeggioEvent()
+                par.insert_around (self.music_cursor, arp, -1)
+            self.touch_document()
     def print_score(self):
         doc = self.notation_controller.document
         ly =
Index: ikebana/
diff -u ikebana/ ikebana/
--- ikebana/       Thu Jul 21 23:14:18 2005
+++ ikebana/   Thu Jul 28 11:14:10 2005
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import gnomecanvas
 import music
 import math
+import string
 class Notation_toolbar (gtk.VBox):
        def __init__ (self, notation, check_refresh_callback):
@@ -66,21 +67,31 @@
                          lambda: self.notation.print_score(), 0),
                         ('q', 'quit',
                          lambda: gtk.main_quit(), 0),
-                        ('Left', '<-',
+                        ('Left', 'left',
                          lambda: self.notation.cursor_move (-1), 0),
-                        ('Right', '->',
+                        ('Right', 'right',
                          lambda: self.notation.cursor_move (1), 0),
+                        ('Up', 'up',
+                         lambda: self.notation.cursor_move_chord (1), 0),
+                        ('Down', 'down',
+                         lambda: self.notation.cursor_move_chord (-1), 0),
                         ('space', 'new',
                          lambda: self.notation.add_note (), 0),
                         ('BackSpace', 'backspace',
                          lambda: self.notation.backspace (), 0),
-                        ('Shift+Up', '#',
-                         lambda: self.notation.change_alteration (2), 1),
-                        ('Shift+Down', 'b',
-                         lambda: self.notation.change_alteration (-2), 1),
-                        ('Up', 'up',
+                        ('Ctrl+Shift+at', 'bb',
+                         lambda: self.notation.set_alteration (-4), 1),
+                        ('Shift+at', 'b',
+                         lambda: self.notation.set_alteration (-2), 1),
+                        ('Shift+exclam', 'natural',
+                         lambda: self.notation.set_alteration (0), 1),
+                        ('Shift+numbersign', '#',
+                         lambda: self.notation.set_alteration (2), 1),
+                        ('x', 'x',
+                         lambda: self.notation.set_alteration (4), 1),
+                        ('Shift+Up', 'higher',
                          lambda: self.notation.change_step (1), 1),
-                        ('Down', 'down',
+                        ('Shift+Down', 'lower',
                          lambda: self.notation.change_step (-1), 1),
                         ('apostrophe', 'oct up',
                          lambda: self.notation.change_octave (1), 1),
@@ -90,6 +101,8 @@
                          lambda: self.notation.change_dots (), 1),
                         ('slash', 'shorter',
                          lambda: self.notation.change_duration_log (1), 1),
+                        ('Shift+asciitilde', "arpeggio",
+                         lambda: self.notation.toggle_arpeggio (), 1),
                         ('Shift+asterisk', 'longer',
                          lambda: self.notation.change_duration_log (-1), 1),
                         ('r', 'rest',
@@ -125,7 +138,6 @@
                        self.add_button (text, key_name, func, row)
 class Notation_canvas (gnomecanvas.Canvas):
        """The canvas for drawing notation symbols."""
@@ -178,8 +190,10 @@
        def click_event (self, widget, event = None):
                if event <> None and event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
-                       if event.button == 1 and in 
('Rest', 'NoteHead'):
+                       if (event.button == 1
+                           and in ('Rest',
+                                                             'NoteHead')):
                                notat = self.notation_canvas_controller.notation
@@ -206,6 +220,152 @@
                fact = pow (1.25, delta)
                self.pixel_scale *= fact
                self.set_pixels_per_unit (self.pixel_scale)
+       def create_canvas_item (canvas, item):
+           citem = None
+           try:
+               method = canvas.dispatch_table[item.tag]
+               citem = method (canvas, item)
+               citem.move (*item.offset)
+               citem.notation_item = item
+               canvas.register_notation_canvas_item (citem)
+           except KeyError:
+               print 'no such key', item.tag
+           return citem
+       def create_round_box_canvas_item (self, item):
+           canvas = self
+           root = canvas.root()
+           type = gnomecanvas.CanvasRect
+           (b, w, d, h, blot) = tuple (item.args) 
+           w = root.add (type,
+                         fill_color = 'black',
+                         x1 = - b,
+                         y1 = - d,
+                         x2 = w,
+                         y2 = h)
+           return w
+       def create_line_canvas_item (self, item):
+           canvas = self
+           type = gnomecanvas.CanvasLine
+           (thick, x1, y1, x2, y2) = tuple (item.args)
+           w = canvas.root().add (type,
+                                  fill_color = 'black',
+                                  width_units = thick,
+                                  points = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
+                                  )
+           return w
+       def create_glyph_item (self, item):
+           canvas = self
+           type = gnomecanvas.CanvasText 
+           (index, font_name, magnification, name) = tuple (item.args)
+           (family, style) = string.split (font_name, '-')
+           sz = canvas.pixel_scale * 0.75 * magnification
+           sz *= 1.2
+           w = canvas.root().add (type,
+                                  fill_color = 'black',
+                                  family = family,
+                                  family_set = True,
+                                  anchor = gtk.ANCHOR_WEST,
+                                  y_offset = 0.15,
+                                  size_points = sz,
+                                  x = 0, y = 0,
+                                  text = unichr (index))
+           return w
+       def create_polygon_item (self, item):
+           type = gnomecanvas.CanvasPolygon
+           canvas = self
+           (blot, fill) = tuple (item.args[:2])
+           coords = item.args[2:]
+           w = canvas.root ().add (type,
+                                   fill_color = 'black',
+                                   outline_color = 'black',
+                                   width_units = blot,
+                                   points = coords)
+           return w
+       def create_bezier_sandwich (self, item):
+           type = gnomecanvas.CanvasBpath
+           canvas = self
+           (thick,points) = tuple (item.args)
+           (tcl, tcr, tr, tl,
+            bcr, bcl, bl, br) = tuple (points) 
+           path = [(gnomecanvas.MOVETO_OPEN, tl[0], tl[1]),
+                   (gnomecanvas.CURVETO,
+                    tcl[0], tcl[1],
+                    tcr[0], tcr[1],
+                    tr[0], tr[1]),
+                   (gnomecanvas.LINETO,
+                    br[0], br[1]),
+                   (gnomecanvas.CURVETO,
+                    bcr[0], bcr[1],
+                    bcl[0], bcl[1],
+                    bl[0], bl[1]),
+                   (gnomecanvas.LINETO,
+                    tl[0], tl[1])
+                   ]
+           pathdef = gnomecanvas.path_def_new(path)
+    #        pathdef.closepath()
+           w = canvas.root().add (type,
+                                  fill_color = 'black',
+                                  outline_color = 'black',
+                                  width_units = thick)
+           w.set_bpath (pathdef)
+           return w
+       def create_text_item (self, item):
+           canvas = self
+           type = gnomecanvas.CanvasText
+           (descr, str) = tuple (item.args)
+           magnification = 0.5
+    #ugh: how to get pango_descr_from_string() in pygtk?
+           if descr.find (',') == -1:
+               (fam,rest) = tuple (string.split (descr, ' '))
+           else:
+               (fam,rest) = tuple (string.split (descr, ','))
+           size = string.atof (rest)
+           w = canvas.root().add (type,
+                                  fill_color = 'black',
+                                  family_set = True,
+                                  family = fam,
+                                  anchor = gtk.ANCHOR_SOUTH_WEST,
+                                  y_offset = 0.75,
+                                  size_points = size  * canvas.pixel_scale * 
0.87  * magnification,
+                                  text = str)
+           return w
+       dispatch_table = {'draw_round_box' : create_round_box_canvas_item,
+                         'drawline': create_line_canvas_item,
+                         'glyphshow':create_glyph_item,
+                         'polygon': create_polygon_item,
+                         'utf-8' : create_text_item,
+                         'bezier_sandwich': create_bezier_sandwich,
+                          }
 class Notation_canvas_controller:
        """The connection between canvas and the abstract notation graphics."""
Index: ikebana/
diff -u ikebana/ ikebana/
--- ikebana/       Wed Jul 13 19:10:53 2005
+++ ikebana/   Thu Jul 28 11:14:10 2005
@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@
     \override BarNumber  #'break-visibility = #all-visible
+  \context {
+    \Voice
+    \remove "Note_heads_engraver"
+    \consists "Completion_heads_engraver"
+  }
 #(define (render-socket-music music socket)
@@ -55,7 +60,9 @@
                 (close client)
                (display (format "Finished. Time elapsed: ~a\n"
                          (/ (- (get-internal-real-time) start-time) (* 1.0 
+               (gc) ; do GC while app is refreshing the screen.
@@ -76,3 +83,4 @@
 #(render-socket-music test-exp "test")

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