CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    lilypond
Changes by:     Nicolas Sceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      05/07/22 18:28:35

Modified files:
        scm            : markup.scm define-music-types.scm clef.scm 
        ly             : 
        .              : ChangeLog 

Log message:
        * scm/display-lily.scm: new file. Define a `display-lily-music'
        function, that displays the music expression given as an argument,
        using LilyPond notation.
        * scm/define-music-display-methods.scm: new file. Implementation
        of display methods for each music type.
        * ly/ (displayLilyMusic): new function for
        displaying music with LilyPond notation.
        * scm/markup.scm: remove obsolete debugging code (for printing
        markups with LilyPond notation).
        * scm/define-music-types.scm (music-name-to-property-table):
        * scm/clef.scm (supported-clefs): export, in order to be accessible
        from the (scm display-lily) module.


Index: lilypond/ChangeLog
diff -u lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3912 lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3913
--- lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3912   Fri Jul 22 17:52:36 2005
+++ lilypond/ChangeLog  Fri Jul 22 18:28:35 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+2005-07-22  Nicolas Sceaux  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * scm/display-lily.scm: new file. Define a `display-lily-music'
+       function, that displays the music expression given as an argument,
+       using LilyPond notation.
+       * scm/define-music-display-methods.scm: new file. Implementation
+       of display methods for each music type.
+       * ly/ (displayLilyMusic): new function for
+       displaying music with LilyPond notation.
+       * input/regression/ new regression test file
+       for `display-lily-music'.
+       * scm/markup.scm: remove obsolete debugging code (for printing
+       markups with LilyPond notation).
+       * scm/define-music-types.scm (music-name-to-property-table):
+       * scm/clef.scm (supported-clefs): export, in order to be accessible
+       from the (scm display-lily) module.
 2005-07-22  Jan Nieuwenhuizen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * Documentation/topdocs/NEWS.tely (Top): Typo.
Index: lilypond/ly/
diff -u lilypond/ly/ 
--- lilypond/ly/    Thu Jul 21 21:36:04 2005
+++ lilypond/ly/ Fri Jul 22 18:28:35 2005
@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@
 #(def-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
                 (display-scheme-music music)
+#(use-modules (scm display-lily))
+displayLilyMusic =
+#(def-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
+   (display-lily-init parser)
+   (display-lily-music music)
+   music)
 applyoutput =
 #(def-music-function (parser location proc) (procedure?)
                 (make-music 'ApplyOutputEvent 
Index: lilypond/scm/clef.scm
diff -u lilypond/scm/clef.scm:1.36 lilypond/scm/clef.scm:1.37
--- lilypond/scm/clef.scm:1.36  Tue Apr 12 22:49:25 2005
+++ lilypond/scm/clef.scm       Fri Jul 22 18:28:35 2005
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ;; -- the name clefOctavation is misleading. The value 7 is 1 octave,
 ;; not 7 Octaves.
-(define supported-clefs
+(define-public supported-clefs
   '(("treble" . ("clefs.G" -2 0))
     ("violin" . ("clefs.G" -2 0))
     ("G" . ("clefs.G" -2 0))
Index: lilypond/scm/define-music-types.scm
diff -u lilypond/scm/define-music-types.scm:1.62 
--- lilypond/scm/define-music-types.scm:1.62    Thu Jul 21 21:36:05 2005
+++ lilypond/scm/define-music-types.scm Fri Jul 22 18:28:35 2005
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@
 (set! music-descriptions
       (sort music-descriptions alist<?))
-(define music-name-to-property-table (make-vector 59 '()))
+(define-public music-name-to-property-table (make-vector 59 '()))
 ;; init hash table,
 ;; transport description to an object property.
Index: lilypond/scm/markup.scm
diff -u lilypond/scm/markup.scm:1.6 lilypond/scm/markup.scm:1.7
--- lilypond/scm/markup.scm:1.6 Wed Jun  1 14:26:13 2005
+++ lilypond/scm/markup.scm     Fri Jul 22 18:28:35 2005
@@ -221,43 +221,6 @@
         (else (values (car expr) (cdr expr)))))
-;;; Debugging utilities: print markup expressions in a friendly fashion
-(use-modules (ice-9 format))
-(define (markup->string markup-expr)
-  "Return a string describing, in LilyPond syntax, the given markup 
-  (define (proc->command proc)
-    (let ((cmd-markup (symbol->string (procedure-name proc))))
-      (substring cmd-markup 0 (- (string-length cmd-markup)
-                                 (string-length "-markup")))))
-  (define (arg->string arg)
-    (cond ((and (pair? arg) (pair? (car arg))) ;; markup list
-           (format #f "~{ ~a~}" (map markup->string arg)))
-          ((pair? arg)                         ;; markup
-           (markup->string arg))
-          ((string? arg)                       ;; scheme string argument
-           (format #f "#\"~a\"" arg))
-          (else                                ;; other scheme arg
-           (format #f "#~a" arg))))
-  (let ((cmd (car markup-expr))
-        (args (cdr markup-expr)))
-    (cond ((eqv? cmd simple-markup) ;; a simple string
-           (format #f "\"~a\"" (car args)))
-          ((eqv? cmd line-markup)   ;; { ... }
-           (format #f "{~a}" (arg->string (car args))))
-          ((eqv? cmd center-align-markup) ;; \center < ... >
-           (format #f "\\center-align <~a>" (arg->string (car args))))
-          ((eqv? cmd column-markup) ;; \column < ... >
-           (format #f "\\column <~a>" (arg->string (car args))))
-          (else                ;; \command ...
-           (format #f "\\~a~{ ~a~} " (proc->command cmd) (map arg->string 
-(define-public (display-markup markup-expr)
-  "Print a LilyPond-syntax equivalent for the given markup expression."
-  (display "\\markup ")
-  (display (markup->string markup-expr)))
 ;;; Utilities for storing and accessing markup commands signature
 ;;; and keyword.
 ;;; Examples:

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