CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    installers
Changes by:     Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   05/07/20 22:06:32

Modified files:
        windows        : TODO 

Log message:


Index: installers/windows/TODO
diff -u installers/windows/TODO:1.7 installers/windows/TODO:1.8
--- installers/windows/TODO:1.7 Wed Jul 20 21:05:13 2005
+++ installers/windows/TODO     Wed Jul 20 22:06:32 2005
@@ -13,22 +13,36 @@
 ** convert-ly: by default edit in place: -e
 * bugs
-** windows 98/me - out of environment space
-This is not a LilyPond problem, it is bug in Windows.  There is no
-easy automatic workaround, it needs user intervention, so it seems.
+** use find_editor function to select (find out if unicode lilypad crashes.)
-95, 98:
-Edit the Windows config.sys file and reboot
-    SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /E:4096 /U:250 /P
+** lilypond-windows / lilypond-console
+The -mwindows switch leads to broken behaviour on dos-based windows
+  1. system () commands must not be longer than 127 bytes (too short
+     for the gs command,
+  2. environment variables set with putenv () (or setenv from guile)
+     do not appear in subsequent system () calls.
+There are two ways to work around this.  The easiest is to ship two
+lilypond executables, one linked with -mwindows, and one without.
+On dos-based windows, we'd only use the lilypond-console.exe.  This
+solution introduces the flashing dos-box again, but at least it should
+work.  To get useful error output in FOO.log when running from the
+gui, we'll also need to introduce a -dgui switch.
+If we want to avoid the two executables and the flashing dos box, we
+could maybe work around problems 1. and 2. above
+  a. produce a gs.bat file (also flashes dos box) again, that sets
+  b. use the absolute file name of gs.bat (PATH is not set)
+  c. work around the command line and environment restrictions for gs
+     (for a. we need environment space, we also need a > 127 chars command)
+       (set cmd " /E:4096 /U:250 \"(effective-prefix)/gs.bat\""
+     and hope that works.
-FIXME: does not work in Windows ME.
-** lilypad-ascii: supply lilypad and lilypad-ascii, use find_editor
-   function to select (find out if unicode lilypad crashes.)
 ** Chinese/asian font issue
 * usability
@@ -81,4 +95,20 @@
 ** Ghostscript: fix cross compilation, factor out windows targets from
    windows makefiles (msvc/watcom configuration, dll build and windows
    support code are one big mess), submit patch.
+* Done
+** windows 98/me - out of environment space: do not use BAT files
+This is not a LilyPond problem, it is bug in Windows.  There is no
+easy automatic workaround, it needs user intervention, so it seems.
+95, 98:
+Edit the Windows config.sys file and reboot
+    SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /E:4096 /U:250 /P
+FIXME: does not work in Windows ME.
+** lilypad-ascii: supply lilypad and lilypad-ascii

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