CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    lilypond
Branch:         lilypond_2_6
Changes by:     Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   05/07/20 21:06:32

Modified files:
        scm            : lily.scm 
        .              : ChangeLog 

Log message:


Index: lilypond/ChangeLog
diff -u lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3836.2.6 lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3836.2.7
--- lilypond/ChangeLog:1.3836.2.6       Fri Jul 15 21:27:49 2005
+++ lilypond/ChangeLog  Wed Jul 20 21:06:32 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2005-07-19  Jan Nieuwenhuizen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * lily/ (main): Remove invalid handle kludge.
+       * scm/lily.scm (running-from-gui?): WINDOWS: check -dgui.
+       (lambda): add gui define.
 2005-07-15  Graham Percuval  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * Documentation/user/ <various>: backported stuff.
Index: lilypond/scm/lily.scm
diff -u /dev/null lilypond/scm/lily.scm:1.367.2.1
--- /dev/null   Wed Jul 20 21:06:33 2005
+++ lilypond/scm/lily.scm       Wed Jul 20 21:06:32 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+;;;; lily.scm -- toplevel Scheme stuff
+;;;;  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
+;;;; (c) 1998--2005 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+;;;; Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+(for-each (lambda (x)
+           (ly:add-option (car x) (cadr x) (caddr x)))
+         '((point-and-click #t "use point & click")
+           (midi-debug #f "generate human readable MIDI")
+           (internal-type-checking #f "check every property assignment for 
+           (parse-protect #t    "continue when finding errors in inline
+scheme are caught in the parser. If off, halt 
+on errors, and print a stack trace.")
+           (old-relative #f
+                         "relative for simultaneous music works
+similar to chord syntax")
+           (resolution 101 "resolution for generating bitmaps")
+           (anti-alias-factor 1 "render at higher resolution and scale down 
result\nto prevent jaggies in PNG")
+           (preview-include-book-title #t "include book-titles in preview 
+           (gs-font-load #f
+                         "load fonts via Ghostscript.")
+           (gui #f "running from gui; redirect stderr to log file")
+           (delete-intermediate-files #f
+                                      "delete unusable PostScript files")
+           (verbose #f "value for the --verbose flag")
+           (ttf-verbosity 0
+                          "how much verbosity for TTF font embedding?")
+           (debug-gc #f
+                     "dump GC protection info")))
+(if (defined? 'set-debug-cell-accesses!)
+    (set-debug-cell-accesses! #f))
+;(set-debug-cell-accesses! 1000)
+(use-modules (ice-9 regex)
+            (ice-9 safe)
+             (ice-9 optargs)
+            (oop goops)
+            (srfi srfi-1)
+            (srfi srfi-13)
+            (srfi srfi-14))
+;; my display
+(define-public (myd k v) (display k) (display ": ") (display v) (display ", "))
+(define-public (print . args)
+  (apply format (cons (current-output-port) args)))
+;;; General settings
+;;; debugging evaluator is slower.  This should
+;;; have a more sensible default.
+(if (ly:get-option 'verbose)
+    (begin
+      (debug-enable 'debug)
+      (debug-enable 'backtrace)
+      (read-enable 'positions)))
+(define-public tex-backend?
+  (member (ly:output-backend) '("texstr" "tex")))
+(define-public parser #f)
+(define-public (lilypond-version)
+  (string-join
+   (map (lambda (x) (if (symbol? x)
+                       (symbol->string x)
+                       (number->string x)))
+       (ly:version))
+   "."))
+;; cpp hack to get useful error message
+(define ifdef "First run this through cpp.")
+(define ifndef "First run this through cpp.")
+;; gettext wrapper for guile < 1.7.2
+(if (defined? 'gettext)
+    (define-public _ gettext)
+    (define-public _ ly:gettext))
+(define-public (ly:load x)
+  (let* ((file-name (%search-load-path x)))
+    (if (ly:get-option 'verbose)
+       (ly:progress "[~A" file-name))
+    (primitive-load file-name)
+    (if (ly:get-option 'verbose)
+       (ly:progress "]"))))
+(define-public TEX_STRING_HASHLIMIT 10000000)
+;; Cygwin
+;; #(CYGWIN_NT-5.1 Hostname 1.5.12(0.116/4/2) 2004-11-10 08:34 i686)
+;; Debian
+;; #(Linux hostname 2.4.27-1-686 #1 Fri Sep 3 06:28:00 UTC 2004 i686)
+;; Mingw
+;; #(Windows XP HOSTNAME build 2600 5.01 Service Pack 1 i686)
+;; ugh, code dup.
+(define-public PLATFORM
+  (string->symbol
+   (string-downcase
+    (car (string-tokenize (vector-ref (uname) 0) char-set:letter)))))
+(define-public DOS
+  (let ((platform (string-tokenize
+                  (vector-ref (uname) 0) char-set:letter+digit)))
+    (if (null? (cdr platform)) #f
+       (member (string-downcase (cadr platform)) '("95" "98" "me")))))
+  ((windows)
+   (define native-getcwd getcwd)
+   (define (slashify x)
+     (if (string-index x #\\)
+        x
+        (string-regexp-substitute
+         "//*" "/"
+         (string-regexp-substitute "\\\\" "/" x))))
+   ;; FIXME: this prints a warning.
+  (define-public (ly-getcwd)
+     (slashify (native-getcwd))))
+  (else (define-public ly-getcwd getcwd)))
+(define-public (is-absolute? file-name)
+  (let ((file-name-length (string-length file-name)))
+    (if (= file-name-length 0)
+       #f
+       (or (eq? (string-ref file-name 0) #\/)
+           (and (eq? PLATFORM 'windows)
+                (> file-name-length 2)
+                (eq? (string-ref file-name 1) #\:)
+                (eq? (string-ref file-name 2) #\/))))))
+(define (type-check-list location signature arguments)
+  "Typecheck a list of arguments against a list of type
+predicates. Print a message at LOCATION if any predicate failed."
+  (define (recursion-helper signature arguments count) 
+    (define (helper pred? arg count) 
+      (if (not (pred? arg))
+         (begin
+           (ly:input-message
+            location
+            (format
+             #f (_ "wrong type for argument ~a.  Expecting ~a, found ~s")
+             count (type-name pred?) arg))
+           #f)
+         #t))
+    (if (null? signature)
+       #t
+       (and (helper (car signature) (car arguments) count)
+            (recursion-helper (cdr signature) (cdr arguments) (1+ count)))))
+  (recursion-helper signature arguments 1))
+;;  output
+;;(define-public (output-framework) (write "hello\n"))
+(define output-tex-module
+  (make-module 1021 (list (resolve-interface '(scm output-tex)))))
+(define output-ps-module
+  (make-module 1021 (list (resolve-interface '(scm output-ps)))))
+(define-public (ps-output-expression expr port)
+  (display (eval expr output-ps-module) port))
+;; Safe definitions utility
+(define safe-objects (list))
+(define-macro (define-safe-public arglist . body)
+  "Define a variable, export it, and mark it as safe, ie usable in LilyPond 
safe mode.
+The syntax is the same as `define*-public'."
+  (define (get-symbol arg)
+    (if (pair? arg)
+        (get-symbol (car arg))
+        arg))
+  (let ((safe-symbol (get-symbol arglist)))
+    `(begin
+       (define*-public ,arglist
+         ,@body)
+       (set! safe-objects (cons (cons ',safe-symbol ,safe-symbol)
+                                safe-objects))
+       ,safe-symbol)))
+;; other files.
+(for-each ly:load
+         ;; load-from-path
+         '("lily-library.scm"
+           "file-cache.scm"
+           "define-music-types.scm"
+           "output-lib.scm"
+           "c++.scm"
+           "chord-ignatzek-names.scm"
+           "chord-entry.scm"
+           "chord-generic-names.scm"
+           "stencil.scm"
+           "markup.scm"
+           "bass-figure.scm"
+           "music-functions.scm"
+           "part-combiner.scm"
+           "define-music-properties.scm"
+           "auto-beam.scm"
+           "chord-name.scm"
+           "ly-from-scheme.scm"
+           "define-context-properties.scm"
+           "translation-functions.scm"
+           "script.scm"
+           "midi.scm"
+           "beam.scm"
+           "clef.scm"
+           "slur.scm"
+           "font.scm"
+           "encoding.scm"
+           "fret-diagrams.scm"
+           "define-markup-commands.scm"
+           "define-grob-properties.scm"
+           "define-grobs.scm"
+           "define-grob-interfaces.scm"
+           "define-stencil-commands.scm"
+           "page-layout.scm"
+           "titling.scm"
+           "paper.scm"
+           "backend-library.scm"
+           "x11-color.scm"
+           ;; must be after everything has been defined
+           "safe-lily.scm"))
+(set! type-p-name-alist
+      `(
+       (,boolean-or-symbol? . "boolean or symbol")
+       (,boolean? . "boolean")
+       (,char? . "char")
+       (,grob-list? . "list of grobs")
+       (,hash-table? . "hash table")
+       (,input-port? . "input port")
+       (,integer? . "integer")
+       (,list? . "list")
+       (,ly:context? . "context")
+       (,ly:dimension? . "dimension, in staff space")
+       (,ly:dir? . "direction")
+       (,ly:duration? . "duration")
+       (,ly:grob? . "layout object")
+       (,ly:input-location? . "input location")
+       (,ly:moment? . "moment")
+       (,ly:music? . "music")
+       (,ly:pitch? . "pitch")
+       (,ly:translator? . "translator")
+       (,ly:font-metric? . "font metric")
+       (,markup-list? . "list of markups")
+       (,markup? . "markup")
+       (,ly:music-list? . "list of music")
+       (,number-or-grob? . "number or grob")
+       (,number-or-string? . "number or string")
+       (,number-pair? . "pair of numbers")
+       (,number? . "number")
+       (,output-port? . "output port")   
+       (,pair? . "pair")
+       (,procedure? . "procedure") 
+       (,scheme? . "any type")
+       (,string? . "string")
+       (,symbol? . "symbol")
+       (,vector? . "vector")))
+;; debug mem leaks
+(define gc-protect-stat-count 0)
+(define-public (dump-gc-protects)
+  (set! gc-protect-stat-count (1+ gc-protect-stat-count))
+  (let* ((protects (sort
+                   (hash-table->alist (ly:protects))
+                   (lambda (a b)
+                     (< (object-address (car a))
+                        (object-address (car b))))))
+        (out-file-name (string-append
+                        "gcstat-" (number->string gc-protect-stat-count)
+                        ".scm"))
+        (outfile    (open-file  out-file-name  "w")))
+    (display (format "Dumping gc protected objs to ~a...\n" out-file-name))
+    (display
+     (filter
+      (lambda (x) (not (symbol? x))) 
+      (map (lambda (y)
+            (let ((x (car y))
+                  (c (cdr y)))
+              (string-append
+               (string-join
+                (map object->string (list (object-address x) c x))
+                " ")
+               "\n")))
+          protects))
+     outfile)
+    (if (defined? 'gc-live-object-stats)
+       (let*
+           ((dummy (gc))
+            (dummy2 (gc))
+            (stats (gc-live-object-stats))
+            )
+         (for-each
+          (lambda (x)
+            (format outfile "~a: ~a\n" (car x) (cdr x)))
+          (sort (gc-live-object-stats)
+                (lambda (x y)
+                  (string<? (car x) (car y)))))
+          ))
+    ))
+(define-public (tweak-grob-property grob sym val)
+  (set! (ly:grob-property grob sym) val))
+(define-public (lilypond-main files)
+  "Entry point for LilyPond."
+  (if (null? files)
+      (no-files-handler))
+  (let ((failed (lilypond-all files)))
+    (if (pair? failed)
+       (begin
+         (ly:error (_ "failed files: ~S") (string-join failed))
+         (exit 1))
+       (begin
+         ;; HACK: be sure to exit with single newline
+         (ly:message "")
+         (exit 0)))))
+(define (no-files-handler)
+  (ly:usage)
+  (exit 2))
+(define-public (lilypond-all files)
+  (let* ((failed '())
+        (handler (lambda (key failed-file)
+                   (set! failed (append (list failed-file) failed)))))
+    ;;(handler (lambda (key . arg) (set! failed (append arg failed)))))
+    (for-each (lambda (x) (lilypond-file handler x)) files)
+    failed))
+(define (lilypond-file handler file-name)
+  (catch 'ly-file-failed
+        (lambda () (ly:parse-file file-name))
+        (lambda (x . args) (handler x file-name)))
+  (if (ly:get-option 'debug-gc)
+      (dump-gc-protects)))
+(use-modules (scm editor))
+(define-public (running-from-gui?)
+  (let ((have-tty? (isatty? (current-input-port))))
+    ;; If no TTY and not using safe, assume running from GUI.
+    (cond
+     ((eq? PLATFORM 'windows)
+      (if DOS #f
+      ;; This only works for i586-mingw32msvc-gcc -mwindows
+      (not (string-match "standard input"
+                        (format #f "~S" (current-input-port))))))
+     ;; FIXME: using -dgui would be nice, but it does not work
+     ((eq? PLATFORM 'foo-windows)
+      (ly:get-option 'gui))
+     ((eq? PLATFORM 'darwin) #f)
+     (else
+      (not have-tty?)))))
+(define-public (gui-main files)
+  (if (null? files)
+      (gui-no-files-handler))
+  (let* ((base (basename (car files) ".ly"))
+        (log-name (string-append base ".log")))
+    (if (not (running-from-gui?))
+       (ly:message (_ "Redirecting output to ~a...") log-name))
+    (ly:stderr-redirect log-name "w")
+    (ly:message "# -*-compilation-*-")
+    (let ((failed (lilypond-all files)))
+      (if (pair? failed)
+         (begin
+           ;; ugh
+           (ly:stderr-redirect "foo" "r")
+           (system (get-editor-command log-name 0 0 0))
+           (ly:error (_ "failed files: ~S") (string-join failed))
+           ;; not reached?
+           (exit 1))
+         (exit 0)))))
+(define (gui-no-files-handler)
+  (let* ((ly (string-append (ly:effective-prefix) "/ly/"))
+        ;; FIXME: soft-code, localize
+        (welcome-ly (string-append ly ""))
+        (cmd (get-editor-command welcome-ly 0 0 0)))
+    (ly:message (_ "Invoking `~a'...") cmd)
+    (system cmd)
+    (exit 1)))
+(or (not (running-from-gui?))
+    (ly:get-option 'safe)
+    (define lilypond-main gui-main))

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