CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/lilypond
Module name:    workbook
Changes by:     Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    05/06/27 13:37:35

Modified files:
        .              : ChangeLog announce.txt 

Log message:
        trim intro.


Index: workbook/ChangeLog
diff -u workbook/ChangeLog:1.3 workbook/ChangeLog:1.4
--- workbook/ChangeLog:1.3      Mon Jun 27 13:02:43 2005
+++ workbook/ChangeLog  Mon Jun 27 13:37:35 2005
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 2005-06-27  Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * announce.txt: rephrasing
+       trim intro.     
 2005-06-03  Han-Wen Nienhuys  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * announce.txt: add installers.
Index: workbook/announce.txt
diff -u workbook/announce.txt:1.9 workbook/announce.txt:1.10
--- workbook/announce.txt:1.9   Mon Jun 27 13:02:47 2005
+++ workbook/announce.txt       Mon Jun 27 13:37:35 2005
@@ -6,17 +6,13 @@
-LilyPond creates beautiful music notation.  It is open source/free
-software, and is available for all popular operating systems.  It runs
-on most Unix flavors -- including Linux and MacOS X -- and Microsoft
-LilyPond is now truly for everyone.
+LilyPond creates beautiful music notation.  LilyPond is now truly for
 - For every platform
   LilyPond now installs in a snap on Windows, MacOS X, and any version
-  of Linux.  Get up and running in minutes!
+  of Linux/x86.  Get up and running in minutes!
 - For every language
@@ -51,3 +47,73 @@
 Grab it at
+A big thank-you goes out to our contributors, translators, website
+translators and bug-hunters:
+Andreas Scherer, Arno Waschk, Bertalan Fodor, Carl Sorensen, Christian
+Hitz, David Jedlinsky, Erlend Aasland, Heikki Junes, John Williams,
+Jonatan Liljedahl, Juergen Reuter, Mats Bengtsson, Matthias Neeracher,
+Mathieu Giraud, Nicolas Sceaux, Pal Benko, Sebastiano Vigna, Tatsuya
+Ono, Vicente Solsona Della, Werner Lemberg, and Yuval Harel.
+Abel Cheung, John Mandereau, Olcay Yıldırım, Roland Stigge and Steven
+Michael Murphy
+Gauvain Pocentek, Jean-Charles Malahieude, John Mandereau, and Tineke
+de Munnik.
+Bertalan Fodor, Chris Sawer, Gunther Strube, Hans Forbrich, Jonathan
+Walther, Marcus Macauley, and Steve Doonan.
+Alexandre Beneteau, Andreas Scherer, Anthony W. Youngman, Antti
+Kaihola, Arjan Bos, David Bobroff, Bernard Hurley, Bruce Fairchild,
+Bruce McIntyre, Bruce Fairchild, Daniel Johnson, David Rogers, Dylan
+Nicholson, Ed Jackson, Erik Ronström, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano,
+Gilles Sadowski, Jack O'Quin, Jeff Smith, Johannes Schindelin, John
+Mandereau, Jose Miguel Pasini, Josiah Boothby, Juergen Reuter, Karl
+Hammar, Laura Conrad, Olivier Guéry, Paul Scott, Richard Schoeller,
+Rob Platt, Roman Stöckl-Schmidt, Russ Jorgensen, Simon Bailey, Stephen
+McCarthy, Sven Axelsson, Tapio Tuovila, Tom Cato Amundsen, Will Oram,
+and Wolfgang Hoffmann.
+Happy music printing,
+The LilyPond development team,
+Han-Wen Nienhuys & Jan Nieuwenhuizen
+Core development
+Graham Percival
+Documentation Editor
+Erik Sandberg
+Pedro Kroeger
+Build meister

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